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Battle.net genisliyor (achivementlar ve diger blizzard oyunlari ile beraber wow)

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Mesaj tarihi:
blizzcon daki wow degisikliklerinden apayri tartisilmasi gereken bir konu bence

degisiklikler cok onemli ve guzel

-achivementlar karakter bazli degil battlenet account bazli olucak

-SC2 ve diabloda wowla benzer bir achivement sistemi kullanicak

-xboxlive mynet steam vs vs gibi her sistemin iyi ve kotu yanlarini arastiran blizzard battle.net e baya agirlik vericek

-karakter bazli sistemden battlenet accounta gecilince karakterler battlenetID altinda toplanicak

-yukardaki maddeyle beraber ID ler account bazli olucagindan baska serverda veya factiondada oynayan arkadaslarinizla chat yapabiliceksiniz friend listten

-son bomba ise su, butun blizzard oyunlari arasinda kullanilicak bu, yani siz starcraft oynarken wowdaki arkadaslarinizla oyun ici chate devam edebiliceksiniz, hadi kapa wowu diaploya gec diye trip atilabilicek

cok sevdim bu isi cooooook
boluk porcuk olan komuniteyi baya toparliyicak

Mesaj tarihi:
Viktor said:

They are also implementing an achievement system that spans games and characters as well, removing the necessity of re-doing achievements with each new character you create.

Obaa çok iyiymiş de, bazı achievement'ler reputation istiyor mesela onlar ne olacak? Ya da bu quote WoW'la alakasız mı başka oyundan mı bahsediyorlar
Mesaj tarihi:
What is the new Battle.net?
We are building the new Battle.net to be the premier online gaming destination. The new Battle.net experience is a full-featured online game service designed specifically around Blizzard Entertainment titles, and will include a complete set of around-the-game features including a state-of-the-art matchmaking system, achievement system, social networking features, structured competitive play options, a marketplace, and much more. Our vision is to create an environment where gamers can compete online, develop an online persona, and stay connected to friends and the rest of the community while enjoying our games. In doing this, the new Battle.net will deliver the ultimate social and competitive experience for Blizzard Entertainment gamers everywhere.

What is the history of Battle.net?
Battle.net was the world’s first fully integrated matchmaking service, which we launched in 1996 with the release of Diablo. Battle.net evolved over the years to fully incorporate online gameplay for StarCraft, Diablo II, a re-release of Warcraft II, and Warcraft III. The Battle.net system has been in its current form, without major changes, since 2003.

What is the Real ID feature?
Real ID is at the forefront of online gaming as it will allow you to easily connect, communicate, and play with real-life friends. Connect with old friends and current guildies, and make new friends with the integrated Battle.net social networking tools. Beyond simply seeing your friend’s character names (e.g. “Gorlac” in World of Warcraft or “Snip3r” in StarCraft II), and having to remember which character name goes with which friend, you will be able to see your Real ID friend and chat with him or her across Blizzard games. What’s more, Real ID is totally optional -- the options are there for you to build your Blizzard Entertainment social network however you see fit.

What are some of the communication tools available in the new Battle.net?
Our vision is for the new Battle.net to become the ultimate Blizzard Entertainment social network, in addition to its matchmaking foundation. Simply logging in to Battle.net will make it easy to find and chat with your friends across World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, and future Blizzard Entertainment titles, including Diablo III. Keep track of all your buddies in your friends list, view their online status and presence information, voice chat, send out party invites, and broadcast messages to your friends. Detailed character profiles let players keep up to date on friends’ progress and achievements.

Will classic Blizzard Entertainment games be supported on the new Battle.net?
We do eventually plan to update all classic Battle.net games to take advantage of the new Battle.net accounts and server infrastructure. Beyond this, we do not have anything to announce today regarding legacy Blizzard Entertainment titles and the new Battle.net experience.

Will a forced migration to Battle.net occur for World of Warcraft players?
Yes, sometime in the near future, it will be necessary for all World of Warcraft subscribers to transition their accounts to the new Battle.net system. Those players who have already converted to the new system will be able to take part in the new Battle.net features soon.

What will change in World of Warcraft after the forced migration?
The core gameplay experience will remain unchanged as a result of the migration. However, you’ll be able to take part in all of the new Battle.net features, such as cross-realm, cross-faction, and cross-game chat.


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