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12 aylık wow subscription ve diablo3 beleş kampanyası

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Mesaj tarihi:
şöyle bir mesaj geldi

As you noted yourself; we are unable to cancel the Annual Pass. When the Annual Pass contract is agreed to, it clearly states that it cannot be cancelled during the 12 month period in which a subscription is agreed to be paid in full. Please find the Annual Pass Terms of Use here: http://eu.blizzard.com/en-gb/company/about/world-of-warcraft-annual-pass-tou.html

The annual pass won't be cancelled, but we might be able to add a lapse to your account.

To be able to look into a possible contractual lapse further for you, we will need you to provide the following details in the form of a text document file (e.g. a Notepad or Word document), as an attachment to your reply:

- Your Battle.net account name (please do NOT send us your password)
- Your full real name
- Your full address including postal or zip code currently registered on the account
- The World of Warcraft license name
- Your Battle.net secret question and answer
- The reason for requesting a contractual lapse

For security reasons, we ask that you do not write your account details in the main body of your ticket reply.
Please note that a lapse in the Annual Pass promotion will result in a World of Warcraft account lock for the time of the lapse.

(you might want to wait closer to the end of your recruit a friend referal game time before sending us this, as we will lock your wow account until you contact us again to unlock it)

Please note that we may decline, at our own discretion, a lapse of contract for the World of Warcraft Annual Pass.

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us again.
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Şimdi 12 aylık bağlılık yapıyoruz ama taksitli alışverişteki gibi 12 ayı tek seferde hesaptan kesiyo mu güvence adına?... Yani taksitli alışveriş mantığı mı işlemekte.. Ona göre limiti açmam lazım bi miktar...

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Edit: Ay ay çektiğini yazmışsınız o zaman ben girişiyorum bu olaya... Umarım sıkıntı çıkmaz... :)
Mesaj tarihi:
ben bi ay yatırıyorum iki ay yatırmıyorum bazen üç ay üstüste yatırıyorum ama gayet diablom geldi $u an halihazırda. mists of pandaria inviteım da geldi.

sorun yok yani yatırmasanız da. heyecan yapmayın.
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