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Mortis said:
5. Where the fuck is the fluff? Do you know what made UO such a special game? No? Let me clue you in... It had diversity. You could be a crafter and have a good time, you could be a PvE player and have a good time, you could be an explorer and have a good time, you could be a PvPer (pre-Trammel) and have a good time. You could just fucking sit there decorating your house and still have a good time. That concept of "have a good time" is what games are about fuckwads. Sadly, outside of PvP, Darkfall offers nothing. Argue this all you want, but nobody is going to look back at Darkfall and say, "man, I loved being a crafter in that game," like they did for UO.

off uo oynayasım geldi cidden
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Instead of crying all the time about what you want changed or fixed(with your vast game design experience), take a step back and look at the big picture... all the guilds here have a full loot mmo that we've wanted for years. We have a game to talk shit, boost our egos, and make people cry(or craft and kill mobs whatever).

We had the land rush wars, the Deciet War, the Hyperion wars, the Yssam battles, the dusk breakup wars, WW2, and the server is practically even enough that any medium size guild or small alliance can take land and create more conflict atm.

I dont know about everyone else, but ive had more fun in the last 3 months than any other mmo period. The game is "good" and every patch moves it closer to "great", despite the haters and doomsayers that for some reason want it to fail to justify them leaving early. Its funny how they try to convince us daily that we arent having fun and the game is dying, obsess much?

My one suggestion is to add a few daily objectives/control points(ie shadowbane mines) to create more pvp outside of sieges and random pk encounters.

So anyway, id like to thank the whole DF crew on behalf of LoD for the most enjoyable 3 month span of mmo gaming we've ever had, and really look forward to where this game goes from here. You guys have done an incredible job not just on an indie game company scale but on any scale. You get 100 hate posts to every 1 props post im sure, but we are loving this game and arent going anywhere for a long long time. Thanks for the hours of laughs, smashed walls and mice, frustration, victory cries, epic braveheart scenes, and of course a game worthy of talking about on forumfall.
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All these diverse playstyles come from having options in a game, and Darkfall has NO FUCKING OPTIONS. (preemptive response: Yes, you're right, you can theoretically do nothing but craft. Let me ask you though, who the fuck would? It is boring and not fun. Being able to do nothing but craft, and having fun doing nothing but crafting are two different things.)

mortisin en getirdiğpi yazıdan buda. Bu mantıkcok sacma yanı, bole bi anlayış yokki, sırf craft yapmaktan zevk alan ınsanlar var yanı. adam bildiğin powerplaycı.
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Gather skilleri cok basit artiyor. 1 haftada hepsini masterylerle birlikte fulluyorsun :) Bende 2 haftadir hepsi full. 100 mastery'e dayadiktan sonra maximum staminanin 80% ile (kendi karakterimden ornek verdim) 1 node'u bosaltabiliyosun. Ayrica 100 mastery'de 10 saniye olan gather, 8 saniyeye dusuyor ama yinede cok yavas.. Eger ciddi anlamda craftsman oynayan olursa demek istedigimi anlayicaktir.
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dwarf yok mu aranızda ya beni alın aranıza guildinize kaptım oyunu huehe

hala magic işine el atamadım ama

aldım bitane staff ama parayla gidip büyü mü öğrenme mlazım yoksa bikaç quest sonrası beni oraya mı yönlendirecke şimdi dier şehirde o goblin questleirni buldum şimdi şimdi ben bs ye yok woodcutting e gönderio ekipman verip

ben o işleri kendim para kasıp satın alıp yapmaya başlamıştım ama =)
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Ben de saglam bir patch bekleyip oyun hakkindaki son kararimi vericem aslinda. Adamlar is yapabilecek bir firmaysa release civari biseyler atarlar ortaliga diye dusunuyorum. Hayirlisi artik, oyunun halen bir UO kivamina yaklasma olasiligi oldugun dusunuyorum

Bu arada oldurdunuz beni, patlamasin adamlarin ofisste LPG filan :), gariplerin bi suru derdi vardir zati
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Mortis ben dwarfum, forumda 2 arkadas daha var birinin adi Ermund (bayadir yok ortalikta) digeri de human yeni baslamis (Jumanji bLacK) elimden geldigince yardim ediyorum. Jumanji'yle konustum, maden kaziyor, yakinda dwarf sehirine ugrayip, ona silah ve armor yapicam. Eger ihtiyacin varsa sanada gelmisken craft ederim bir seyler. Ayrica beraber takilmaniz bence cok mantikli olur 2 newbie olarak. Jumanjide craft oynuyor ilk baslarda. Beraber gatherin solo gank oranini cok dusurur. Ayrica guild web sitemi ona verdim, ondan alip duzgun bir application yaparsan girebilirsin gibime geliyor. Ama Amerikan elemanlar, ve full pvp takiliyorlar. Interview falan istiyorlar ventten.

Buyu olayina gitmek icin, ilk olarak staff bulmak icin goblin shaman kes. Hatta farmla, bankana rank0 onlari bir stokla. Oyuna 2 spelle basliyorsun, biri Mana Missile (low mana, low damage, small aoe) diger ie heal self (high mana, low heal, long cd). Spell basliginda lesser magic altindadir bara koyarsan, staff equip edip, spell i secip sol tikla cast edebilirsin
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mortis en basit buyucu staffi craft etmek kolay da crafting skilli alacak paran yoktur. Mana missile ve self heal elinde olsun yeter, gerisi fasa fiso
Craft edicem diyosan wood kes sat direk, craftink skilli al sonra ve kendine staff yapar durursum. Sonucta npc'den satin almak acaip pahali kendin yapmana gore
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of Jumanji ile buluşmamız resmen işkence oldu

o insan şehrindeymiş ben de dwarf şehrindeydim . O haritanın en orta ve doğu kısmında ben ise kuzeydeyim tam, 2-3 kere gelmeyi denedi yarı yolda kesildi tekrar bindstone a geri döndü. En sonunda kıyafetleri bilmemnelr i bırakıp ben de gittim ortada buluştuk sonra bizim dwarf şehrine geri döndük başarıyla 2 saat sürdü yolculuk nerdeyse hehe

bearber goblin dövdük biraz. Kaptık oyunu ama gayet hoşuma gitti şu ana kadar. Bana batan bi özelliği de olmadı daha. Böle oynuosun artio skiller, acelem de yok kasiim de bilmemne die keyifli ^^
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