Norak Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 karakteri 45dkda anca yarattım ddsf mesh şeyini high yapın, biraz medium ayarlarla oynadım gayet akıcı herşey şimdilik
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 ben de yaptım yaptım, en sonunda çirkin olmayan brienne çıktı ortaya ahah. tam emin olamadım ama ya: adını da brienne koydum tam oldu. :) yalnız intro'yu geçince oyun direkt çöktü high texture'da, mid'e çekmem lazım demek doh. haydaa gene çöktü, kaydedemeden çöküyor, her defasında sıfırdan char yapıyorum pff. dün yeni catalyst çıkmış bari onu deneyeyim.
Norak Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 şimdilik med. ayarlarda böle, tuşları vs ayarladım iy gibi, yarın devam ederim artıkın, bitek steam uiyi açamadım bide karakter yaratma ekranında en sonda 4 kart çkıyor kaydetmeden hemen önce, 4. beyazlı kart Keepten eski saveleri yükleme şeysi
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 ben de besmele çekilip kolların sıvandığı yere kadar oynadım, iyi gidiyor gibi. yalnız med/high karışıkta 45dk oynadıktan sonra çöktü oyun dx uyarılarıyla, vram çok yetersiz kaldı belli ki. ama med texture bile geçen yılın ultra oyunları gibi, yeni konsol nesline nihayet geçebildik kalitede. :p combat daha iyi olmuş gibi önceki oyunlara kıyasla genel olarak.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 geçen yılın ultrası derken? aynı motorla geçen yıl 64 kişi multiplayer oynatıyorlardı. sen biraz geç geçmişsin yeni nesile.
Kanuni Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Invalid License. Reason Code = Missing DLL [MSVCP110.dll] Error: 0x7e boyle bir hata aldim. cozumu su : Was just getting this same error: Invalid License. Reason Code = Missing DLL [MSVCP110.dll] Error: 0x7e I did the following (sorry, this was less scientific that I would have liked for the purposes of posting a solution but, it worked...) I went to: ... and downloaded and installed this. Then on my local machine I navigated to: Program Files (x86)Origin GamesDragon Age Inquisition__Installervcvc2013redist ... and ran vcredist_x64.exe Program Files (x86)Origin GamesDragon Age Inquisition__Installervcvc2012redist ... and ran vcredist_x64.exe D:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesDragon Age Inquisition__Installervcvc2008sp1redist ... and ran vcredist_x64.exe Chose the Install or Repair option, depending on which was presented as they are mutually exclusive (i.e. you'll never get both). Sorry I did not run one then check then run another and check again to pinpoint the precise fix, but this was the order of operations I used to get mine working. I really hope this helps someone else. en azindan bende cozdu olayi. basina gelen olursa diye dursun kenarda.
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 taktical ekrani nasil oyunun , butun oyunu boyle oynamayi dusunen ben icin yeterince iyi midir ? karsilastirma en kotu dragon age origins olabilir, o bayag iyiydi.
Esh Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Ultrada baya hardcore grafikler. Origin ui yi kapatinca fps artiyo biraz ama ben 100 un altina dusmesini beklemiyodum acikcasi, cok adam olunca 70 lere iniyo. Gerci extralar bolumune benchmark koyulan oyundan bahsediyoruz sdfs
bemre Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Yorumlar çok kötü görünüyor, siz ne diyorsunuz?
Istari Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 biraz Walkthrough baktım da sanki karakterlerin dudakları parlatıcı sürmüş gibi parlıyor.
Istari Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 biraz yorum okudum da galiba pc versiyonunda kontrol sorunları var. öyleyse pc'de de kontrolcü kullanmak lazım.
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 guzel bir user review, iyi nboktalar deginmis : OnePageMemory Nov 18, 2014 0 Never felt the urge to voice an opinion on a game but it is only because I loved Dragon Age Origins so much I felt I had urge Bioware to change... This game is not playable at this moment on the PC, the frame rates are very inconsistent and there are large amount of stuttering. I was running this game on GTX 780, I was getting 20-40 frames playing this game on medium setting which is just unacceptable, I was extremely impatient and went and bought a 980, frame rates are slightly better but cinematic locks the FPS at extremely low level (30) which a ton of stuttering occurs on both the 780 and the 980... I worked around the game to get the frames to 60 Frames during cut scenes but there is no work around for the stuttering and extremely unsatisfying framerates playing this game. The game is extremely clunky, the combat has took a giant step backwards. You have to mass click if you want to auto attack because on console that's normal for them, but they forced it on PC users which makes no sense and restrict what you can do in game. It hurts my wrist just playing this game. If you're playing a warrior and you knock someone back and you're holding down attack button because your hand hurt, too bad now they're out of range and you're waiting out a long period of pointless animations. If you're playing a range class, have fun spamming click button like you're playing minesweeper or something No longer can you click and move because that doesn't exist on consoles. If you click anywhere your character does their attack animation which is very long so you're sitting there wasting time. No longer can you click on loot to pick them up because that doesn't exist on consoles so you're forced to run up to them and click open button which is so daft as to why they decided this should be forced on PC players. (Btw if you miss click you're attacking and waiting out the animation again). Used to holding down mouse button to change your camera angle? Too bad watch this attack animation for couple seconds. Can't see the rift because it's bloody in the sky and you want to change your camera angle? Watch this cool attack animation.
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 bu da basbak bi tanesi : Bioware was supposed to be making a real PC version of this game. They said they weren't going to be limiting PC gamers, but the consolization is painfully obvious. 1) Limited key bindings - you can't even bind to extra mouse buttons, horribly horribly annoying. 2) NO TOOLTIPS. I mean c'mon, in a game with this many talents and an action bar tooltips are extremely helpful, and it's just blatant ignorance or laziness to exclude them. 3) Half-assed tactical view. You're either stuck looking directly down or way too close to your character (it actually goes into "1st person". You cannot zoom out enough, hopefully we'll find something in the game files to correct this. 4) No click to loot from a distance. You can click to move in tactical view, but as I said it's half-assed and you can't see anything in front of you if you want to do top down. 5) Holding the mouse button to auto-attack just feels odd, and combat seems poorly optimized. Tab is supposed to change your target, but it doesn't seem to work half the time.
Esh Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 yine sonuna kadar haklı bir review sdf. mouse butonuna tıklayıp atak animasyonunu gormek koyuyo.
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 bu da yukardaki mesajlarla alakadar , pc port durumunu incelemis , video :
Esh Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 ya o cinematiğin 28-30 fps arası olması çok acıklı aslında. bi anda kasılıyomuş gibi oluyo pc lol
Namessar Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 adam acaip dalga geçmiş :P 10 vermiş bir de üstüne :P başta 10 not gorunce ciddi sandım, ikinci cümleden sonra jeton dustu zaten. said: In my opinion, this is the best RPG in the modern gaming world. Excellent work, Bioware. Under the glorious enlightenment and guidance from EA, a game publisher with precise long-term vision in future game development, Bioware finally manages to make a RPG suitable for everyone, but not just a game accessible only to a minority of hardcore RPG players. DA: Origins is an old-school and medicore game only appealing to a tiny market niche. DA II breaks the medicority, and introduces the popular mass effect decision tree and button-mashing mechanics, which attracts tons of Call Of Duty (COD) and action gamers around the world, contributing to its great success. However, it still suffers from a linear and small game world, and repetitive dungeons. DA: Inquisition evolves from its predecessors by combining the best elements of 2 popular RPGs in modern era. It adopts the sandbox open world, lightweight RPG perspective and enormous fetch quest system from the highly praised Elder Scroll Skyrim, as well as the popular decision tree mechanism and the combat elements from another Bioware's master piece, Mass Effects 3. By having a cohesive reasonance of 2 best elements from 2 outstanding RPGs, and adding tons of creative elements, this game simply becomes one larger than the sum of all parts. You have a large world to explore, tons of item collection and FedEx quests to play with, and the best button mashing mechanics to finish off your opponents. Skyrim and this game is great because they both remove the annoying character stat building mechanism. Stat is now only granted from equipment, how amazing and creative, isn't it? In addition, this game adopts the perfect RPG gaming style of Skyrim, i.e. explore first, just forget the plot, which removes player's frustration to recall memory about the main quest and story line. This is just like a great and sincere invitation to all COD fans and action gamers, as well as any potential causal gamers. It caters for the taste of all gamers around the world via greatly enhancing its accessibility. It is a master of everything rather than a jerk of all trade. This is a game for everyone! You may worry about that the return of the old-school tactical view from the mediocre DA:Origins may ruin your fantastic game play experience. Don't worry about that, it is just implemented for those hardcore players for their happiness in pausing the game all the time, breaking the pace of combat. This game can be handled easily by controlling your own character only under an action game style. The tactics setting of companion is simplified to an user friendly level for further accessibility. In contrast to DA: Origins, you can’t set up some complicated tactics for your companions, but this is unnecessary anyway. Friendly fire is disabled by default, so just forget your companions, and let them either fight or fall. You can handle fights easily by charging upfront and having high reflex in right timing of attack, dodge and button mashing. You can enjoy a fluid flow of combat all the time! Overall, by removing the complexity and annoyance from old-school RPG, adding the best elements from 2 most famous modern RPGs, and introducing an exciting button mashing combat mechanics to the game, this game has reached the highest height of RPGs that none in the world could ever reach. This is a milestone of RPG development, and should be referred to in future development of RPGs. Today is an important day that marks the beginning of revolution in RPG history! A new era of RPG has come! From now on, we can step forwards and forget about all classic RPGs in the old-school days. Everyone, express your praise and gratitude towards our beloved developers, and join us to have fun in this master piece of art now! In case if there are expansions or sequels for this gift from god, which are highly probable considering how successful this game is, we really hope that first-person shooting mode, QTEs and the mechanism of climbing tower to reveal map can be implemented. This will further induces passion from every gamers, because these elements are universally regarded by every gamer as the best features that have ever existed in shooter and action games! By the way, I am looking forwards to see at least 1000 DLCs for this game, because its scope is so huge, and with so much potential to further expand on. Don't keep us waiting, our wallets are ready! We hope that our beloved developers will listen to our suggestion and request, and release the DLCs and expansions ASAP for us. ;)
Tatar Ramazan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 60 dolar diyor ve sadece amazonda var galiba, sizler nereden aldınız kaça? almam da bileyim diye dfsd
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 ya iyi bir site reviewer ida baldur's gate 2 den beri en sevdigim bioware oyunu , divinity original sin'den beri oynadigim en iyi rpg demis ... oyuncular tactical view in saka gibi oldugunu yaziyor, bu yukardaki mal review divinity ile karsilastiriyor, yalancılar. ben bu isi anlamadim arkadas, profesyonel olan herkes ayilmis bayilmis, pc oyunculariysa tam tersi, hay bu piyasaya ya.
Esh Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 draedan said: bu da yukardaki mesajlarla alakadar , pc port durumunu incelemis , video : abi şu videoya göre sli ile tek 980 arasında hiçbir fark yok. oyun sli desteğiyle gelmemiş ya da driverlar oyuna göre değil. en az %30 artış olması lazım bir sonraki sli profili güncellemesinde.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Diabloda da attack vermek için mouse a basılı tutmak gerekiyor, hem diabloda tactical view bile yok. Çok taraflı olmuş reviewlar, oyunun iyi yanlarını anlatmamışlar. Mmm dragonaaageeeee.... 4. çıkınca bundaki eksiklikleri giderirler zaten, ahhh çıksa da koşa koşa gidip alsam.
Norak Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 my documents içinde ProfileOptions_profile var sanırım ini dosyası bu? ordan 1-2 bişiyi değiştirdim. mediumda rahat oynanıyor şu an, tacticale alışmak lazım, loot için double F, klavye yada mouse ile bir sorunum olmadı benim. şu sürekli search ping atma olayı bayık onada çözecez dedilerdi zaten diğer 1-2 birşeyin yanında ilk patchle. tepelere oraya buraya zıplayıp çıkıyorum gizli lootlar var sağda solda. narrativede kötü değil aksine iyi olmuş bence, american english yerine aksanlı konuşuyor bi sürü kişi
zipzip Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Haftalardır heyecanla bekliyorum, dün prologue bitirip Hinterlands'e gittim, bi Origins zevkini vermedi ya, çok mutsuzum
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 20, 2014 Norak said: narrativede kötü değil aksine iyi olmuş bence, american english yerine aksanlı konuşuyor bi sürü kişi Bu iki konu birbiriyle bağlantılı mı?
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