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bu ara cok motiveyim. zaten salak cut islerinden ciktigimdan beri gym resmen eglenceli olmaya basladi.
duzene de oturttum. oglen 16'de kalkip yulafin icine azicik light sut atip 1 olcek whey koyuyorum. kahvalti oluyor sahane, 2-3 saat sonra da, kirmizi et+pilav/makarna/cavdar ekmei yiyip saat 20-20.30 gibi spora gidiyorum. donunce 2 dilim cavdar ekmeine fistik ezmesi basip yaninda whey shake basiyorum bir daha. gece 1-2 gibi iste makarna ya da pilav yanina et ya da ton baligi yiyorum. gece 4-5 gibi de uyumadan once bisiler yiyebilirsem isim olcak gibi. ne onerirsiniz o son ogune uyku oncesi? yorgun oluyorum tabii o saatte. cok komplike bisiler hazirlayamam da iste omlet falan mi yapsam napsam? 2. bi fistik ezmesi mi caksam nedir?
Mesaj tarihi:
onetimebaby said:

bulamadim keci loru. herhangi bir lor isimi gorur mu? bugun uyumadan bi ton baligi cakcam light. yaninda hic carb ve fat almayinca cok islevsiz mi olur yoksa?

Sinan lorun tadı yavan kaçabilir. Sütaş light beyaz peynir götür her gece 100 gr ya da on casein al bir ölçek sütle iyi gidiyor.
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Esas konu buyken Batu'nun eski konuyu up'lamasi yuzunden digeri yukari cikti. Bunu up'layayim bari yine.

Personal trainer olan bi elemandan mail'ler geliyo arada beslenmeyle alakali. Az once gelen ne kadar protein almali diye bisey. Iyidir kotudur bilemiyorum ama buraya ekliyorum yaziyi;

"Samuel Welsh" said:

Todays newsletter focusses on protein intake per serving as I have been asked about this a lot recently. This should clear up any misconception and help make you progress better with your fitness goals. Enjoy!

How much Protein should I have?

Some people claim that the body can't absorb more than 25-30 grams of protein at a time. Others insist that your body uses all the protein you take in. Who is right? Is a post-workout shake with 50 grams of protein a waste?

This idea that the body can only utilise a certain amount of protein at one sitting has become widely accepted nutrition knowledge. Is there any validity to this claim? It all comes down to what exactly you mean by "utilising" protein.

This notion about protein seems to have spread from many successful old school body-builders. They were particularly interested in protein's ability to build and repair muscles and interestingly there does seem to be a limit to how much protein the body can use for muscle synthesis at a given time.

If building muscles is your goal, you'll get more benefit by spreading your protein intake out among all of your meals. In recent studies, researchers found that a meal containing 30 grams of protein boosted muscle-building activity by about 50%. That's the amount of protein you'd get in a small chicken breast, a quarter-pounder lean burger (or one scoop of whey protein). It turned out, however, that increasing the amount of protein in the meal didn't create a bigger boost in muscle synthesis. On average, subjects who ate 90 grams of protein at a meal got exactly the same benefit as subjects who ate 30 grams. This is why body-builders will split their protein intake down evenly and eat every 3 hours or so.

The precise amount of protein at which the muscle-building effects peak will vary from person to person. Someone with a very large or muscular body, or someone who is engaged in heavy workouts might be able to use a little more protein than someone who is smaller or not as athletic. But, in general, if building muscles is your goal, you're probably better of spreading your protein intake out among all of your meals than by eating the entire day's allowance at one meal.

However, those who claim that all of the protein you eat is utilised are also right - because building muscle is only one of the things that our bodies use protein for.

Is there a limit to how much protein your body can absorb at one sitting?

Every protein is made up of molecules called amino acids. When you digest protein, your body breaks it down into the individual amino acids and then uses them to build enzymes, hormones, transport and store minerals/molecules, fight illness and pretty much all the activities that occur in your body to keep you living.

Protein is an essential nutrient because you can't get amino acids from fats or carbohydrates and without them you die!

With stakes that high the body prioritises its use of amino acids. Survival first and bigger muscles second. After this, the amino acids can also be used as an alternative source of energy and is therefore used. (Protein beyond what your body needs to replenish its amino acid pool or is able to use for muscle building is metabolised into glucose and used for energy). If your energy intake is more than you need, the surplus is stored as fat. Nothing is wasted.

So, is your post-workout shake with 50 grams of protein a waste? In terms of repairing and building up your muscles, a shake with 30 grams of protein might be just as effective. But as long as you're not taking in more calories than you're burning each day, there's no harm in using protein as a source of energy. In fact, there may be some advantages – briefly touched on below.

1. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, which means that calories from protein tend to keep you full longer than calories from carbohydrates. This can be very helpful in controlling calorie intake and managing your weight.

2. Protein doesn't cause sharp spikes in blood sugar, which reduces your risk of diabetes.

3. Protein can modestly boost your metabolism, or the rate at which your body burns calories.

How Much Protein Should You Eat?

There's a big range in the amount of protein that's considered to be acceptable - and it depends on what your goals are. For muscle-building aim for 2g per kg. The average sized non-training individual will get by just fine on 50-60g per day.

The muscle building benefits of protein seem to max out around 20% of calories. If you want to take advantage of protein's appetite-taming and metabolism-boosting abilities, you can go as high as 30%(ish) of calories from protein - as long as you don't have any medical issues (such as reduced kidney function).

Finally, your body uses extra water to digest protein. So, if you're increasing your protein intake, be sure to increase your fluid intake as well.

I hope you found this article useful. If you are interested in some nutritional guidance/personal training at Gymbox or online coaching please contact me and together we can achieve your goals.

Mesaj tarihi:
112 kg 32 yaşındaki adama 75 kiloya düşürüp 3 set barfix çektirmeyi başardım. kmseye böyle mail atmadım sdf incik boncukla çok uğraşıyosunuz abi
Mesaj tarihi:

şundan aldım bu arada. baya başarılı tavsiye ederim. 40 gramında 20gram protein var zaten. antreman sonrası snackler için baya başarılı porotein-karbonhidrat olayı. fiyatını pek pahalı bulmadım.

ben tek öğün 60-70 gram arası yiyorum sütle karıştırıp. tadı da iyi. veya protein tozunu suyla karıştırıp üzerine de dökebilirsiniz. öyle de lezzetli oldu baya.


Mesaj tarihi:
dediğinde buradaki çogu kişi için mantıklı olbilir abi ama benim beslenme şeklinde bu daha rahat oluyo. dediğini yaptıgım zaman değiştirmem gerekiyor sistemi. neyi ne zaman icecegimi falan o yüzden eksik öğüne düşüyorum o zaman. işine yarayan alsın diye yazdım. hem whey'i o öğünde kullanamma gerek kalmıyor başka öğüne atabiliyorum
Mesaj tarihi:
hazir sos = kanser = kosarak kac..


en olasi olani hardal al taneli onu yogurtla karistir 1-1 sos sana ha bu salata sosu ama haslanmis tavuga da gider lezzetli de olur
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