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inci twitter'i hackledi

Max Damage

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"NY Times" said:

If you have ever wanted Oprah Winfrey to follow you on Twitter, you might have been able to make that possible early Monday morning when a software bug surfaced on Twitter’s Web site.

The social networking site suffered its first setback in several months with a bug that allowed anyone to force another user to follow them on Twitter.

The bug was first revealed by a Turkish man who wanted to tell his friends on Twitter about a band called “Accept” that he enjoyed listening too. When the man typed “Accept pwns” into the update box on Twitter he noticed that a user by the name of @pwns was now following him on the site. (“Pwns” is a slang term used online to say that you “own” or have “conquered” something.)

It didn’t take long for the bug to make its way across the Internet as several technology blogs, including Gizmodo and Mashable, wrote very simple explanations telling readers how to take advantage of the security hole.

Twitter alerted its users of the software bug several hours later with a notice on a company blog. The company explained that it had “identified and resolved” the bug .

Although Twitter spent most of the day trying to remedy the security flaw, many users’ follower and following lists were set to zero in an attempt to make the lists accurate.

Twitter is still working to fix users’ inaccurate follow lists.

asfabsufhasudhasufhashuf :D
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SodomVsGomore said:

twitter bug haberini yazan eleman arkadaşım inci adamı fena trollüyor.

adamın adına başlık açıp ana avrat sövmeler mi dersiniz

facebook hesabına dadanıp mesajlar resimlerini çalıp kullanmalar

çocuk inci'yle uğraşmaktan shiftdelete'e dün yazamadım diyor euhaueha

o da çalmaya kalktı ama olayı.
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