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7m çapında meteor düşmüş (İNGİLİZCE)


Öne çıkan mesajlar

evt düşmüş.

bu arada ufak bir çeviri var kısaca çevirebilecek arkadaşa kiloluk nutella veya muadili ısmarlayabilirim.
Dear all,

we implement a new way to run projects related to products and applications and intend to get
positive local initiatives effective also on European scale and in a higher speed.

Main points:
· Local people can become European project leaders and work as drivers for launching single products and applications (of course also Castolab) on European scale

· Projects are defined and need limited capacity - not fulltime, no need for intensive travelling

· Objective is to exploit in a better way local product and application ideas & projects and to support collegues on a larger scale

· Overcome low speed in implementing good ideas by having project leading drivers

· Additional sales and Gross Profit

· People that run projects could be local , technicians, product managers, salesmanagers, and others; important: Committment and ownership

· Compensation from Castolin Europe for local MC or SC (see presentation)

· 6 – 12 months timeline

· Michel Junod coordinates, European Management approves, limit of 20 projects per year

Please see enclosed presentation and do not hesitate to ask if anything is unclear. Please roll out to your people.

I look forward to getting the first project proposals.

Thank you for your support and I hope we can win many collegues to get involved in an European project.
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Sparkcaster said:

benim merak ettiğim bu meteorlardan extraterrestrial element çıkmıyi mi aga

ya bildiğim kadarıyla evrendeki tüm elementler bulundu. yeni elementler var misal ama bunlar yapay element sanırım. bu yüzden meteor düştü, yeni bi element bulduk diye bişi yok.

bi de bi gezegen vardı keşfedilen, safi elmastan! gerçi onu mine edebilsen elmasın değeri düşer...
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HikmetHoroz said:

Yannış hatırlamıyorsam belli elementler belli renkleri emiyor, turuncu yoksa baryum var diyorlar falan(attım). Yıldızların falan kompozisyonunu böyle hesaplıyorlardı.

Renkleri emmiyor da, o rengin frekansında titreştiği için o renkte gözüküyor.Tabi, hareket etmesi falan da önemli o noktada, o da dalga boylarını değiştiriyor ama o bir şekilde hesaplanabiliyor.(dopler effect).Ve evet yıldızların konumlarını hesaplamakta kullanılan yöntemlerden biri budur.
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Ardeth said:

Sparkcaster said:

benim merak ettiğim bu meteorlardan extraterrestrial element çıkmıyi mi aga

çıkması beklenmez zaten uzaydan dünyaya düşen fotonların falan spektroskopisinden uzayda dominant olan elementleri bir şekilde buluyorlar ben de bilmiyorum tam nasıl

ya ben de fizik profu konuştuktan sonra ahkam kesmişim. yine de kaynak vereyim. brian cox'un wonders of the universe'te izlemiştim.

So that’s it? The whole Universe is made from just 92 chemical elements. If you’re familiar with the periodic table of elements – then you’re familiar with the 92 elements, if not then check it out on the web. (Ok, there are in fact more than 92 elements, but the extra ones are artificial elements created by scientists, elements like Einsteinium, Californium etc.). So for example, salt is Sodium and Chlorine combined to make Sodium Chloride. Vinegar gets it sour taste (yummy!) from Ethanoic (acetic) Acid – which is a combination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. So next time you’re tucking into your chips remember you’re eating carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sodium and chlorine. Sugar is made from the same three elements as Ethanoic Acid, namely Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen – but in different combinations. It’s these combination of elements that gives the Universe diversity. And its also true that we are what we eat. As your body continuously replaces cells, it uses the elements you supply it; whether it’s the Iron in your blood, the Calcium in your bones, or the Sodium and Potassium in your muscles, etcetera – it all comes from your food. You don’t need to be an expert to realise the importance of diet during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, but I digress.

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