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Remove Resilience in Catacylsm (mmo-champion)


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mmo-championdan bi elemanın pvp-pve gearlarının denkleştirilmesi hakkında bi yazısı


If the purpose of resilience is to extend the duration of PvP combat by increasing survivability, why not reduce player damage and/or increase player health? This would have absolutely zero effect on PvE since you simply have to tweak player healing and mob damage accordingly. Crit damage reduction could be folded into PvP talents, and another slight tweaking of mob damage to compensate for tanks. I don't see any practical reason why this couldn't be done.

I suspect though that the real point of resilience is to differentiate PvP gear from PvE. I'm not sure that's even a legitimate goal. A large part of WoW's appeal is its inclusiveness to many different kinds of players and playstyles. Blizzard's has stated that they want players to experience both the PvE and PvP parts of the game. However, PvE and PvP gear progression currently follow seperate and parallel paths. Players are laughed at for wearing PvP gear in raids, and 2 shotted when they wear raid gear in high-end arenas.

I personally would like to see the distinction between 'PvE' and 'PvP' gear to disappear, so that any given upgrade can be used viably and effectively in both areas of the game. If there has been one constant in WoW, it's that players will go where the gear is. The practical effect of this would be that all areas of the game would see increased, and more balanced participation. From Blizzard's point of view, burnout would likely decrease as well since more people would do more things.

I know not everyone will agree with me, so I'll try to address some potential objections.

1) "Hardcore raiders will walk into BGs and faceroll everyone just like in vanilla" - Unlike in vanilla, however, people who do high-end PvP will be equally geared - and more skilled in PvP.
2) "People will be able to gear up for high-end raids through PvP" - Blizzard wants to increase the accessibility of raids, and if doing Violet Hold can get you cutting-edge raid gear, then I think 2500 rated arena players are fair game
3) "Rebalancing PvP without resilience would be a lot of work" - That's what expansions are for, and Blizzard has shown they are willing to gut core game mechanics for them, like they're doing with the stats and talents revamp
4) "This would make gearing up easier and potentially faster" - How long it takes to gear up is under Blizzard's control, although if recent patches are any indication it look like they want to head in this direction anyway
5) "Gear obtained from PvE and PvP should still be different some respects" - This could still be the case. Gear could have differing itemization and art, but fundamentally they would be equally viable.

I think I've covered my bases pretty well, but I'm always willing to acknowledge when I'm wrong, so any comments/criticism appreciated.


vanilla wow zamanında gayet nefret ettigim birşeydi t2leri çekmiş hunterların bgların tozunu attırması vesaire. şu anda olmasını istedigim en son şeydir hardcore pve kasmış birinin pvpde birşeyler yapabilecek olması.

paticik ne düşünüyor bu konuda
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süpermiş, zaten adam belirtmiş orda , sen hardcore pvp yaparken adam da hardcore pve yaparken , benzer özelliklere sahip gear sahibi olacaksınız. sonucta vanilladaki rank14 olma zorunluluğu da olmadığı icin
honor point vs ile cok daha kaliteli gear sahibi olunabiliyor artik

hem 5 yıllık bir tecrübe var oyuncuların coğunda, pvp de olsun pve de olsun, vanilladaki dominasyon olmaz, ha pug takılmaya alışmışsan ztn her türlü ezilmeye mahkumsun onda geara bok atmanın lüzumu yok zaten ;p olursa iyi olur bence, insanların pvp ye ilgisi artar , pvp şuan tıpkı pve gibi , ya pvp yap ya pve mantığından ibaret. veya 3. alternatif be a no lifer! :P
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"peder zickler" said:

resilenceden hep nefret ettim , hep nefret edicem (td)


Resilecenı kaldırılması iyi olur. PvP ve PvE itemları aynı yada benzer olursa duruma göre her ikisini de yapabilrisiniz. Sonuçta bir noktadan sonra ikiside baymaya başlıyor ve diğerine başlamak istiyorsunuz.
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aion guzel yapmis bunu

skiller pvp ve pve icin ayri calisiyor, pvp gearinda resi gibi sacma stat yerine "increases damage done to other players by %x" "decreases damage recieved from other players by %x" var

ama blizzard istemiyor bunu, zilyon defa tartisildi

yok efendim yeni oyuncular icin anlamasi zormus 2 farkli sekilde calismasi skillerin, wow zaten complex bir oyunmus dahada zorlastirmamak lazimmis, cogu oyuncu forum filan bakmadigindan onlarada ulasabilmek gerekliymis

yahu dunyanin kurali bu
bir is icin ne kadar emek verirsen o kadar iyi olabilmen gerekir
acip 2 sayfa mekanik okuyup oyunu ogrenmeye usenen adam niye benle esit olsunki?

sonra shadowform gibi ansiklopedi tadinda tooltipler geliyor analsin bu adamlar diye

wow pvp nin fail olmasinin nedenide budur zaten

casual elinde cingiragi ile bagiran bebek gibi kosup bisiler basarip oyundan sogumasin, hardcore oyniyan adamin onunede oyaliyacak timesink ler yarat

wowda artik briseyleri basarmak haz vermiyor bu yuzden, anca abuk achivement kasicaksiniz drake filan alip krasus landinge cekiceksiniz, yetersizlerin pipisi dusmesin diye dalaran icindede gezdirmek yasak

bir sonraki mmo daha casual olucak o yuzden ben blizzarddan butun umidimi kestim

diablo 3 u adam gibi yapsalarda bari onla oyalansak
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biker hepinizi yanlis bildigi bisey var wow sizi gibi ugrasan emek veren caba harcayanlar icin yapilmis bi oyun degil wow 12-17 yas araliginda isvicreli cocuklar icin yaplimis bi oyun bliz napsin para kazanmaya calisiyo zaten global ekonomik kriz var falan felan iste yarin cikip pvp itemlerinde resiyi kaldirip yerine spell resist koyucaz felan demeseler bari
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anlamıyorum dk ile milletin alıp veremediğimi genelde şu oluyor; adam alt charkasıo battleground a giriyor tabi kasmış dk gelince kösültüyor sonrada dk lar silinsin. gayet iyi kasmış dk ları kese biliyorum shaman elementel ile. eğerki diyecek seniz tek başına dungeon temizliyo onun temizlediği dungeondan düşen itemleri süs eşşası dükkanında satar ancak
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