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Archeage #2


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akirafes said:

Ev olayının gereksiz oldugu yazılmış.
Level 44 item üzeri crafting icin eve konan workbenchler şart .
Eve workbench koymadan üst level item craft edilmiyor. Ayrıca eve bir cok alanda degisik workbench konuyor ve bu workbenchler oyunda mevcut degil veya size acık olarak yok. Yani siz crafting yapmıyor olsanız bile guildinizde yapan bbirisi olucaktır .Ev şart.

farmhouse için ne diyorsun, sende duruyor mu hala? 24x24 cinderdaki spotu 200g'a fln satiyim diyorum zaten 150g inşa maliyeti olcak, pek de bi olayı yok gibi geldi etraftakilere bakınca. ekilecek alanı 16x16'a yakın galiba. farmhouse yerine balık teknesi olayina giriyim diyorum.
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dün auroria empire diye bi EU guildine denk geldim.en altta ssler var blackpearl'den.

clipperla denizde dolanırken, bi tane tradepack taşıyan elemana denk geldim, başladım kovalamaya aynı hızda olduğumuzdan çapraz yaklaşabildiğim kadar yaklaştım en yakın olduğum yerde gemimi bırakıp, gliderla uçmaya başladım adama doğru.

bizim taraftaki limana da yaklaşmıştık, görünür hale gelmişti liman. o arada gliderla yakalayamayacağımı farkettim aramızdaki mesafe uzakmış diye düşünürken, bi anda liman tarafından 4-5tane gliderın daha adamın gemisine doğru gittiğini gördüm bi anda adamın gemisinde 3-4 top mermisi geldi toz duman kapladı. o sırada gliderlı elemanlar indi admaın gemisine 20snde fln ne gemi kaldı ne adam kaldı ortada. tradepackini de aldılar adamın denizin dibinden.

tam hah korsanlara denk geldik avcıyken av olduk derken, bu auroria empire guildindenmiş bu adamlar sadece karşı factiona daliyorlar, tabi geçerli bir sebepleri varsa kendi factionlarına da dalıolar.

adamlar blackpearl yapmışlar, 15 kişi fln gemide adamlar limanı gözlüyorlar, bizim faction trade shiplerini koruyup, karşı factiona dalıolar.
biraz takıldım adamlarla sonra karşı kıtaya pvp yapmaya gittik, sayısal olarak tokatlandık biraz ama zevkliydi gene de.

ps: ssleri dandik çekmişim çok ya hiç full gemiyi gösteren yokmuş.

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beta haziranda başlamıcak 2 haftası var en az. 70000 kelimeyi çevirememişler koreceden ingilizceye.

yalnız alpha serverına tam çevrilmemiş halini yüklemekten bahsetmiş 1hafta ya da max 2 hafta içinde patch gelir diye tahmin ediyorum.

archeage 1.2 patch

ArcheAge to Launch with XLGames' Patch 1.2
If you've been following ArcheAge, you may have heard about a game update simply called Patch 1.0.

Initially released in Korea, this update has been the source of no small amount of concern from our ArcheAge community since we announced the game was coming to North America and Europe. Upon seeing the behavior of the patch's changes in the wild, the game's developer, XLGames, agreed that ArcheAge's balance and feel had shifted in an unintentional direction. Behind the scenes, we've been carefully following public feedback over the past few months, and had a chance to exhaustively test out the update on our own internal servers. While there are a number of gameplay improvements, we agree with their conclusion.

Both Trion Worlds and XLGames are eager to maintain the game's sandbox nature. Our mutual, overriding goal has always been to release the best quality, most fun experience possible. Toward that end, members of our ArcheAge Team visited XLGames this past week to discuss Patch 1.0. Together, we've forged the best possible path to launch for Trion Worlds' version of ArcheAge.

We're thrilled to announce that both Trion Worlds and XLGames have agreed that it's best for us go live with Patch 1.2's amazing improvements when we launch with English, French, and German languages in 2014. Launching with Patch 1.2 is a challenge as it adds over 70,000 words to translate. Since we want a complete English translation before introducing a larger audience to the game, this does mean that our Beta schedule has shifted by a few weeks. That means that we can't announce a specific date for the first Beta right now, but we wanted to get the great news about the game itself out as early as possible.

Patch 1.2 also introduces a host of exciting improvements on its own, including increased experience per Labor Point spent, a searchable crafting folio that works with recipe or ingredient names, significantly reduced (from Patch 1.0) glider turbulence on the high sea, and the ability to earn experience from crafting with maxed-out professions and participating in PvP during a war. Additionally, the Marketplace (in-game store) will be available before Beta begins and we'll grant testers sufficient currency to test it out. It's important to note that our previously announced game improvements such as international trade routes granting Gilda Stars, storyline quests earning experience, and trade packs dividing turn-in rewards 80/20 between pack holder and pack owner will persist through this update.

We're actively working with XLGames to bring our first build featuring Patch 1.2 changes to our Alpha server for gameplay testing and feedback. Since time is of the essence, we will not be holding this build back while waiting on complete translation, meaning that our Alpha testers will see partially translated content and will be asked to focus their feedback purely on how the gameplay feels. Rest assured, we do not anticipate the need to wipe the Alpha server for this update.

With this new game plan announced, the team is very interested to hear your thoughts and to be able to answer your questions. Our weekly livestream will be all about our visit with XLGames and the news revealed in this announcement. Ask your questions in this forum thread and then join us tomorrow afternoon on Twitch where we'll field as many as possible.

Our sincere thanks to each and every one of you for being a member of ArcheAge's pre-launch community. We're glad you're on this adventure with us!

The ArcheAge Team

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Patch 1.2 also introduces a host of exciting improvements on its own, including increased experience per Labor Point spent, a searchable crafting folio that works with recipe or ingredient names, significantly reduced (from Patch 1.0) glider turbulence on the high sea, and the ability to earn experience from crafting with maxed-out professions and participating in PvP during a war.

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tüm hp pooları artıyor, 2shot comboları bitirmeye çalşıyorlar diye yazıyordu bir yer. ama gene de arada 3-4shotta öldüğün zamanlar olacaktır kesin ama şimdiki kadar çok deil.

artık burst dps yerinde sustainable dps daha önemli hale gelecek, buda burstu yapıp cd bekleyen benim build reaperı biraz düşündürdü valla.

primeval daha güçlü olcak ama kesin o.
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Hani su daily pvp gorevlerinin verdigi bir token vardi, adini cikaramadim simdi. O token ile de stun duration i azaltan birseyler alinabiliyor sanirim.

Ama sonucta, millet sikayetci kardesim cok cabuk oluyorlarmis gibi bir arguman icin, vay demek oyle HP pool u arttir gitsin gibi bir yaklasim pvp balancing degil diye dusunuyorum.
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Genel sikayet ,burst damage (dps degil) yapabilen 2-3 tane build var, bu build lar ile karsi karsiya geldiniz de stun lock ile beraber hic bir sansiniz yok seklinde.

Burst i bir kez yapabiliyor adam tabi, uzun cooldown oldugu icin.

Ama evet en nihayetin de HP pool lari over all arttirmak hic birseye cozum degil, anca combat suresini uzatir fakat sonucunu degistirmez, en azindan benim fikrim.
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