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yarın geliyormus


* Saronite Animus gets increased health.
* Changes in the Mimiron hard mode.
* Boss creatures unaffected by Frozen Power talent.
* Tenacity in Wintergrasp gives a stronger buff to players.
* Hostile targets do not receive a shield from the Stoneclaw Totem
* Players cannot attack Katherine Lee in Dalaran.
* Players do not consume extra 25-rage when Shattering Throw.
* Players will be able to sell and disenchant the Gauntlets of the Wretched
* Players will have a harder time in skipping Tympanic Tantrum on XT-002 Deconstructor.
* Discerning Eye of the Beast returns mana regardless of the level.
* Players can be hit by two of the abilities of General Vezax Mark, Faceless and Shadow Crash.
* Energy Sap and its Clockwork Sapper do not inflict as much damage as before.
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Quote from Blizzard staff
Ulduar 10-Man
Ignis - Scorch now inflicts 3770 to 4230 damage. (Down from 4713 to 5287)

Ulduar 25-Man
Ignis - Scorch now inflicts 6032 to 6768 damage. (Down from 7540 to 8460)
Thorim - Lightning Charge now inflicts 17344 to 20156 damage. (Up from 13875 to 16125)
Thorim - Chain Lightning now inflicts 4625 to 5375 damage. (Up from 3700 to 4300)

Ulduar Hard Modes
Flame Leviathan - Tower of Frost now increases health by 50%. (Up from 25%)
Flame Leviathan - Tower of Storms now increases health by 50%. (Up from 25%)
Flame Leviathan - Tower of Flames now increases health by 50%. (Up from 25%)
Thorim - Sif's Frostbolt Volley now inflicts 11250 to 13750 damage. (Up from 9000 to 11000)
Thorim - Sif's Frost Nova now inflicts 14138 to 15862 damage. (Up from 9425 to 10575)
XT-002 Deconstructor - Heartbreak now increases damage by 35% (Up from 30%) and health by 45% (Up from 40%)

Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the server has been restarted.
The Saronite Animus in the heroic General Vezax encounter has had its health increased.
The Mimiron hard mode has received the following changes: increased damage from Flames, increased damage from Frost Bomb (in heroic), increased damage from Water Spray, and increased the health bonus he receives from Emergency Mode.
The damage bonus of the Frozen Power talent should no longer affect boss creatures.
The buff players receive from Tenacity in Wintergrasp is now stronger.
Stoneclaw Totem should no longer put a shield on hostile targets.
The damage from a Clockwork Sapper’s Energy Sap ability has been decreased.
General Vezax’s abilities, Mark of the Faceless and Shadow Crash, may hit players in melee range depending on the situation and player setup.
Players should no longer be able to quench the Unquenchable Flames debuff from a Molten Colossus by using spells like Cloak of Shadows or Divine Protection. The Molten damage from when Iron Constructs turn molten has been reduced, the ground damage from Scorch has been reduced, and the total health of Ignis himself has been reduced.
For Ignis the Furnace master, Strength of the Creator will now only affect physical damage and he will have to wait for a short time to charge after casting Flame Jets.
Katherine Lee should no longer be attackable in Dalaran, meanies.
Shattering Throw will no longer consume an extra 25 rage.
The heirloom item, Discerning Eye of the Beast, will now return mana at any level.
The item Gauntlets of the Wretched can now be sold or disenchanted.
All of the additional creatures spawned during the XT-002 Deconstructor encounter can now be snared in either difficulty.
It will be slightly more difficult to skip Tympanic Tantrum on XT-002 Deconstructor.
For the Hodir encounter, the damage from Champion of Hodir’s Freezing Breath has been reduced, the haste effect from Starlight has been decreased, and the timer for the hard mode has been decreased.
For the Thorim encounter, the Runic Colossus should stop channeling Runic Smash once engaged in combat, the Dark Rune Champion should no longer whirlwind after being disarmed, and the Runic Colossus should no longer melee when it charges.
Glyph of Polymorph will no longer limit the number of recipes learned through Northrend Inscription Research.
The Iron Council encounter has received the following changes: the amount healed through Electric Charge has been increased, the timer to Berserk has been increased, the range of Overload has been decreased, the Lightning Elementals are no longer immune to nature damage, Stormcaller Brundir's melee damage has been decreased (in normal mode), and increased Runemaster Molgeim's damage.
The Kologarn encounter has received the following changes: the speed of the Eyebeam has been decreased, the amount of damaged required to break a player from Stone Grip has been decreased, and slightly decreased the amount of damage done by Stone Grip.
Some changes we have made to the trash mobs in the Antechamber (the area near Iron Council) are: the Devastating Leap from the Chamber Overseer is now a Stun Mechanic, Champer Overseers should no longer be immune to disarm, standing on the Flaming Rune should no longer proc Runic Explosion, Iron Menders should be immune to charm, Charged Dwarves should be immune to charm, the damage from Ball Lightning cast by Lightning Charged Iron Dwarves has been decreased in heroic difficulty, and the damage of Runed Flame Jets have been decreased.
The Auriaya encounter has received the following changes: Sanctum Sentries should no longer spawn while Auriaya is in combat and lowered the damage of Savage Pounce.
Sniper Training should no longer remove players from stealth.
Death Strike will now heal the Death Knight for 5% of his or her maximum health per disease on the target, up to a maximum of 15%.
Focus Magic and Hunger for Blood should no longer last through a talent switch.
Vanish should now properly remove the effects of the Mage spell Slow.
The Mimiron encounter has received the following changes: the damage of Proximity Mines has been decreased, Proximity Mines should no longer explode and damage players after they explode and disappear, the initial cooldown of Shock Blast in phase 4 has been altered so it shouldn't be cast the same time as Laser Barrage in this phase, the casting time of Self Repair has been increased, and the health and damage of Assault Bots has been decreased in heroic mode.
Emalon should no longer use any of his special abilities for a short time after casting Overcharge.
The time between Mole Machines spawning in the Razorscale encounter has been slightly increased.
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In the next upcoming minor content patch, we will be wiping all talents which should fix a majority of talent issues that players have been experiencing. This talent wipe will not affect glyphs, but when reapplying your talent points, please be careful to match them up to the glyphs that you currently have placed.

talentler resetlencekmiş gene, oha yedek almadım spec.imi ben daha, yarın mı bu patch, tomorrow diyor? *oyuna koşar*
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Norak said:
In the next upcoming minor content patch, we will be wiping all talents which should fix a majority of talent issues that players have been experiencing. This talent wipe will not affect glyphs, but when reapplying your talent points, please be careful to match them up to the glyphs that you currently have placed.

talentler resetlencekmiş gene, oha yedek almadım spec.imi ben daha, yarın mı bu patch, tomorrow diyor? *oyuna koşar*

dual talent zaten ikide bir kendisini resetleyip duruyor benim. bir suru sey denedim sayesinde para odemeden :)
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Exorcism can no longer be used on players

We made a change in the 3.1.1 patch to prevent Exorcism from being used on players. We didn’t announce this change ahead of time because we were trying to get the tooltip changed at the same time to reduce confusion. We still plan on getting the tooltip updated ASAP. Exorcism’s use in PvE has not changed at this time.

Going with a “not on players” solution is not ideal and we will be re-designing how the ability works in a future patch (the plan is sooner rather than later). We don’t like for PvE and PvP mechanics to work differently when we can avoid it. We also don’t like for a major damaging ability to be excluded from the PvP game. However, we thought this had become a balance issue serious enough to address at this time.

We shifted around paladin damage for 3.1 trying to increase sustained damage while reducing burst damage. Unfortunately, the Exorcism change did the opposite. Instead of stealing a GCD from a paladin, it actually gave them an extra one. A Retribution paladin could use Exorcism to cause damage while closing to melee and then be ready to go with their melee damage attacks. (Exorcism of course is not limited to Ret paladins either.) We changed the way paladins do damage for Lich King, so while it is unfortunate (and we accept full blame), it also isn’t too surprising that it is taking some effort to get their damage in the right place.

In the same patch where we remove the “not on players” limitation for Exorcism, we are going to change the way paladins do damage so that their normal combat moves have more depth to them instead of just using abilities every time they finish their cooldown. This should make causing damage as a paladin more interesting and also less bursty. While we have some ideas on how to accomplish that, if you have suggestions or your own ideas about how this could work, this would be a good time to share them. (As examples of abilities you don’t just use whenever their cooldown has finished, you might look at Conflagrate, Brain Freeze, Rip, Overpower or Arcane Blast.) We do request that you don’t fill the forums with posts of limited content or insight about how you don’t like to be nerfed. Nobody does.

It is always a judgment call about when a fix (a buff or a nerf) can’t wait. Some things we can’t change easily in hotfixes or small patches, and some things we consider too risky for technical reasons or for their potential effects on the game.

ulan.. millete neler geldi, zaten holy olarak pvp yapıyordum. gene judgement, holy shock ve shield'a mı kaldık ya poff.
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ya bu patchten sonra bende spec degistirdigide talentlar sıfırlanıyo. sinir olmaya basladım.

tam dungeon'a giricem bi bakiorm 0. bg giriyorum adama dalıyorum dalmıyo, kacmaya calısıyorum kacamıyo. bilin bakalım ne olmus gene sıfırlanmıs.

ne lanet bir bug arkadas. kıl oldum.

bu salak patchten sonra basladı bende.
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