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Fallout 4 #3

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Mesaj tarihi:
aww yiss,



plasma silahlara denk crosbow yapilabiliyor, bir suru modu parcasi var eklenebilen, ama her bolt tipi her mod ile calismiyor gibi. her atistan sonra reload gerekli.
Mesaj tarihi:

kid in fridge quest

Talk to Billy - He will inform the player that he had fled to the fridge when the Great War started and that he had been trapped in the fridge for two hundred years. He tells the player that he wants to find his family and return to his home (much logic,great writing,goty,wow)

Besthesta cryogenic buzdolapları fişinin takılı olmasına bile gerek yok^^
Mesaj tarihi:
Laurelin said:

buzdolobi > nuke, bu baya baya oturmus bir olgu


tesekkurler lucas <3

daha iyisi yapilmisti:


Mesaj tarihi:
dun bir daha bir yeni tur oynayayim dedim.

i-ih. f3 sendromunun aynisini yasatti bana. f3 u gene 2 kere oynayabilmistim. bunda ona da sabredemedim. GECK ciksin da belki modlar 2. tura sebep olur.

yeni elder scrolls gelse de onla ugrassak bari.
Mesaj tarihi:
aa iyi bu gecemiymis ben yarin aksama kalir heralde diyordum,

bu silah mod sistemi kadar genis robot customization var diyorlar, her parcasini farkli bir robottan alip bambaska bir tane yapabiliyoruz ayni su haritadaki semi-secret robot oyuncaklari gibi, birde yeni companion var. benim merak ettigim bunlari settlementlara atayabiliyor muyuz aceba.

Mesaj tarihi:
hmm redditten baktimda simdi settler olarak kullaniliyor galiba bunlar :D incoming Codsworth Army!1

%99 tahminim robotics expert isteyecek bunlari crafting icin, yes man robotu var mi acaba lol
Mesaj tarihi:
2 yeni bolge var biri normal boyutta, digeri kocaman, survival patchi gelmeden yapmak en iyisi gibi bunu cunku bir kere girince yerin 10 kat altindan tekrar yukari yurumek olum bir suru de loot var icerde.

yeni companion da mecbur sizinle geliyor kapilari acmak icin gerekli. Hemen tum robotlar sizin levela scale oluyor (max scale 75), ben lvl 74-77 idim yaparken, lvl 75 altinda sadece 2-3 robot gordum.

ayrica son savastan/odadan once mutlaka ayri save edin ve savas esnasinda:

yukardaki uretim bantlarindaki robotlari vurmayin, birakin onlar gelsin size, yoksa dialog baslamiyor bug oluyor. Mechanist konusmak icin asagi gelince de loot icin dolanmadan konusun cok beklerseniz dusman oluyor. Sonrasinda yeni settlement oluyor burasi.


robot yapimi da cok guzel ama baya cok rare kaynak istiyor onceki craftinglere gore. Ozellikle tonlarca seramik lazim.

Settlementlara konuyor robotlar her isi yapiyorlar yemek/su istemeden.

haftaya da survival update'in betasi basliyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
ikinci kez oynuyorum. ancak her seyi ayni yapmak zorunda kaliyorum. secenek diye bir sey yok. jerk de olsaniz goodie de olsaniz her bir halt ayni. sandbox oyunda tekrar oynanabilirligi dibe vurdurmayi nasil basarmis bu arkadaslar?
Mesaj tarihi:
faction ana questleri diger gruplarla cakismaya basladigi kirilma noktasina kadar genelde ayni ama bazilarinda cift tarafli oynanabiliyor, hemen her factionda var. birde gene ana questlerdeki birtakim secimlere gore bikac side quest aciliyor yada kapaniyor tamamen sectigin tarafa gore.

misal institute questlerini railroad yada BoS tarafina yardim edecek sekilde farkli yapabiliyorsun bir noktaya kadar yada vice versa.
Mesaj tarihi:
BethesdaGameStudios Verified account

#Fallout4 Survival mode overhaul should be in Steam beta next week. #PleaseStandBy
Mesaj tarihi:
Namessar said:

New vegas in gozunu seveyim.

War, War never changes. But Bethesda has.

When Fallout 4 Launched, those who survived did so in Fallout 3. When the steam reviews rolled out the community set out across the ruins of the old franchise to build new mods. As 48 hours past, what had been the Fallout community, united underneath the flag of the New Fallout Republic, dedicated to old Fallout values of non-voice acted protaganists and actual RPG elements. As the Republic grew, so did it's age, modders spread east seeking better storylines and Intellegint speach options the dryer mercilless expense of the Fallout franchise could offer.

They returned with tales of a game untouched by Fallout 4's terrible launch that have scorched the rest of the world and a great wall of its mods spanning the Fallout Nexus site.

The NFR mobilized its army and sent it east to occupy the Fallout 4's steam page and restore it to negetive reviews that actually made sense. but across the Nexus another society had arrisen under a diffrent flag. A vast army of Fanboys who had never played an RPG in their life. Forged from the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ communities of COD and just about every EA game, Todd's Legion. 4 days have passed since the Republic held the steam page just barrely against the Legion's fake possitive reviews. The Fanboys did not retreat. across the Nexus the legion gathers strength. Dialoge options release, re-textures come out. Through it all Fallout: New Vegas, stayed open for buissness under the control of it's mysterious overseers obsidian entertainment and their army of rehabilitated fanboys.

You are a reviewer hired by IGN to deliver a review for Fallout 4. What seemed like a simple 10/10 has taken a turn for the worst.

IGN representitive 1: You got the review you wanted, so pay up.
Todd Howard: You're crying about a review pally.
IGN representitive 2: Guess who's community is wakin' up over here?
Todd Howard: Time to cash in.
IGN representitive 1: Will you get it over with?
Todd Howard: Maybe EA kills franchises without looking the community in the face, but I ain't EA. You made your last honest review kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this buisness. From where your review stands, it must seem like an 7/10 run of bad luck. Truth is... The Franchise was rigged from the start.

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