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League of Legends

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Mesaj tarihi:
copry said:

yok maalesef hala aynı lame açılış şarkısı :(

o şarkı baya iyi ya

o değilde son 1 aydır oyunda sürekli anlıkta olsa 4-5 dakkada bir ms 3 basamaga cıkıyor kademe kademe geri inip düzeliyor nedir ne değildir bu ya ?
eu we bu arada
Mesaj tarihi:
Annie visual pack var. Belki thresh'te içindedir, fakat daha aktif olmasına var.

Bir de welcome to the league of NERFS...

GG evelynn. Hızlı başladın, sonra çöktün. Küllerinden dirildin, şimdi vurdular kafana gene.

Evelynn said:

Hate Spike
Mana cost increased to 16/22/28/34/40 from 14/18/22/26/30
Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4

Damage reduced at later ranks to 35/55/75/95/115 from 35/60/85/110/135
Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
Agony's Embrace
Damage changed to 15/20/25% of the target's current health from 15/20/25% of their max health
Cooldown increased to 150/120/90 seconds from 120/90/60
Cast range reduced to 650 from 800

Prepatch Notes

Thresh, the Chain Warden
Thresh is still undergoing PBE testing, and will be released at a later date. Stay tuned for more information on the Chain Warden!

Base movement speed increased to 330 from 325
Range increased to 650 from 600

Cursed Touch
Magic resist reduction reduced at later levels to 15/20/25 from 15/25/35

Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100
Targeting cone is now attached to Annie
Molten Shield
Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 16
Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 8

Mana Barrier
Cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60
Rocket Grab
Will now give vision when it hits a target

Feral Scream
Targeting cone is now attached to Cho'Gath

Gatling Gun
Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100

Pale Cascade
Orb detonation has been adjusted to better match Diana’s basic attack range
Shield duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
Lunar Rush
Cast range increased to 825 from 750

Hate Spike
Mana cost increased to 16/22/28/34/40 from 14/18/22/26/30
Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
Damage reduced at later ranks to 35/55/75/95/115 from 35/60/85/110/135
Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
Agony's Embrace
Damage changed to 15/20/25% of the target's current health from 15/20/25% of their max health
Cooldown increased to 150/120/90 seconds from 120/90/60
Cast range reduced to 650 from 800

Base attack speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.665

Force Pulse
Fixed an issue where Force Pulse would sometimes fire backward after using Rift Walk.

Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350
Sinister Steel
Movement speed adjusted to 15/20/25/30/35% from 12/20/28/36/44%

Basic attack has been retuned so it’s more responsive

Unseen Threat
Damage reduced at later levels to 15-190 from 15-220
Slow reduced to 25% from 35%
Taste Their Fear
Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 1.5 from 1.6
Isolation bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 2.0 from 2.4

Lee Sin
Fixed a bug where the tooltip incorrectly stated that Lee Sin regained energy when the shield was broken
Iron Will
No longer grants armor while active
Life steal and spell vamp increased to 5/10/15/20/25% from 5/9/13/17/21%
Slow amount reduced at earlier ranks to 20/30/40/50/60% from 30/37.5/45/52.5/60%
Range reduced to 600 from 800

Siphon of Destruction
Targeting cone is now attached to Mordekaiser

Base movement speed increased to 335 from 330
Aqua Prison
Cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 16/14.5/13/11.5/10
Tidal Wave
Missile speed increased to 850 from 750

Bonetooth Necklace
Now grants +5 Attack Damage
Unseen Predator
Fixed a bug where Rengar could leap while rooted
Attack speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3
Fixed a bug where Savagery could be used three times consecutively
Battle Roar
Empowered Battle Roar now heals for 60-400 (based on champion level) instead of 10% of Rengar’s health
Thrill of the Hunt
Initial delay reduced to 1 second from 1.25 (still can be delayed up to 3 seconds)
Stealth duration increased to 7 seconds from 5

Base health regen reduced to 6 from 10.4
Health regen per level reduced to 0.5 from 0.9
Shield amount increased to 70/100/130/160/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
Blade of the Exile
Cooldown increased to 110/80/50 seconds from 75/60/45
Targeting cone is now attached to Riven

Controlling the clone no longer reveals Shaco in brush
Fixed a bug that prevented Shaco from casting Hallucinate for the rest of the game in certain circumstances

Now increases range on Unleashed Power by 75 at max rank
Scatter the Weak
Cooldown reduced at later ranks to 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds from 18/17/16/15/14

Noxian Diplomacy
Bleed damage reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 18/36/54/72/90
Bleed bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 1 from 1.2
Fixed a bug where the damage amplification did not actually apply
Fixed an bug that sometimes caused Talon’s Rake to fire backwards after using Cutthroat.
Shadow Assault
Damage reduced at later ranks to 120/170/220 from 120/190/260
Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 0.75 from 0.9

Monkey's Agility
Now additionally increases Udyr's armor and magic resist by 4% per stack

Vault Breaker
Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker would sometimes not refund mana or cooldown when interrupted
Fixed a bug where interrupting Vault Breaker would sometimes render Vi unable to cast spells
Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker's stun duration was sometimes shorter than intended
Fixed a bug where Vi would sometimes stop attacking after hitting a champion with Vault Breaker
Excessive Force
Increased the responsiveness of Vi's attacks after using Excessive Force
Assault and Battery
Fixed a bug where targets could cast spells after being knocked into the air
Fixed a bug where characters with stealth could cause Assault and Battery to miss
Fixed a bug where damage was not applied to targets immune to disable effects

Short Fuse
The cooldown indicator now more accurately shows when Short Fuse is available.

Summoner's Rift
Base gold increased to 30 from 25
Base health increased to 1000 from 750
Lesser Wraith
Base health reduced to 150 from 250
Giant Wolf
Base gold increased to 55 from 40
Base health increased to 1100 from 900
Base health reduced to 200 from 300
Base gold increased to 55 from 45
Base health increased to 1200 from 1000
Small Golem
Base health reduced to 300 from 500

Item tooltips have been revised to improve consistency
Attack damage increased to 20 from 10
Archangel's Staff
Ability power increased to 60 from 50
Mana charge amount increased to 6 from 5
Crystalline Flask
Cost increased to 345 from 225
Now restores 120 health and 60 mana over 12 seconds from 100 health and 40 mana over 10 seconds per charge
Mikael's Crucible
Can no longer target allied minions
Last Whisper
Combine cost increased to 1025 from 860 (total cost is now 2300 from 2135)
Hextech Gunblade
Spell vamp is now UNIQUE
Iceborne Gauntlet
Duration of slow field reduced to 2 seconds from 3
Slow percentage reduced to 30% from 35%
Slowing field now displays team color rings
Philosopher's Stone
Now correctly grants 5 gold per 10 seconds (was 4 gold per 10 seconds)
Enchantment: Homeguard
Homeguard now works immediately after purchasing the enchant
Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Now grants +10% cooldown reduction
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
Ability power increased to 50 from 40
Cooldown reduction is no longer UNIQUE
Sanguine Blade
Combine cost reduced to 500 gold from 800
Attack damage increased to 65 from 60
Attack damage per stack increased to 6 from 5
Max stacks reduced to 5 from 7
Blackfire Torch
New recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Fiendish Codex + Haunting Guise
Total gold cost: 3950 (combine cost: 700)
Ability power increased to 80 from 70
Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10%
Now grants 10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds
Will of the Ancients
New recipe: Kage's Pick + Hextech Revolver
Total gold cost is now 2550 (combine cost: 585)
Twin Shadows
Ability power reduced to 40 from 50
Magic resist increased to 40 from 30
Movement speed increased to 6% from 5%
Banner of Command
Ability power reduced to 40 from 50
Now grants 10% cooldown reduction
Banshee's Veil
Combine cost increased to 600 from 490 (total cost is now 2610 from 2500)
Health increased to 400 from 300
Ninja Tabi
Once again reduces 10% damage from all basic attacks, rather than only champion basic attacks
Liandry's Torment
Health increased to 300 from 200
Ability power reduced to 60 from 70
Wooglet's Witchcap
New recipe: Blasting Wand + Blasting Wand + Chain Vest
Total gold cost: 3500 (combine cost: 1060)
Armor reduced to 40 from 50
Hextech Sweeper
New UNIQUE passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed
Grez's Spectral Lantern
Attack damage reduced to 20 from 25
Lightbringer - Remade!
New recipe: Grez's Spectral Lantern + Pickaxe
Total gold cost: 2425 (combine cost: 300)
+50 attack damage
+20 armor
+12% life steal
UNIQUE passive - Vanquish: Basic attacks have a 20% chance to deal 100 bonus magic damage (doubled for non-champions)
UNIQUE passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed
UNIQUE active: Cover s a target area in a stealth-detecting mist that grants vision for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown)

Now displays a buff timer after attacking to show the time before gold can be earned again

Twisted Treeline
Speed Shrine removed! There’s now a Ghost Relic in its place.
The Ghost Relic replenishes 94-315 health and a small amount of your ability resource. It also grants a brief speed boost.
The Ghost Relic spawns at 1:55 and respawns every 90 seconds.
New items now available
Runic Bulwark

Proving Grounds
New items now available
Blade of the Ruined King

Co-op vs. AI
Bots are now more likely to use activatable items.
Added Darius Bot to Co-op vs. AI on all maps.
Fixed a bug where Shen Bot wasn't casting Stand United.
Co-op vs. AI will now properly display as a co-op vs. AI match instead of a 5v5 pvp match.

Gold totals with more than three digits will now include punctuation for easier readability
Directed camera positioning will now take the health bars for Baron and Vilemaw into account
Fixed a bug that could cause directed camera to focus on recalling champions even with no enemies nearby
Added spectator chat callouts for powerful items such as Athene's Unholy Grail and Blade of the Ruined King

Added a new provisional medal for players and teams that are in their placement matches
All players and teams have been temporarily set to this medal in preparation for Season 3

Improvements to the item shop
Holding the CTRL key while clicking on categories in the All Items tab will now select multiple categories, similar to using the check boxes
Fixed a bug where the item shop could show you as owning more of an item than you actually have
Fixed a bug where items in the recommended item pane would light up even if you couldn't afford the item
Fixed a bug where items that could not be sold were showing a sell value
Improved the responsiveness of double clicking to purchase items
Improved the performance of the item shop during various item updates (opening the item shop, searching, purchasing and selling)
Adjusted the graphics for the borders on vote tallies in the surrender display

Now prioritize minions in the following order:
Player-owned minions (ex: Tibbers, Zyra Plants)
Super Minions, Cannon Minions
Melee Minions
Caster Minions
Added keybindings for Self Casting Items
Fixed keybinding for Show/Hide HUD
Changed the "Ended Killing Spree" chat messages to better indicate that the number shown is the total gold received for the kill
Fixed a bug where players couldn’t send chat messages at end of game
Fixed a bug where champions affected by near-sightedness (Graves's Smokescreen, Nocturne's ultimate) could attack their team mates
The Minimap has been improved:
Wards now show special icons on the minimap
Players are outlined in blue while recalling
Players are outlined in orange while using teleport
Teleport is now colored based on enemy/ally team
Fixed an issue that was causing player health bars and ultimate indicators in the team UI to update too slowly
Fixed an issue where purchasing a legendary item (ex: Runic Bulwark, Blade of the Ruined King) would consume all components of a lower tier instead of just those necessary for the recipe
Fixed a rare issue where certain spells (ex: Ezreal’s Mystic Shot) could land an unintentional critical hit
Hovering over your attack damage stat will display your champion's auto attack range
You may now unlock the game camera while holding down your mouse button on the minimap
Pinging a tower in the basic tutorial will no longer display an unlocalized string
The camera snap that occurs when you respawn can be disabled by setting "DisableCameraSnapOnRespawn=1" in the [General] section of Game.cfg
You now have a few extra seconds to finish a kill streak if the target is the last member of the team alive
Muting a player will now mute that player's emote sounds
Added teammate chat callouts for new items such as Sightstone, Mikael's Crucible and Ohmwrecker
Fixed a bug preventing buff durations from drawing on the target frame

Mesaj tarihi:
Şu amerikalı console fag'lerin qq'ları yüzünden daha kaç karakter nerf yiyecek.

150 sn'e ne lan. Görünmez dolaşıp, yer konum bilgisi mi verecek karakter sadece. Başka bir haltı yok zaten ulti + q dışında. W basar kaçar artık.
Mesaj tarihi:
rivenın laningi bitecek gibi geliyor bu patchten sonra. rengarı da bufflıycaz dediler meğer dalga geçmişler saçmalık dolu bi patch. top lane oynattırmıcaklar adama, istiyorlar ki lanede karşındakini dövemeyesin, mid game e eşit girilsin. rivenla lanedeki rakibimi rage e sokmadıktan sonra napayım
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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