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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Arkadaş bir köyü ele geçirdim bütün house lar birbirine girmiş alliance lar dağılma tehlikesi yaşamış.

İnsanlar oyunları biraz fazla ciddiye alıyor galiba. Tehdit etti beni ibne şerif :(

It has been brought to my attention that you attacked a housed member of House 17, it is alliance rule that we do not attack any Housed member unless we have swords on them. I have posted over the last 2 weeks a hit list of black listed players and enemy players, houses and faction. As it stands H17 is in vote to become a Ally of H10 and H19 which could cause problems for the standing of this faction in H10. I have mailed the FG and the player you attacked to try and smooth this out. I suggest you dont mail them at all as ive asked them to do the same.

It is not your decision who runs the parishes, ask a officer if you can run it if itsd part of our faction, if its not and you think the current steward is inactive you mail the Sherriff of the land it is in and they will investigate it and give you a answer.

If you persist in attacking H17 or taking Parishes without asking then action will have to be taken as we can not be seen letting players getting away with breaking rules set by all Faction Generals and House Generals. I hope this is the only time i will have to deal with this matter.


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