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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
auto-attack olmadığı için realtime oynamak tacticten daha zor bazen hatta tacticala geçince auto attack yapıyor daha iyi dfsds

o getir götür questlerinin hiçbiri zorunlu değil originstede tonla vardı onlardan, tüm questleri yaptım ordan biliyorum :p

lvl 4 halimle 3 tane lvl 8 mabari kestim büyüde yok adam gibi potionfest oldu baya.

stealth de iyi olmuş süresi falan vurkaç yapılıyor rahatça

bide havende herkesle konuştum herşeyi 45dk olmuş baya dialog çıkıyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
zipzip said:

bana da beğendir lütfen, oyna ilerde çok güzel oluyo falan de :D

bu var :D
Mesaj tarihi:
daha oynamadım ama şimdiye kadarki reviewlardan, oynayanlardan gördüğüm yorumlardan, bende oyun hakkında oluşan intibayı anlatan bir metacritic reviewunu koyayım buraya, almayı düşünenlere felan yardımcı olur belki. spoiler yok.

A typical bioware/fantasy story. You are the chosen hero and have to save the world from the big bad evil. A story that has been told thousand times and will be told thousand times more. While the story is generic als always, the execution has been good so far. There are barely any twists or surprises (finished about 60% of the story) so far, but the presentation is good. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't got deeper into it. 7/10

Overall I like the combat system. My fear was that the flashiness of the attacks would be immersion breaking, but I quickly habituated to it. I would have prefered a more "realistic" look first, but Dragon Age Inquisition doesn't try to be realisitc, so i think it fits the setting. I remember Bioware saying that Dragon Age want's to have a mature, dark and gritty series like of Game of Thrones before they released Origins,. I think they gave this up. Dragon Age Inquisition is 90% high fantasy (Lord of the Rings), so I can live with a unrealistic and flashy combat. Another point is the controls. I'm playing it with keyboard and mouse. There are some problems with it. Tactical camera doesn't work well, because you can't zoom out as much as it would be needed. Another problem is there is no auto attack. If you switch your characters outside of the tactical combat, your previous character will stop to attack. You should play with a controller, if you want to enjoy the game more. 6/10

They graphics are great fo a (multi region) big open world game. The landsacpe looks fantastic. There are only two problems here. First the face animations look bad and some of the faces look like their are made out of plastic. Secondly the walk animations for female characters in cutscenes are awkward. They have this typical bioware gorilla-men walk. Another point is the immersion of the world. The camps/cities (you can only visit a small area of a city) feel lifeless. Other games (witcher 2 for example) manage to give their citizens a daily routine. Why can't bioware do the same. Why are 90% of the people just standing there and doing nothing? It's kirkwall from Dragon Age 2 all over again. 7/10 (because of the lifeless camps/cities, otherwise it would be 9/10)

Sound effects and music are great. Voice acting in my language (german) is decent. Don't know about the englisgh version. What I don't like is the way the people in Thedas are talking. Everybody is speaking in the same well educated way. No matter if you talk to a mage, who studies his whole live or some peasent, who probably can't even write. They all talk in the same way. That's a bit immersion breaking for me, considering thedas was highly inspired by the european middle ages. 8/10

That's my main complain. It's horrible. For every interesting main quest you have to do 9 pointless and boring fetch quests. You are the LEADER of a important faction. Why do I permanently have to be deliver boy for some peasents? Why do I have to kill 10x of this, bring 10x of that? Looking at the hinderlands map I felt like I was playing Assassins Creed. 3/10

Characters: Well done Bioware. Most of the Characters are interesting. I don't like the look of most of the female characters, but that's my personal problem. But they are unique and have a lot to tell about their past, motivations and problems. 9/10

Miscellaneous: positive: - big (multi region) open world with a lot of stuff to do (if you like mmo- style quests) -choices and consequences ( can't tell how much they matter yet) -difficulty is well balanced (playing on hard) -combo system - a LOT of conversations - two voice actors for each gender - extensive character creator - a lot of customization -Skyhold and the possibility to change it's look - being the leader of a powerful organisation is unique in rpgs - extensive crafting system

negative: - a lot of bugs: Some serious clipping issues. The voice of my inquisitor changed at a certain point of the game. Other (minor) glitches - hair looks awful. No long hair in the game. - Barely any reaction to you actions (I'm closing a breech and fighting demons in a small camp and nobody cares about it) - no attribute points - a LOT less skills than in Origins or even Dragon Age 2 - No punishment if you die - Some serious problems with the quality of writing

After the first 25 hours, the game is a 7.5 for me. Depending on how the story continues it could get a 8. Unfortunaly i'm not only rating the game, but the whole product.
EA/Bioware Anti- Consumer policy: - Origins (DRM) - Denuvo (DRM) - First Story DLC XboX One time exclusive - Xbox One/ EA Access exclusive early access - Not moddable game engine - Different ingame content depending on the game version you buy - Different release days depending on the region you live - microtransactions - 2.5 points
Overall: 5/10

buna ek olarak oyunda ilerledikçe açılıyor oyun deniyor. (edit: hatta mesajı hazırlarken norak da bu konuyla ilgili link vermiş)

BW'den zaten Origins ayarında birşey beklemiyordum, en azından DA2'den iyi olduğunu anlıyorum şimdiye kadar baktıklarımdan. Witcher 3 gelene kadar idare eder gibi gözüküyor. ama benim bu fiyatla alasım gelmiyor pek.
Mesaj tarihi:
Redeagle said:

Geçen ay originsi originde beleşe verdilerdi. Oradan alsaydın keşke. Bu oyunu beğenmediniz mi şimdi? Bunu alırım diye originsi bitiriyordum.

origins de epic zevk alman lazim, muhtesemdir, hic acele etme 3 icin
Mesaj tarihi:
Norak said:

bu var :D

Bundan muhtemelen ya. Asker kurtarmaya gidiyorum şimdi bakalım.
Mesaj tarihi:
Playbook said:

Esh said:

yok daha fazlaymış.

Ultra 1080P, gtx980 dimi bu?

evet ama 2x msaa lı

4x yapınca bi 10 fps daha iniyo, bir fark göremedim açıkçası
Mesaj tarihi:
search yaparkene normalden farklı ses gelirse yakında secret birşey var demek, heryer ilk gidişte açılmıyor ama oyunda ilerleyip ilgili questi açarsanız önceden geçtiğiniz yerdeki başka bir yer/secret/lore açılabiliyor.

companionlarda bazen söylüyor "etrafa bi baksak mı acep" diye
Mesaj tarihi:
780gtx sli, i7 950 (3700 e OC) ve 32gb ram ile hersey max oynuyorum. cutscene ler disinda ciddi bir sorunum yok.origin arabirimi kapali.

nvidia nin beta surucusunu kurduktan sonra performans hatiri sayilir duzeldi bende.
Mesaj tarihi:
cutsceneler harbi ölüm ya.

hızlı bi fix gelse de rahatlasak.

nvidianın beta driverı yok yalnız şu anda, 344.75 i kurmuş olmayasın?

MFAA ile gelen. gerçi dai desteklemiyo mfaa yı
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