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Zombi cocuklar hastaligi


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Lann cocuklar zombilesiyormus daha cozmemisler

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abi wikideki symptomlara bakin lan acaip korkunc

The symptoms of nodding disease are very peculiar. When a child is affected by it, his/her growth is stunted completely and permanently. The growth of the brain is also stunted, leading to mental retardation of the affected individual. The disease is named nodding syndrome due to the characteristic, pathological nodding seizure. The seizure often begins when the child begins to eat, or sometimes when he/she feels cold.[6] These seizures are brief and halt after the child stops eating or when they feel warm again. These seizures can manifest themselves with a wide degree of severity. Neurotoxicologist Peter Spencer, who has investigated the disease has stated that upon presentation with food, "one or two [children] will start nodding very rapidly in a continuous, pendulous nod. The child next door will suddenly go into a Tonic–clonic seizure, others will freeze."[7] Severe seizures can cause the child to collapse, leading to further injury.[8] Sub-clinical seizures have been identified in electroencephalograms, and MRI scans have shown brain atrophy and damage to the hippocampus and glia cells.[5]

A curious feature is that no seizures occur when victims are given an unfamiliar food, for example a candy bar.

hasstr bu ne lan
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Ya uzuluyorum baya baya bu cocuklar icin, elimden bir sey de gelmiyor ama bu sefer dayanamadim, zombiler gelecek diye ciddi ciddi korkan bir arkadasima "hadi gozun aydin" diye gonderiverdim.

Bir yandan vicdan azabi cekip bir yandan eglendim. heh
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