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He came from the abyss...

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Mesaj tarihi:

and once he was summoned, Himoo, lord of the Death Knights was ready to cast a shadow on DPS-meters in all raids he shows his face in. Himoo, the legend that he is, is only seen in company of his fellow lords in the , with his imbalanced frost resistance and his stunning intellect enchants, aswell as his TBC vendored gems. But he really can not cope without his 12 stam socket bonus. And 7 intellect on bracers. And def rating on the mentioned bracers.

Beware. This Death Knight is dangerous. And he will roll 100 on stuff he definitely does not need. Or deserve.

- Guild forumunda gördüm, baya güldüm açıkçası, aynı adamla ben de heroic falan yapmıştım, konuşması falan da baya komik

Mesaj tarihi:
Ben spirit kasan rogue ile rfd yapmıştım adam ciddi ciddi savunuyordu spirit olmazsa olmaz stat rogue için.
Hp hızlı doluyormuş vs ne tipler var yahu ahsudhdfg
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