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Tier 10 setleri

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Mesaj tarihi:
[spoiler screenshotlar]druid
rogue (shoulders eksik)

[spoiler Set bonusları]
Tier 10 Set Bonuses
Death Knight

* Item - Death Knight T10 Tank 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Death and Decay ability by 20%.
* Item - Death Knight T10 Tank 4P Bonus - When you activate Blood Tap, you gain 12% damage reduction from all attacks for 10 sec.
* Item - Death Knight T10 Melee 2P Bonus - Your Obliterate, Scourge Strike, and Death Strike abilities deal 10% increased damage.
* Item - Death Knight T10 Melee 4P Bonus - Whenever all your runes are on cooldown, you gain 3% increased damage done with weapons, spells, and abilities for the next 15 sec.


* Item - Druid T10 Restoration 2P Bonus - The healing granted by your Wild Growth spell reduces 0% less over time.
* Item - Druid T10 Restoration 4P Bonus (Rejuvenation) - Each time your Rejuvenation spell heals a target, it has a 2% chance to jump to a new target at full duration.
* Item - Druid T10 Balance 2P Bonus - When you gain Clearcasting from your Omen of Clarity talent, you deal 10% additional Nature and Arcane damage for 6 sec.
* Item - Druid T10 Balance 4P Bonus - Reduces the cooldown on your Eclipse talent by 6000.
* Item - Druid T10 Feral 2P Bonus - Your Swipe (Bear) and Lacerate abilities deal 20% additional damage and the cost of your Rip ability is reduced by 10 energy.
* Item - Druid T10 Feral 4P Bonus - Your Enrage ability no longer decreases your armor and instead decreases all damage taken by 12%, and the periodic damage done by your Rake ability can now be a critical strike.


* Item - Hunter T10 2P Bonus - Your Auto Shots have a 5% chance to cause you and your pet to deal 15% additional damage for until cancelled.
* Item - Hunter T10 4P Bonus - Your Shot abilities deal 4% increased damage to targets afflicted with Viper Sting, Serpent Sting, or Wyvern Sting.


* Item - Mage T10 2P Bonus - Your Mirror Image ability also causes you to deal 15% additional damage for 10 sec.
* Item - Mage T10 4P Bonus - Your Hot Streak, Missile Barrage, and Brain Freeze talents also grant you 12% haste for 3 sec when the effect of the talent is consumed.


* Item - Paladin T10 Holy 2P Bonus - The cooldown on your Divine Favor talent is reduced by 60 sec.
* Item - Paladin T10 Holy 4P Bonus - Your Holy Shock spell causes the next Holy Light you cast within 10 sec to have 0.3 sec reduced cast time.
* Item - Paladin T10 Protection 2P Bonus - Your Hammer of the Righteous ability deals 20% increased damage.
* Item - Paladin T10 Protection 4P Bonus - When you activate Divine Plea, you gain 12% dodge for 10 sec.
* Item - Paladin T10 Retribution 2P Bonus - Your Seals and Judgements deal 10% additional damage.
* Item - Paladin T10 Retribution 4P Bonus - Your melee attacks have a 4% chance to reset the cooldown on your Divine Storm ability.


* Item - Priest T10 Healer 2P Bonus - After your Pain Suppression and Guardian Spirit talents expire on your target, they grant your target 10% increased healing received for 10 sec.
* Item - Priest T10 Healer 4P Bonus - Your Flash Heal spell has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance Spells.
* Item - Priest T10 Shadow 2P Bonus - The critical strike chance of your Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague, and Vampiric Touch spells is increased by 5%.
* Item - Priest T10 Shadow 4P Bonus - Reduces the channel duration and period of your Mind Flay spell by 51%.


* Item - Rogue T10 2P Bonus - Gives your melee finishing moves a 13% chance to add 3 combo points to your target.
* Item - Rogue T10 4P Bonus - Your Tricks of the Trade ability now grants you 15 energy instead of costing energy.


* Item - Shaman T10 Restoration 2P Bonus - Your Riptide spell grants 20% spell haste for your next spellcast.
* Item - Shaman T10 Restoration 4P Bonus - Your Chain Heal critical strikes cause the target to heal for 25% of the healed amount over until cancelled.
* Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 2P Bonus - Your Lightning Bolt spell reduces the remaining cooldown on your Elemental Mastery talent by 1 sec.
* Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus - The cooldown on your Lava Burst ability is reduced by 15 sec.
* Item - Shaman T10 Enhancement 2P Bonus - When you activate your Shamanistic Rage ability you also deal 12% additional damage for 15 sec.
* Item - Shaman T10 Enhancement 4P Bonus - Each time the beneficial effect of your Maelstrom Weapon talent reaches 5 charges, you have a 15% chance to gain 20% attack power for 10 sec.


* Item - Warlock T10 2P Bonus - The critical strike chance of your Shadowbolt, Incinerate, and Corruption spells is increased by 5%.
* Item - Warlock T10 4P Bonus - Each time your Immolate and Unstable Affliction spells deal periodic damage, you have a 15% chance to gain 12% spell haste for 10 sec.


* Item - Warrior T10 Protection 2P Bonus - Your Shield Slam and Shockwave abilities deal 20% increased damage.
* Item - Warrior T10 Protection 4P Bonus - Your Bloodrage ability no longer costs health to use, and now causes you to absorb damage equal to 20% of your maximum health. Lasts until cancelled.
* Item - Warrior T10 Melee 2P Bonus - When your Rend and Deep Wounds abilities deal damage you have a 2% chance to gain 20% attack power for until cancelled.
* Item - Warrior T10 Melee 4P Bonus - You have a 20% chance for your Blood Surge and Sudden Death talents to grant 2 charges of their effect instead of 1 and for the duration of the effect to be increased by 100%.

[spoiler vee bonus;yeni Jaina ;o]


Mesaj tarihi:


ayrıca o hunter 2 set bonus'u live'a geçmez , geçemez , geçmemeli

Mesaj tarihi:

kassalar daha kotu yapamazlardi setleri grafik olarak
Mesaj tarihi:
şaka gibi

roguelar direk dalgıç olmuş
Mesaj tarihi:
Druidlerin kafalığıyla ne anlatmaya çalışıyorlar anlamadım. T9 rezildi, bu rezalet ötesi olmuş.

Ayrıca T10 2P ne kadar şahaneyse 4P de o kadar rastlantısal olmuş. T8'den bu yana gittikçe işimiz Blizzard'ın mekaniklerine kalıyor.
Mesaj tarihi:

ben görmeyeli 10 kat iğrençleşmiş, her tier'de 1 kat eklemişler demek.

rogue setinin yapılmışı var

Mesaj tarihi:
druid setinin kafalık hariç gerisini beğendim ben,bonusları da fena değil gibi sanki. ama rogue.. :S
Mesaj tarihi:
Metal Gear daki ilk ninja gibi olmuş roguelar, yok hacı tek kızdığım derin konualrdan biri bu blizze karşın, derinlik katın ula çaktığımının setlerine, bekleneni vermiyorlar malesef ki...
Mesaj tarihi:
abi oha ya. boynuz fln tamam da 2 tane ağaç çıkmış resmen. hadi taurende çok göze batmıo da nightelf de kafa bi şekilsiz bi şekilsiz.

Mesaj tarihi:
* Item - Druid T10 Balance 2P Bonus - When you gain Clearcasting from your Omen of Clarity talent, you deal 10% additional Nature and Arcane damage for 6 sec.
* Item - Druid T10 Balance 4P Bonus - Reduces the cooldown on your Eclipse talent by 6000.

yuh :D
Mesaj tarihi:
DK 2 bonus güzelmiş.

Yine kasıcaz ;_;

Bu arada 3.3 ile conquest yerine triumph düşecekmiş. Full tier 9.25 olucaz 3 günde. xD
Mesaj tarihi:
* Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus - The cooldown on your Lava Burst ability is reduced by 15 sec.

abi benim kafam durduda
lavaburstun cdsi zaten 8 saniye lan

* Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 2P Bonus - Your Lightning Bolt spell reduces the remaining cooldown on your Elemental Mastery talent by 1 sec.
bu fena del ama stackliyosa
yane lb attikca cd surekli azalirsa guzel
Mesaj tarihi:
Epey typo hatası var şu anda.
Mesaj tarihi:
vanillada t0 dungeon setleri bunlardan daha kalite tasarlanmisti beaaah
Mesaj tarihi:
Warrior çok kral bence. Gerçi cücelere ne giyse yakışıyor. :P
Mesaj tarihi:

Lava burst CD düşürme olayı 1.5 saniyedir ya da onun gibi birşey işte.

Her LB castinde 1 saniye kısaltıyordur. 10 saniyede diğer büyüleride düşününce 3 tane falan atıyorsun işte. Buda her 10 saniyede 13 saniye CD kısalacak demek. %30-%40 gibi CD düşmesine denk bir bonus olmuş.
Mesaj tarihi:
Priest için tbc > vanilla > wotlk tier setleri görselliği bakımından

of o t5-t6 yokmu
Mesaj tarihi:
Seneler sonra çıkan t8/8.5lardan sonra bir daha, Paladin için, eli yüzü düzgün bir set göremeyiz heralde.
Mesaj tarihi:
druidin set bonuslar yine enteresan ve guzel olmus
Mesaj tarihi:
rogue set

Mesaj tarihi:
ud a gider belkide diger classlara yok yani
Mesaj tarihi:
Çirkinmiş yeni setler.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bu rogue headleri bundan sonra hep "Bu ne lan böyle" dedirtecek şeyler olacak galiba.
Mesaj tarihi:
FreEmoon said:


Lava burst CD düşürme olayı 1.5 saniyedir ya da onun gibi birşey işte.

Her LB castinde 1 saniye kısaltıyordur. 10 saniyede diğer büyüleride düşününce 3 tane falan atıyorsun işte. Buda her 10 saniyede 13 saniye CD kısalacak demek. %30-%40 gibi CD düşmesine denk bir bonus olmuş.

her 10 saniyede3 3 b
3 saniye kisaltir lan
13 deil
Mesaj tarihi:

kafada lamba var
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