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clownbaby said:

bağırırsan da kaçmaz sinek. elini yaklaştırdığında kaçmasının sebebi görmesinden ziyade hareketi hissetmesiyle ilgili muhtemelen. ekranda renk değişiminden başka bişey olmadığı için kaçmamasını garip karşılamamak lazım.

şöyle bi şey var. ışığa tepki veriyor sineklerin senseleri. yani mantık olarak siktirip gitmesi lazım kocaman bi imleç üstüne üstüne saldırıyoken.

"Flies detect changes in light or shadow close to them. This usually means something big is getting close to them. If you see flies on something outside, watch them when a cloud goes over the sun quickly - it usually causes them to fly away."
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burdan mı yola çıkıcaz o zaman?

"Flies have limited color vision. Each color has its own wave frequency, but flies have only two kinds of color receptor cells. This means they have trouble distinguishing between colors, for instance discerning between yellow and white. Insects cannot see the color red, which is the lowest color frequency humans can see. However, houseflies have the ability to see polarized light, but humans cannot differentiate between polarized and unpolarized light. Polarized light is light in which the waves travel only in one plane."
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moriarty said:

buralardan çıkartamadım cevabı. bana kesin bi cevap lazım kafaya taktım bunu



Ekranın frame rate'i ne senin? Muhtemelen düşüktür.
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Remus said:

moriarty said:

buralardan çıkartamadım cevabı. bana kesin bi cevap lazım kafaya taktım bunu



Ekranın frame rate'i ne senin? Muhtemelen düşüktür.

refresh rate 60hz
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For people, the average CFF is 60 hertz (ie, 60 times a second). This is why the refresh-rate on a television screen is usually set at that value. Dogs have a CFF of 80Hz, which is probably why they do not seem to like watching television. To a dog a TV programme looks like a series of rapidly changing stills.

Having the highest possible CFF would carry biological advantages, because it would allow faster reaction to threats and opportunities. Flies, which have a CFF of 250Hz, are notoriously difficult to swat. A rolled up newspaper that seems to a human to be moving rapidly appears to them to be travelling through treacle.
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