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A Song of Ice and Fire

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Benim tahminim,

Daenerys Dothrakileri de bünyesine katıp geri dönecek. Dothrakiler de onun emrine girince karşısında kimse duramaz.

Asıl merak ettiğim bu kadar adamı nasıl Westeros'a götüreceği. Belki de Westeros'a gitmekten vazgeçer.

Mesaj tarihi:

dizi neden boktan 3. sezon spoilerları

Friendly reminder that RW is already ruined because Talisa will be in it. FUCKING CONFIRMED

Friendly reminder that Cat will be LS without dying

Friendly reminder that Ros is plotting with LF for the murder of Joffrey

Friendly reminder that Rickon won't go to Skaagos

Friendly reminder that Stannis is the villain of the show

Friendly reminder that greatjon and smalljon aren't in the show

Friendly reminder that Strong Belwas isn't in the show

Friendly reminder that Arya won't kill anyone in the show

Friendly reminder that the show used paying the iron price in a completely different and wrong way

Friendly reminder that Asha is called Yara

Friendly reminder that Vargo Hoat has a different name and no lisp

Friendly reminder that Brienne is a bloodthirsty femi-nazi

Friendly reminder that Jaime is a kinslayer

Friendly reminder that Emilia Clarke thinks Dany is intelligent and incredibly strategic

Friendly reminder that there are no Bloody Mummers

Friendly reminder that the show runners said "fuck you bookfags, we are doing this OUR WAY"

Friendly reminder that Melisandre is taking Gendry away from the Brotherhood and having sex with him

Friendly reminder that Daario has no blue hair or beard

Friendly reminder that no patchface or jinglebell or Edric Storm

Friendly reminder that they've added another Ros type of character called Myranda

Friendly reminder that the showrunners hate Stannis so much that they don't invite his actor to the premiere yet invited Ros

Friendly reminder that Ygritte will not die and take Val's place

Friendly reminder that Sam does not slay

Friendly reminder that Cat loves Jon Snow now

Friendly reminder that Tormund is super serious and Thoros is a wacky hippie

Friendly reminder that no Mace or Garlan Tyrell

Friendly reminder that GURRL POWAH

Friendly reminder that Edmure is a comic relief

Friendly reminder that season 3 is already shit

burda dursun lazım olcak
Mesaj tarihi:
hmm mummerstan sonra bekliyordum bunuda şahsen lolol bildiğin kitapla alakası kalmadı dizinin, bari ismini değiştirseler sex and the revenge of snowmen falan yapsınlar komple.


Edric Storm

Mesaj tarihi:


Rukin said:

bi tane ozan karakter vardı şu kardeşlikte onla thorosu mu birleştirmişler dizide napmışlar anlamadım

Şu olayı anca şimdi anladım ya. Harbi birleştirmiş adamlar Thoros of Myr ile Sevenstrings'i.


Sparkcaster said:

dizi neden boktan 3. sezon spoilerları

Friendly reminder that RW is already ruined because Talisa will be in it. FUCKING CONFIRMED

Friendly reminder that Cat will be LS without dying

Friendly reminder that Ros is plotting with LF for the murder of Joffrey

Friendly reminder that Rickon won't go to Skaagos

Friendly reminder that Stannis is the villain of the show

Friendly reminder that greatjon and smalljon aren't in the show

Friendly reminder that Strong Belwas isn't in the show

Friendly reminder that Arya won't kill anyone in the show

Friendly reminder that the show used paying the iron price in a completely different and wrong way

Friendly reminder that Asha is called Yara

Friendly reminder that Vargo Hoat has a different name and no lisp

Friendly reminder that Brienne is a bloodthirsty femi-nazi

Friendly reminder that Jaime is a kinslayer

Friendly reminder that Emilia Clarke thinks Dany is intelligent and incredibly strategic

Friendly reminder that there are no Bloody Mummers

Friendly reminder that the show runners said "fuck you bookfags, we are doing this OUR WAY"

Friendly reminder that Melisandre is taking Gendry away from the Brotherhood and having sex with him

Friendly reminder that Daario has no blue hair or beard

Friendly reminder that no patchface or jinglebell or Edric Storm

Friendly reminder that they've added another Ros type of character called Myranda

Friendly reminder that the showrunners hate Stannis so much that they don't invite his actor to the premiere yet invited Ros

Friendly reminder that Ygritte will not die and take Val's place

Friendly reminder that Sam does not slay

Friendly reminder that Cat loves Jon Snow now

Friendly reminder that Tormund is super serious and Thoros is a wacky hippie

Friendly reminder that no Mace or Garlan Tyrell

Friendly reminder that GURRL POWAH

Friendly reminder that Edmure is a comic relief

Friendly reminder that season 3 is already shit

burda dursun lazım olcak

Bi de bunların ne kadarı gerçekleşicek acaba ya, yarısının gerçekleşmesi durumunda harbi bok edicekler hikayeyi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Sparkcaster said:

hahahaha the fuck melisandre bwb nin yanına gidiyo

Yeni gördüm AHAHAHAHAH
Mesaj tarihi:
E iyi de

Edric Storm u davos kurtarıyordu aynı mekandaydılar, şimdi gendryi kim kurtaracak? Berric mi müdahele edecek? Sacrifice muhabbeti geçmeyecekse melissandre niye oraya gidiyor?

Mesaj tarihi:
dizinin 3. sezonu bittikten sonra kitaplara başlamayı planlıyorum. orjinalinden ingilizce alsam okunur mu, kullanılan dil anlaşılır mı yoksa ağır mı gelir?
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