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SilkRoad'in sahibi yakalanmis

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
The FBI was then able to
subpoena some very valuable information from Google
and another technology firm that ran what is called
“VPN” software which was supposed to help keep
Ulbricht anonymous.

vay iğneler ya. boşuna ödüyoruz parayı vpne.
Mesaj tarihi:
nereye bitcoin abi adam her ay tring 1k cash kira veriyormuş. hiç mi yememiş paradan. ne anladım lan. w.w. bile oğluna mustang aldı.
Mesaj tarihi:
adam tam bir pintiymiş ama.
It may further shock you to know that Ross Ulbricht wasn’t sending these chilling execution orders from a dark room in a palatial San Francisco mansion. The FBI determined that when he wasn’t operating from the library or his favorite coffee shop, Ulbricht was working out of a three bedroom apartment he shared with two roommates directly across the street from the coffee shop. Those roommates knew him as “Josh”, the friendly computer programmer who paid his $1000 a month rent every month right on time, in cash. Remember, the guy was worth $80 million and simultaneously operating a business that rivals many Fortune 500 companies.
Mesaj tarihi:
ne heisenbergü ya adam bildiğin tavuk çıktı. sahibi yakalanmış denince artık gözümün önünde bu oluşacak

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