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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Topic #2)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
o degilde oyun workshop dan bi yere subscribe ettgimde surekli bi map download etmeye calisio ana menudeyken ki steam zaten indirmisti hepsini ve oyun crash yiyor 1 dk sonra var mi ayni sorunu yasayan yada cozen? ve bazi custom mapler download ederken loading ekraninda hep %99 da yine crash yiyorum cozemedim zaten gunde 1 mac yapiyoruz oda gg oluyor
Mesaj tarihi:
Ping sorunum var Klasik Rekabetçi modunda oynarken pingim en az 90 ms oluyor 130-140 ms lere kadar çıkabiliyor. Bu Türkiye'den mi kaynaklanıyor yoksa bir çözümü var mıdır?
Mesaj tarihi:
bayağı bir şey yapmışlar ha. menüler de yenilenmiş falan,


Added new Hostage Rescue map cs_militia
Update Hostage Rescue Mode rules
Hostage positions are randomly assigned at the beginning of the match. The hostages will start at these positions for the entire match.
Hostages are now carried by CTs instead of following behind.
Hold +use for 4 seconds to pick up a hostage. (Equipping a rescue kit will decrease the time required to 1 second.)
CTs win a round when the first hostage is rescued.
Reduced round timer. Round time is extended when the first hostage has been picked up.
Rebalanced money rewards to accommodate new rules.
Hostages now indicate whether they are above or below you on the radar.
cs_office, cs_assault, and cs_italy have updated to use random hostage spawn points.
Added convars to modify new hostage rules
mp_hostages_max - Sets the maximum number of hostages to spawn.
mp_hostages_rescuetime - Setting 0 removes the time extension when CTs pick up the first hostage.
mp_hostages_spawn_farthest - Setting 1 forces hostage spawn points to choose be the farthest possible combinations.
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions - Setting a comma separate list (ex: 0,2 ) forces specific hostage spawn point combinations.
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round - Setting 0 randomizes the hostage spawn points every round.
mp_hostages_takedamage - Setting 0 allows hostages to be hurt.
Added hostage entity properties for new hostage rules
HostageSpawnRandomFactor - Allows to increase probability of hostage random spawning rules to use that spawn point.
HostageSpawnExclusionGroupN - Hostages sharing same spawn exclusion group will never spawn together.
The action of defusing a bomb will now terminate when you turn your view too far from facing the bomb.
Players always play a quiet client-side jump sound that can only be heard by the jumper.
Players play the regular jump (step) sound when moving greater than walk speed that can be heard by both the jumper and all clients in earshot.
The timer that performs the random map selection visuals now properly gets killed when the scoreboard hides.
Fixed convar mp_weapons_allow_map_place not properly eliminating map-placed weapons. NOTE: FY servers will need to set this convar to 1.
Added an option to func_dustmotes entity volumes that lets them choose to not be affected by wind.
Fixed in-game clipping for triple-monitor rendering configurations.
Added overtime indicator to GOTV spectators miniscoreboard.
Radar should now correctly follow spectated player when spectating via GOTV.
Adjusted score and MVP rewards for gameplay events related to planting, defending and defusing the bomb, and for reaching, protecting and extracting hostages.
Steam overlay game details will now correctly show players score.
Fixed special characters of player name not correctly displaying in some UI elements.
Fixed a bug where friends were banned from joining parties where one of the members failed to recently accept a competitive match.
Mesaj tarihi:
goldbären said:



random hostage olayi mukemmel olmus. cs_ map'leri oynanacak sonunda. bi' de as_ getirseler imd aolacak.
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