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Adınızın Elfçesi , vs...

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Dear Aptal Salak, If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Frebo Broadbeam
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Laddyn
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Isil-Gar
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Tosil
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Gadash
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Zoo
and your sword would be called Glamallos

zuhaha bu arada aptalla salağında elfçesini öğrendik
Mesaj tarihi:
Cirit, 27 Ocak 2005 20:13 tarihinde demiş ki:
bu ne ya moron gibi.farklı ip ile girsek kesin başka bişey çıkar.
sanmam bana kalırsa kaydediyor[signature][hline]Her sabah yolunu gözlerim ,
Buğdayların arasındaki yeşil okyanusları görebilmek ,
Kır çiçeklerinin kokusunu duyabilmek ,
Beni sevdiğini hayal edebilmek için...
Grandmaster zgrw
Çankaya Üniversitesi Go-Kart Topluluğu Kurucusu

[Bu imza zgrw tarafından 12 Novamber 2004 23:12 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Frodoc Bolo
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Yrumyr
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Pionduil
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Kisin
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Vorag
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Friends of the Queen
and your sword would be called Trithdris

ehueh süpermiş hacı helal olsun..[signature][hline]
Mana alassë equë inyë Turk!!!

Beden, Din ve Milli Güvenlik karneye 5 geliyor eh zaten öteside boş.. (fiziğim, dinim, millet sevgim kuvvetli ötesi yok..)
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Driam Whitfoot
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Seran
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Belithral
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Glomli
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Prurag
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Zoo
and your sword would be called Alaithol[signature][hline]Her Türk mutlaka okumalı
Bir Türk'ü öldürebilirsiniz ama bir Türk'ü asla yenemezsiniz !
Strenght , Pride, Discipline
HOI2 AI yi George Bush yazmış.
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Riagrin Newbuck
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Gwercyn
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Belaldur
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Moibur
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Eraol
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Eastern Delights
and your sword would be called Trithdrsol

çok güzel ve yaratıcı..[signature][hline]Known as "Raven" icq:289270637 msn:[email protected]
Geçen bi zepline bindim, zeplini 2 küçük goblin kullanıyordu...
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Boim Tunnelly
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Cararyn
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Hebrimbor
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Vesil
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Parg
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Sign of the Talon
and your sword would be called Glamcatsol[signature][hline]Icq: 668699
Msn: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Periabo Worrywort
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Deonnyn
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Celithrandil
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Segnar
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Hodush
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Zoo
and your sword would be called Dulcatis

Dwarf olanı beğendim diğerleri güzel değil.[signature][hline]Sonunu düşünen kahraman olamaz

Jerian Flameeye of
Mesaj tarihi:
hoş olmuş bence :) kim yaptıysa güzel yapmış :) gerçi alıştık bunlara ya neyse :)[signature][hline]Her sabah yolunu gözlerim ,
Buğdayların arasındaki yeşil okyanusları görebilmek ,
Kır çiçeklerinin kokusunu duyabilmek ,
Beni sevdiğini hayal edebilmek için...
Grandmaster zgrw
Çankaya Üniversitesi Go-Kart Topluluğu Kurucusu

[Bu imza zgrw tarafından 12 Novamber 2004 23:12 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Boidoc Ness
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Owumyr
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Gliondel
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Hirin
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Eridash
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Good Rest Inn
and your sword would be called Dulcatsil
[signature][hline]Web Master of Turkoyun
Ne oldum degil !!! Ne olacam demelisin !!!
Sanal Mesleğinizi öğrenmek istiyorsanız TIKLAYIN
Seytana Uyan Kaybeder Aslan !! Fazla Zıplama Arkana Yaslan !!

[Bu mesaj zergling tarafından 27 Ocak 2005 20:38 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Peroippi Proudfoot
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Rhar
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Gérion
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Disin
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Pragor
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Orange Necromancer
and your sword would be called Aldurlos[signature][hline]Firearrow the Archer
When you see me.
Prepare yourself to die.
If you don't prepare yourself to die.
I can do it for you

Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Bidoc Weaver
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Ron
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Amil-Galith
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Molir
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Grorag
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Heart of Oak
and your sword would be called Trithdrlos
süper isimler çıktı ya bu arada bar için "şaziye bar" yazmştm "the heart of oak çıktı" :P
Mesaj tarihi:
bende internet cafe yazmıştım orange bilmemne çıktı :-P[signature][hline]Firearrow the Archer
When you see me.
Prepare yourself to die.
If you don't prepare yourself to die.
I can do it for you

Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Driappi Digswell
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Cedoc
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Vandir
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Hoinar
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Pinak
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Singing Hobbit
and your sword would be called Dulcatas[signature][hline]TheCoder demiş ki:
hocam sen güvenliği kıracaksın sen overlock için gerekli yazılımı hazırlayacaksın sen donanımın sınırlarına göre chipset ayarı vereceksin sende page scripti yaz..

Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Bidoc Mugwort
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Ron
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Amil-Galith
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Molir
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Grorag
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Crow's Nest
and your sword would be called Trithdrlos

Demek ki Hacettepe Crow's Nest miş :D[signature][hline]Msn ¦ Mail ¦ Icq
"Dün gece Habertürk'de bir programa çıktık, program uzadı da uzadı, böyle seks filmi gibi saat 2 ye kadar falan..." => Erman Toroğlu
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Gwealyan Brandybuck
and if you were a (female) Man, your name would be Aleviel
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Gythien
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Dyll
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Vrurbag
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Zoo
and your sword would be called Gomalsil[signature][hline]"Ora che ho perso la vista, ci vedo di piu"
Mesaj tarihi:
herşeyim fistanla aynı çıktı be.

If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Merabo Took
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Leoryn
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Anarandil
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Gili
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Erulo
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Dragon's Hoarde
and your sword would be called Ancatol[signature][hline]*reading screen* "To Start Press Any Key". Where's the ANY key? I see Esk [ESC], Catarl [CTRL], and Pig-Up [PGUP]. There doesn't seem to be any ANY key. Woo! All this computer hacking is making me thirsty. I think I'll order a TAB. *presses TAB key*
Mesaj tarihi:
Dear Bonecrusher ,
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Perogo Worrywort
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Lanry
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Tinilmambor
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Rofur
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Grudish
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Zoo
and your sword would be called Alaling
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Dregrin Starsley
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Rhunyc
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Glebriwyn
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Bili
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Prigar
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Drunken Sailor
and your sword would be called Pelthail

eheh cüce ismi çok süper.geh bili bili..
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Drerry Brownlock
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Lyran
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Unondel
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Soimli
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Gorg
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Zoo
and your sword would be called Peldurlos[signature][hline]<''>^^Vuracagınız avın peşinden mi koşarsınız yoksa vurdugunuz avın mı?^^<''>
Mesaj tarihi:
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Bidoc Goodchild
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Ron
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Amil-Galith
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Molir
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Grorag
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Zoo
and your sword would be called Trithdrlos

ben hic bise anlamadim ama.:-)[signature][hline]TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİNİ KURAN TURKİYE HALKINA TURK MİLLETİ DENİR.
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