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Fantastic Four (2015)

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Days before Fantastic Four opened, director Josh Trank sent an email to some members of the cast and crew to say he was proud of the film, which, he wrote, was "better than 99 percent of the comic-book movies ever made."

"I don't think so," responded one castmember.



Sources say Fox believed in what one executive calls a "grounded, gritty version of Fantastic Four that was almost the opposite of previous versions" — and initially thought Trank could deliver that. Several sources say Fox stood by Trank as he pushed a gloomy tone on young stars Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara and Jamie Bell. "During takes, he would be telling [castmembers] when to blink and when to breathe," one person says. "He kept pushing them to make the performance as flat as possible."

A crewmember acknowledges that Trank bears much of the fault for the film's problems but also says the Fox studio should not escape blame. The movie was "ill-conceived, made for the wrong reasons and there was no vision behind the property," this person says. "Say what you will about Marvel but they have a vision."

As Fox hurried to put the project into production before rights to the material reverted to Marvel, the studio was scrambling with multiple rewrites and delays in starting the film. They "were afraid of losing the rights so they pressed forward and didn't surround with help or fire him. They buried their heads in the sand." Fox declined to comment.

As filming wound toward an unhappy close, the studio and producers Simon Kinberg and Hutch Parker engaged in a last-minute scramble to come up with an ending. With some of the cast not fully available at that point and Kinberg juggling X-Men: Apocalypse and Star Wars, a lot of material was shot with doubles and the production moved to Los Angeles to film scenes with Teller against a green screen. "It was chaos," says a crewmember, adding that Trank was still in attendance "but was neutralized by a committee."
  • 5 hafta sonra ...
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ahaha hd cam izledim sırf meraktan.

aman allahım ya

hani az buz değil 10 20 50 yılın değil sinema tarihinin en başarısız filmlerinde zirveye net oynar.

hani öyle böyle abartmıyor eleştiriler. az bile yazılmış.

hani biri demiş ya arka sayfalarda, fantastic 4 olarak değilde sıradan aksiyon olarak bakınca fena film değilmiş diye bence izlememiş filmi bile ahahah.

ya 1,5 saatlik film yapıp, 1saatten fazlasını giriş için harcayıp son 15 dakikada gelişme ve sonucu yapmak nasıl bir mantıktır?

hadi diyelim filme başlarken 3 saat planladınız da kırpmak zorunda kaldınız, ulan herhangi bir random sinema okulundan öğrenci getirsen, şu filmdeki dialog-hikaye örgüsü ve işleyişinden kat kat iyisini kurgularmış.

8. sınıf vhs aksiyon filmlerinden kalitesiz plot ve işleyiş ciddi başarı. dünyayı kurtaran adam bundan daha mantıklı ve kurgusal olarak iyi.

filmden spoilerler

ya son döğüş sahnelerinin amacı nedir? hadi hep birlikte tek tek dayak yiyelim, hepimizin bi posta ağzına sıçsın doom, hepimiz ezik kalalım, sonra yerde sümüklü böcek gibi yatan reed "nasıl olduğu belli bile olmayan sebeple" kendisini yere mıhlayan güçten kurtulup doom'a saldırmasına mı mantık arayayım yoksa 80'lerde falan biten,

kardeş 4 ana karakterli film yaptık o zaman hepsini birer birer sahneye zoom in yapıp aksiyona sokmamız lazım sırf reed dövmesin kötü adamı diye 10 saniye öncesine kadar ölmek üzere olan tüm karakterlerin bi anda legend comeback sahnelerine mi tiksinirsin bilemedim. her karaktere yakın zoom ile DUDUF DUF DU DUFFF! efekti ile göstermek nedir lan?

edit: son döğüş sahnesi dedimde, filmde zaten tek aksiyon sahnesi var, o da son 5dakika içerisinde.

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