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Hillmar kotik oldu

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Mesaj tarihi:
"I can tell you that this is one of the moments where we look at what our players do and less of what they say"


hillmar said:

sent by hilmar to ccp global list-


We live in interesting times; in fact CCP is the kind of company that if things get repetitive we instinctively crank it up a notch. That, we certainly have done this week. First of we have Incarna, an amazing technological and artistic achievement. A vision from years ago realized to a point that no one could have imaged but a few months ago. It rolls out without a hitch, is in some cases faster than what we had before, this is the pinnacle of professional achievement. For all the noise in the channel we should all stand proud, years from now this is what people will remember.

But we have done more, not only have we redefined the production quality one can apply to virtual worlds with the beautiful Incarna but we have also defined what it really means to make virtual reality more meaningful than real life when it comes to launching our new virtual goods currency, Aurum.

Naturally, we have caught the attention of the world. Only a few weeks ago we revealed more information about DUST 514 and now we have done it again by committing to our core purpose as a company by redefining assumptions. After 40 hours we have already sold 52 monocles, generating more revenue than any of the other items in the store.

This we have done after months of research by a group of highly competent professionals, soliciting input and perspective from thought leaders and experts in and around our industry. We have communicated our intention here internally in very wide circles through the Virtual Economy Summit presentation at the GSM, our Fearless newsletter, sprint reviews, email lists and multiple other channels. This should not come as a surprise to anyone.

Currently we are seeing _very predictable feedback_ on what we are doing. Having the perspective of having done this for a decade, I can tell you that this is one of the moments where we look at what our players do and less of what they say. Innovation takes time to set in and the predictable reaction is always to resist change.

We went out with a decisive strategy on pricing and we will stay the course and not flip flop around or knee jerk react to the predictable. That is not saying nothing will change, on the contrary, in fact we know that success in this space is through learning and adapting to _what is actually happening_ and new knowledge gained in addition to what we knew before and expected.

All that said, I couldn’t be prouder of what we have accomplished as a company, changing the world is hard and we are doing it as so many times before! Stay the course, we have done this many times before.

Mesaj tarihi:
52 monocles sattilar kazanc 4000$ kadar bir seferde ama 830kisi subscription iptal etti ki bu ilk 4 saatte olan rakam hadi 11 dolar olsa 9130$ direk kaybetti. Yani bir seferde alacagin 4000$ icin her ayki 9000$ cope atiyosun bence CCP eve icin ekonomist tutana kadar kendisi icin tutsun oncelikle...
Mesaj tarihi:
"I can tell you that this is one of the moments where we look at what our players do and less of what they say"

diyor ki,
bu patchde çok başarılı olduk biz
playerların ne dediğini umursamayın, bu yolda devam!
Mesaj tarihi:
olay surdan patlak vermis birde...1 ay once ccp nin kendi icinde yayinladigi newsletteri birisi disari sizdirmis. Incarna cikana kadar Blog sahipleri yayinlamamis bu dokumani.

Dokumanda basitce eve in microtransaction konusuna abanacagi, HATTA oyunda avantaj verebilecek itemlari bile satabilecegi geciyor.

Bu noktada su anda unsub protestolari 2100leri gecmis durumda. Baya kizgin ortam cepheden bildiriyorum xD

Unsubs list.


Fearless News Internal Bulletin
pdf sifresi dominixevenews24

Dikkat ceken noktalar;

"Not all virtual purchases will focus on customization, some will simply be new items, ammunition, ships, etc. that can be purchased outright."

"One other service we're looking at is selling faction standings. We want to offer convenience"

"We will not and cannot focus on virtual sales only within the Incarna evironment, nor build that evironment around such sales, rather we will effect a universal strategy of micro-sales throughout the EVe experience."

Dust: "Selling 'weapons' for real money is very tempting. ...we are planning on doing so...but the real reason is that we have strong evidence that selling performance enhancers, in moderation, works."

"The question of virtual goods sales is not 'to do ore not to do', rather 'how do we do this'
Mesaj tarihi:
Forumlarda herkesin basitce ccp den yanitlamasini istedigi soru ise:

"Kozmetik urun disinda birsey satacakmisiniz satmayacakmisiniz?"

bakalim nasil sonuclanacak hehe patlamis misir yapim ben.
Mesaj tarihi:
dün gece baya bi vurduk jitadaki monumenti, ss aldım bisürü =)
bugunde gıremıodum jıtaya.

en guzel protesto aslında bu hafta sonu kımsenın log ın olmamasıydı
Mesaj tarihi:
Cidden, fearless leak'i, zulu'nun devblog'u ve Hilmar'ın e-mail'inden sonra zaten plex'le sürdürdüğüm accountlar'ı tekrar yenilememe karar verdim. Ağustos'a kadar eğer CCP MT store'dan ammo/mod/gemi vs satmamaya söz verir ve eski hangar görünümünü geri getirirse dönerim ama "lolcustomers", "golden goose" vs'den sonra biraz zor artık.
Mesaj tarihi:
nulified covop t3ler gercek para ile satilabilir :p

CCP bence deniyo tepkileri olcucekler valla tam net rakamlari bilmiorum ama gecen sene turnuva finali oldugu gun 62.000 ile nod rekoru kirilmisti simdi onun yanina bile gelemior belli ki bir dusus var adamlarda gelir istiolar yeni projelere yatirim yaptilar herhalde hali hazirdakini kaybettiklerini gorunce vazgeciceklerdir
Mesaj tarihi:

haha vidyo bombaymis..
4100kusur account olmus iptal/donduranlarin sayisi, halen bir aciklama yok jejepe'den. Link.

ha bu arada son bug Devoter gemileri ile highsec de bubble ve cyno acilabilmesi imis..

Rens'e titan getirmis ayicigin teki xD

Mesaj tarihi:
Dust icin proje olarak anlasildi...

ccp nin hisselerinde soz/kontrol hakki olmak gibi birsey bambaska bir dunya..lakin cok yeni haber, soe nin batirmadigi bir oyun olmadigini dusunursek, insallah fake dir bilgi.

edit: fakemis galiba.
Mesaj tarihi:
soe fakedir ya,
bu kadar uğraşıcaklarına, yatırım yapıcaklarına
parayla item alma olayını, gemilere paintjob'dır farklı tiplerde gemilerdir ( gameplayi etkilemyecek biçimde ) işte raven ccp issuedur, yok pleasure hub dır falan fistan böle şeyleri paralı yapaydır, spaceshipe az onem vereydı cok ıı olcaktıda...
Mesaj tarihi:
mono said:

haha vidyo bombaymis..
4100kusur account olmus iptal/donduranlarin sayisi, halen bir aciklama yok jejepe'den. Link.

ha bu arada son bug Devoter gemileri ile highsec de bubble ve cyno acilabilmesi imis..

Rens'e titan getirmis ayicigin teki xD

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