Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 30, 2013 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 30, 2013 hiç fena olmamış bu patch, bu spawn olayını düzeltmişler artık her kişide artıyor. said: In today's patch we're adding two new ships, a warship and a utility ship. We're also adding Harbors and Shipyards for Clan Cities. We're adding a new crafting skill and making changes to AI spawn rates along with some requested terrain fixes to protect some clan cities from entry. New Content New Crafting Skill: Shipbuilding Mastery (Requires: Shipbuilding 100 and 10.000 Prowess to learn it) Shipbuilding Mastery skill added on all Agon Battle Supplier NPCs This is the prerequisite skill for all warships which are being added to the game along with the other naval combat components starting with today’s patch. Two new ships have been added to the game: Coastal Runner: This is the fastest ship in the game and has no cannons. It can be crafted using Shipbuilding at Workbenches and Shipyards. (Shipbuilding 75) Pinnace: This is a fast Warship with 3 cannons. It can be crafted using Shipbuilding Mastery, only in Shipyards. Requires Compass, Ship Modules and Selentine Ship Modules. (Shipbuilding Mastery 1) This is the first of a series of warships to be introduced starting with today’s patch. New Rare Material: Lodestone: used in Warship crafting. Drops from Large Treasure Maps Is used to craft Compass (Shipbuilding Mastery 1) New Item: Compass Crafted with Shipbuilding Mastery in Shipyards Is used to craft advanced warships New Item: Selentine Ship Module Crafted with Shipbuilding Mastery 1 Is used to craft the Pinnace Harbors are now available to build in clan holdings Shipyards are now available to build in clan holdings Gameplay Changes Player Requested : You can now gank using a bow or a staff. (so you don't need to switch weapons) Player Requested: We have tweaked the monster waving mechanic so that it scales with every single player in the spawn up to the current cap. This way 2 or 4 players in a spawn will now also trigger faster respawn of monsters. (previously it was 3 players or 5 players). Bonus Feature: If 15 players or more are in a spawnpoint, monster respawn rate will go into frenzy mode. General Fixes: Fixed a bug where a player could be unintentionally excluded from the round robin system. Fixed a bug where skill effects would not display correctly when there was a Tar Plane behind them. Various fixes for primalist robes crafting feats Fixed the parrying animation for bow to fit the other weapon patterns. Fixed a bug that would cause the backpack to lock after starting to rename a bag and pressing ESC. Made some handling and speed tweaks for the Fishing Trawler Fixed a bug where there was no audio confirmation when opening a chaos chest Fixed a bug where if you destroyed a Fishing Trawler you would not be rewarded with prowess points. Revamped Monster Visual Effects: Beacon Corrosive Blast Acid Charging Ranged Attack for Troll Warrior and Cave Troll Warrior Acid Arrow Acid Rain Earthquake Item Changes Revamped all 3 Strongboxes. Now they are much smaller than their previous version – now they cannot be used to block entrances Updated the Icons for Runestone and Teleport Rune. Crafting Changes Updated Ship Module Shipbuilding Recipe to allow leveling up to 100 World Changes Fixed a water hole in Snowfort Fixed the vegetation that was getting inside the houses in the village of Blackwood Reprocessed all the Clan Holdings Fixed Terrain exploits in the following areas that were allowing a player to enter a Clan City, while bypassing the city's walls: Khosgar Long March Elharrat Ul' Hamra Sweetwater Kvitstein Vinterhein Marithain Ul'Sulak Coming Soon Besides the items we added in today's patch we're working in parallel on: Markets, which should be added in the next patch New Warships New Dungeons New Warrior School Testing transfer changes Thank you for reading
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 30, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 30, 2013 yalnız hani ben aventurine'in geçmişini bilmiyorum ama anlattığınız kadar kötü ilerlemiyor. Düzeldiler mi acaba, fixler add-onlar gayet güzel.
Fakkoo Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 2, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 2, 2013 Hypnotize said: bende 540m var. Oynarsın oynamasına problem nasıl oynuyacağın Bingildak'ın oynadıgı oyunla benim oynadıgım oyun aynı deil :) ben sanki df1 oynuyorum o df2 oynuyo :) bide işin en önemli boyutu siegeler bu oyun tamamen siege üzerine kurulu en büyük zevki orda... ben daha benim pc i denemedim siegede, sonucu cok kotu olucak muhtemelen. Hee bu kadar laf yaptım tavsiyeme gelecek olursak senin pcle hertürlü oynarsın siegeler sıkıntı olabilir bitek ama maddi durumun el veriyosa ve burdaki ekip toplanırsa kesin al oyunu çünkü baya iyi eğlendik gezi olaylarından önce... BF3 aldım High medium medium 1366 ya 762 oynuyom 32 ye 32 sıkıntısız. :3 gözümü karartıp alıcam ya. Nevrim döndü. O Siegeler efsane abi yazılanlarla bile çıldırıyorum :D Yeni kredi kartını Mail order'a açmam lazım.Daha şifresini almadım.Sanırım laptop'ı birde temizlettim mi hafif fps sıkıntısı da çözmüş olurum.Bazen 5 saniye boyunca fps atlaması yapıyor minik minik. ALICAM ULAN! ALICAM!
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 2, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 2, 2013 nasıl bahsedildiği gibi kötü ilerlemiyor, adamlar koydukları her hedeften saptı şu ana kadar :) warrior 3. school 2 hafta önce çıkacaktı, market geçen hafta çıkacaktı. adamlar miklemiyor bile deadline vermiş deliver etmemiş falan umrunda değil. gemi ekliyorlar oyuna çok lazımmış gibi şu noktada.
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 AV'nin sözünde durduğu gün durup bir düşünmek gerek zaten kesin bir sıkıntı bişi vardır :d Geçmişini bilmiyorsan da öğrenme zaten bırak sinirlerini bozma hiç lüzumu yok :D
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 said: [Mikaela Gutbuster] hello NA [Mikaela Gutbuster] just wanted to ask for feedback, after playing around for couple days with frenzy spawnrate, [Mikaela Gutbuster] want to tweak it this week to make it cooler [Mikaela Gutbuster] trying to fix fog of war, it's tricky bug. Also transfers/villages coming this week most likely [Mikaela Gutbuster] Slayer. will try for this week too, but will be a close call [Mikaela Gutbuster] a tweak in safe zones is coming too this week probably [Mikaela Gutbuster] oh there's a tweak in asset destruction too [Mikaela Gutbuster] idea is to use dominion [Mikaela Gutbuster] adding things to villages , like ship mats [Mikaela Gutbuster] water magic? some cd changes probably, and maybe full effect for bitterstep in all radius [Mikaela Gutbuster] btw some emotes are being made [Mikaela Gutbuster] remember taunt_4? [Mikaela Gutbuster] I have no ETA whatsoever about them at all. I just saw them being made, while i was talking to the animator [Mikaela Gutbuster] The freezing in sieges is complicated :/ we are aware of it though. Did you notice any stop in high ping spikes during sieges btw? [Mikaela Gutbuster] i know prowess reset is coming, but i have no ETA at all on it [Mikaela Gutbuster] i said about the freezes, we are aware of it. + hard to fix [Mikaela Gutbuster] why am i saying this? because you wanted more dev-player interaction [Mikaela Gutbuster] bank logs and bank tiers are coming too btw [Mikaela Gutbuster] there is some small balance update this week as well [Mikaela Gutbuster] there is another idea still in design phase, about low hp barricades [Mikaela Gutbuster] primalist's "buff-other" spells getting buffed as well [Mikaela Gutbuster] like spirit bond cost [Mikaela Gutbuster] primal surge probably longer duration, [Mikaela Gutbuster] we are never happy with balance . it can always be better [Mikaela Gutbuster] I wrote as "esprit" in forums about some upcoming changes [Mikaela Gutbuster] this is the only time you saw this happen? Also what about golem mobs? they never spawn? [Mikaela Gutbuster] argh (dev sent a message to the wrong chat) [Mikaela Gutbuster] i <3 our chat system [Mikaela Gutbuster] yes we are fixing it, but got no ETA on that [Mikaela Gutbuster] ship's getting added treasure hunting ship [Mikaela Gutbuster] funhulks? we threw them out of the window [Mikaela Gutbuster] char models? maybe in the distant future. Yes the DF10 models rocked
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 respec'le büyük ihtimal primalisti bırakıcam, siege ve siege roamlar dışında oyundan zerre zevk almıyorum primalistle. tek başına oyun ölümüne sıkıcı hem farmda hem pvp'de. elementalist veya skirmisher'a dönücem gibi.
nordlydian Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 steam keyleri göndermiyecekler mi acaba? subs yapmak için onu bekliyorum ben ya..
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 gelmez onlar, boşuna bekliyorsun. lafı bile geçmedi. lafı geçse planlanması, progress'i, ETA'leri, o ETA'lerin kaçırılması, yeni ETA verilmesi, soon haline gelmesi, probably olması, next patch olması ve sonrasında 4 hafta var. yani gelmeyecek.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 16k rawhide lootu
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 clan şehrinde station'da ganklemişler adamı
Hypnotize Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2013 Bende warriora dönerim ya primalist'te wisdom buffı kullanma olayı hiç hoşuma gitmedi.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2013 said: Permanent Link 7/4/2013 | DFID | views: 105 Developer Chat On NA1 7/4/2013 [Mikaela Gutbuster] Happy 4th of July NA :) [Mikaela Gutbuster] ^^ [Mikaela Gutbuster] Wish we could give you the patch today [Mikaela Gutbuster] we got a fix for the map bug [Mikaela Gutbuster] lots of fixes, [Mikaela Gutbuster] and transfers [Mikaela Gutbuster] I can't promise it, but we'll try for tomorrow :) [Mikaela Gutbuster] it's a lot of other great stuff too [Mikaela Gutbuster] slayer is still under testing, it's not going in this week [Mikaela Gutbuster] market going under final testing, very possible to go live tomorrow [Mikaela Gutbuster] we're fixing this stacking of items from village rewards. We tweaking villages too [Mikaela Gutbuster] tentative ETA for patch is tomorrow. we have a lot of stuff coming out so we trying to get it all done as fast as possible [Mikaela Gutbuster] sorry for distracting ;) going back to work now. Have fun ----- UPDATE: [To: Mikaela Gutbuster] Any word on safe zone changes? [Mikaela Gutbuster] yes will be patched hopefully tomoro [To: Mikaela Gutbuster] any sneak peek? [Mikaela Gutbuster] "rares" ;) bu haftayı sayarsak slayer'in geciktiği 3. hafta. releasede "role" lar hazır, final testing yapılıyor denmişti.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2013 bu hafta primalist role gelecekti normalde, daha warrior gelmedi, gelmiyor da, sonra skirmisher geliyor gibi olacak gelmeyecek, sonra primalist geliyor gibi olacak, testing e girecek, soon olacak, haftaya olacak 3 hafta sonra gelecek. hehe.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 8, 2013 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 8, 2013 Market sistemi ve yeni village sistemi açıklandı az çok Tasos said: The Market is a new, highly requested and highly anticipated feature for Darkfall Unholy Wars and it is being added in next week’s patch. Changes to villages are happening to make them more meaningful to own and to revitalize that part of the clan meta-game. The following insight comes from feedback from our design department, specifically from designers Vangelis Kalaitzis and Elias Tarnaras on two of the upcoming features of next week's patch: The Market System The Markets can be found in the four NPC capitals, with plans to introduce more in the future. Players can browse the market from any location, simply by clicking on the button in the GUI. To place and fulfill orders, players need to travel to one of the capitals and to interact with the Market building. Markets in Darkfall Unholy Wars use an order system. Players can place and fulfill sell and buy orders. The sell order is offering an item at a specific price and any item can be placed on the market for sale by any player and can be fulfilled by any player with the required gold in their backpack. Players can also place buy orders for stackable items. Anyone can fulfill a buy order by having the specific item in sufficient quantity in their backpack. Markets also operate as a tool for player created quests. New players looking to earn gold can work to fulfill buy orders that are available. Areas around the markets will be hubs of activity, meeting places and a good place to form or join parties and to recruit or be recruited. Markets will create a more transparent game economy and will reduce existing trading hassles. They will also make the economy truly player driven. Prices will drop where there is abundance, and rise for highly requested or rare items. We expect that there will be efforts by players to control the offer on certain items globally to maximize their profits. The market tax, order fees, and courier fees are useful gold sinks for the game economy. Markets also remove trade risks, the danger of being conned or scammed during trades, which in itself should boost the trading volume considerably. Finally Markets also give developers detailed data on demand for specific items which allows us to have a better picture when balancing the game. Changes to Villages The design team wanted to share the following thoughts on villages since we've always wanted them to be an essential part of the game and especially of the clan holding meta-game. Seeing that this has not been the case so far, villages have not been the focal point in territory control and the PvP hubs that we would have liked them to be, we’re applying the following changes with next week’s patch as a first step in upgrading Villages: Capturing a village will now reward the player who scored the last hit on the village stone with ten times more prowess. Any prowess gained from this activity will be split among party members. Item rewards from villages will be dispersed every 10 minutes. Chances of receiving items when stealing from a village have been increased to 50% on first 10 minute interval, 75% on the second and 100% from the third interval onward. Prowess rewards for stealing have been adjusted accordingly. A new static container called the Casket of Spoils will appear in both the players and the clan banks. This is an addition that was planned for a later patch but we are trying to get it in next week’s patch. This container cannot be moved, renamed or deleted and all rewards from villages and other automatic systems will be placed in it. This will make it easy to see one with one look the rewards that flow in from these systems. To make capturing a village more meaningful, villages will remain invulnerable for 20 hours after being captured. Once that period expires, the village will remain vulnerable in the possession of the clan for another 10 hours. An issue that caused vulnerable villages to become neutral at server maintenance has also been addressed and the timers will now continue to count down normally. Arrows, Elemental Dust and Prayer Beads will now drop in larger quantities and a chance for Building modules has been added to the loot tables. The gold per house per tick has also been quadrupled. Villages in subcontinents will now drop one of the four primary materials only and specific villages will have a relative higher chance of dropping materials of a certain rarity. So for example, all Rybaiyat villages will now drop only cloth at four times the chance of mainland villages, and Fahnark specifically will have double the chance of dropping Selentine Cloth. Thank you for reading
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 8, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 8, 2013 warrior 3rd school un geciktigi 4. hafta.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 said: New Content: Player Market: This is a new Darkfall Unholy Wars system which will change the way the game has been played so far and will make Darkfall Unholy Wars even more of a player-driven economy. You can read more about the Market System in this developer insight post New Utility Ship: The Sea Scraper (requires Shipbuilding 75): The Sea Scraper gathers treasure from the bottom of the ocean floor. Loot includes among many common and uncommon items also a chance for the following: Every broken item in the game Building modules Ship modules Ship cannons Treasure maps Lodestone Chances for rare loot increase considerably in the most Dangerous areas of Agon. New Warship: Sloop (Shipbuilding Mastery 1) Added 3 new feats for capturing villages General Fixes Potential fix for map fog of war not working properly (black map bug). We believe this fix will take care of this issue, we need your feedback as this is difficult for us to test. Fixed a bug where 'boss' mobs would not respawn if player despawned them by moving far away from the spawnpoint Reduced the chance spirit bond will “break” due to line of sight. Fixed a bug where a player would appear "falling" if he died while in the air Fixed a bug where party modifiers would become inconsistent after toggling and inviting new members Fixed a bug where a party member could get stuck in a party when the leader got disconnected and unable to join another party or invite other people in his own party Fixed a bug where placing a used crafted weapon in your house safe would restore its durability and removing the crafter's name after server restart Fixed so that if “points of interest” map markers were turned on, in-game FPS would drop considerably. Fix for a special effect leak that would eventually lead to a crash on some occasions Fixed a bug where when a character that was on someones friend list got deleted it would add a new random character in his place Fixed a bug where Vulnerable Villages where being reset on Server Restart Fixed a bug that didn’t clear combo points when using a mount’s alternative attacks. Fixed a bug where when splitting a stack pressing backspace or delete was not fully clearing the input box Added sound to the House Recall action Player Housing Changes From now whenever a player wants to transfer his/her house to another player the process goes through the trade system. The target player has to accept the trade request and place all the items which he/she wants to exchange for the specific house. The trade stops automatically if the player loses ownership of the house. You can not trade a house while you are owe taxes on it. On mouseover, on the house deed in the trading window, you can see the location of the house and the upgrades installed. You can also see the location of your house on the map from now on by activating the personal markers. General Changes Captured village income messages no longer appear on screen Danger zone map display can be toggled from the “Danger Regions” filter on the map Tweaks on rare material/treasure map drop rates according to area’s danger level: Essences and Maps now follow these multipliers on their probabilities Protected - Mult 0.0 Danger Area: I - Mult 0.1 Danger Area: II - Mult 0.3 Danger Area: III - Mult 1.0 Danger Area: IV - Mult 1.45 Danger Area: V - Mult 3.5 So, rare Essences and Treasure maps are completely removed from Protected Areas. The uncommon materials (e.g. Mandrake, Sulfur etc) probabilities keep using their old multipliers per danger area. Protected Mult 1.0 Danger Area: I - Mult 1.1 Danger Area: II - Mult 1.2 Danger Area: III - Mult 1.3 Danger Area: IV - Mult 1.4 Danger Area: V - Mult 1.5 Village Changes You can read more about the Village Changes in this developer insight post Prowess Points while Capturing a Village Control Point are now divided in the party Capture Village will now yield 10 times more prowess Village reward "ticks" are now once per 10 minutes (Instead of 5) Raiding village prowess per "tick" have been doubled Village raiders will reach a 100% chance of stealing after 3 “ticks”. (1st tick =50%, 2nd tick =75%, 3d tick= 100% chance) Prowess from capturing a Village are divided among party memebers. Once captured, a village will remain invulnerable for 20 hours Once vulnerable, a village will time-out (and return to “free”) after 10 hours Gold rewards increased to 8 gold, per built house, per tick. (increase of 100%) Raised village reward quantities of Arrows x10, Dust x5 and Beads x5 Added chance for Building Module rewards in all Villages Sub-continent villages have been “specialized” Specialized Sub-continent Villages get 4 times the probability on the kind of resource and twice the chance on rarity of the resource Village Specializations: Leather (Niflheim, North-West): Bjonlmir - Selentine Snowfort - Veilron Kydolnyr - Neithal Eyrkla's Shadow - Leenspar Baslan's Escape - Theyril Wood (Yssam, North-East): Owayhan - Selentine Huelhucan - Veilron Ehetil - Neithal Quica - Leenspar Water Gem - Theyril Ingots (Cairn, South-East): Eltaria - Selentine Gunseran - Veilron Three Pirates - Neithal Rhodenar - Leenspar Hundvin - Theyril Cloth (Rubaiyat, South-West): Fahnark - Selentine Erraniyat - Veilron Alhali - Neithal Saragh - Leenspar Phynakh - Theyril World Changes Fixes to the Player Villages in the following Areas: Bjonlmir Baslan's Escape
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 primalist'in 3. school'un geleceği haftada hala warrior school'u yok. tihihi.
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 ben hazırım bu arada he, başlayabiliriz tekrar okulla bütün ilişiğim kesildi sdfg
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 eventten event'e giriyorum ben, geçen hafta hiç login olmadım. geçen gün steam istatistiklerini koydular, 70% activity, 90% satış azalması görünüyor. hep AV'nin kötü yönetiminden dolayı. millet subs yapsın diye verdiler gazı, hiçbir deadline yine tutulmadı boş boş sözler verildi, 2. ay kimse sub falan etmedi tabii. bizim clan 30-60 kişi topluyor yine her evente. siz gelirseniz oynarımda solo healer çekilmez şu an, pain school gelsin o zaman bakacağım.
Grimnax Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 benimde vücudum hazır ama bilmiorum baslasammı yine diye o kadar oyuncu kaybı olduysa
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2013 abi çok aktif oynamayacaksınız o oyuncu sayısındaki düşüş sizi etkilemez, akşamları eventlerde her türlü adam bulunuyor.
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 15, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 15, 2013 oha lan %50 indirime girmiş. girmez girmez diyoduk.
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