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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Öne çıkan mesajlar

oyunu pcde test etmiş olanlardan gelen bilgilre:

PC, here are some details:

graphical quality was described as ‘impressive’, even though he was playing an early build and it will have been further tweaked

trees, vegetation, rocks and plants look ‘near photorealistic’ and there was no discernible aliasing on the textures

entering caves and dungeons ‘takes seconds’

you press’F’ to favourite an item, this opens up a sub-menu where you can hotkey a favourite to a number

you can set the autosave to between 5 and 15 minutes

başka detaylar:

rescues a dog from a pack of wolves, and then has the option of taking the dog as his companion

the companions have their own menu with options such as ‘steal that item’, ‘attack that guard’. ‘open that door’
companions won’t always do what you want, as they have their own AI. The example given is that a priest will refuse to steal an item.

“Combat feels far more authentic than it did in its predecessors. Swapping blade strokes with bad guys is fluid and beautiful, and blocking and parrying requires reflexes and twitch-based skill.”

He is afflicted with vampirism, and then chances upon a travelling band of monks called ‘The Vigilant’s of Stendarr’, who are able to heal him.

-Just killing a random stranger or 2 won’t be enough for you to join the Dark Brotherhood.

-Couple of stealth perks include 15x damage increase with a dagger in stealth and perk that allows you to disappear from battle.
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şu bowu istiyorum sdf
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Norak said:


sırf şunun için oynuycam ben.
bunu görebilmek için her sene daha kuzeye gitmeye çalışıyorum. isveçe geldim, sonra norveçe geçecem. sonrasında grönland'a doğru kayıcam felan.

gerçi isveç'te Moskosel'de de gözüküyormuş, 299 kişi varmış, 300. ben olurum, rp yaparız felan...
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