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Today we’re excited and proud to announce our new partnership with Perfect World Entertainment.

This partnership is a huge step for Motiga, as it allows us to continue working towards realizing the vision the development team had for Gigantic – a great competitive online game. Even more so, it accelerates opportunities for Gigantic by having more resources available to us. One of the biggest is being worked on already: an opportunity to bring Gigantic to as many versions of Windows as possible. That’s right; we’re developing a version of the game that will be playable on every 64-bit Windows operating system. This version will be made available through Perfect World’s Arc games platform, which is available on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. Furthermore, the 64-bit version of Gigantic will be released on the same day as the Xbox One and Windows 10 App Store versions. This will help us introduce Gigantic to a larger audience much quicker than we originally anticipated!
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Stress test başladı. Nda kalktı, twitchte filan izleyebilirsiniz. Stress teste başvurursanız katılma ihtimali de var.
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Anladığım kadarıyla Store'dan indirdiğimiz client yalan olmuş. Bu arc'ın kendi client'ını indirip oradan bir daha indirip oynamak gerekiyor. Üşendim açıkçası. Bari ikisini birden support etselerdi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Hadi ya demek ki bakım filan varken denk geldim, akşam tekrar deneyeyim. Ya da diğer ihtimal, daha önce alpha'ya girenler otomatik sonraki alpha'lara girer diye bir şey yok, yeni key bulmam lazım.
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Şimdilik xbox one store ve windows 10 store da açıldı. Bikaç güne kendi launcherında açılacak ozaman daha rahat olur windows store ile uğraşılmaz.
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