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Darkfall Online Bilgilendirme ve Gelişmeleri

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
nasıl çıkmadı aktif değilmi şu anda patch?

not:sadece loading ekranı arka planı mavi olmuş görebildiğim kadarıyla :D


bide pusula sistemi gelmiş batı doğu kuzey güney v.s yi gösteriyor önceden yoktu sanırım
Mesaj tarihi:
Nedir patch gelmişmi gelmemişmi şimdi kimse konuşmuyor forumlarda doğru dürüst. Vendordan bulk satın alma varmı yokmu buna bakarak rahatlıkla anlarsınız heralde
Mesaj tarihi:
abi weather harici herşey gelmiş sanırım,az önce reading diye bi skill gibi bişey gördüm magic traderde,ayrıca ben evi merak ediyorum nasıl alıcaz v.s diye bilgisi olan varmı?
Mesaj tarihi:
Aslında çoğu gelmiş gibi.Toplu reg satın alma ve toplu craft yapma gelmiş.Steedgrasslar çok daha fazla düşüyormuş.Yeni mount gelmiş.Houselar gelmiş.Lootlarda henüz abartı bir farklılık bulunmamış ancak wall exploiting fixlenmiş.Melee skill gainlerinde biraz artıs var deniyor.Clan news reel ın filterları eklenmiş.Büyülere alınabilen özellikler eklenmiş.Gate eklendimi öğrenemedim. bunları official forumdan okuyorum yalanda olabilir bir kısmı gerçi :P
Mesaj tarihi:
Şu oyunu pre order eden ilk 15-20 kişiden biri olupta şu patchde evde olamam kahrediyor reallife sux zaten DF forum imzamdada mevcut burayada ekleme zamanı geldi :(
Mesaj tarihi:
Wall of text incoming, if you don't like stories you can just read the last sentence and see why PvP is better than ever.

The patch has been more than I could dream of in terms of PvP. When everyone went into slack mode in Mari I decided to head out and check out UDL:s village north of spiral peak. Long story short I ended up in a full group of UDL storming the first built-up Villa I've seen (someone built it in their village and then fucked with them). We took down the villa to 0% with magic and when the villa was disabled the door was opened (the owned had locked himself inside with 6 clanmates). We rushed in and made them pay for their disrespect. It was an awesome fight, before the door went down they were peaking out from windows trying to nuke us but we surrounded the Villa and pinned them down inside it.

Then we took the Elish village from SoT, there is no message when villages can be taken again, they just suddenly go vulnerable after like 6 hours and you can take it. Apparantly whoever gets the lasthit on the stone gets the village. 9 UDL 1 SD, I didn't stand much of a chance of getting it for us ;).

After that the whole alliance came down to the mainland, pulled out a Brigantine and started to burn down Oromëas city for being tards. At this time the clan pages were down and we had been traveling for a long time to get all the way down there and getting the boat in the right position to nuke the city. Just then VG+KGB+others pulled into Mehatil harbor with a Brigantine of their own and a raft with a total force of about 25. With the clan pages down we knew we would have a hard time getting ppl back to Yssam as we couldn't bindkick ppl up there. Figuring they would leave after getting pushed a few times we stayed and disabled a cannon tower and a guard tower. After awhile we realised they weren't going to leave unless we got more ppl to help (we had some ppl at Meh, but they were getting smashed), we rallied up all the runestones we could find to Yssam and recalled.

VG were pansies and ran when they saw we were coming for a fight, I'm not sure at our numbers but I would guestimate they were even: 25 vs 25. Their small force in the city was easly killed and the Brig started to try to leave. We killed the guys that the Brig left behind in the water and now I'd say it was about our 25 vs 15 of them. Funny thing is we realise they we're talking shit on the official forums during this time and we quickly get 2 rafts out and start pursuing them. Alot of time, skillful manouvering and failed boarding attempts later, all this while getting heavily nuked on the rafts, we finally got a whole bunch of us ontop of the Brig managing to stop it and get even more of us to board it. Before you know it the enemies were jumping overboard and there was rapage everywhere, when the dust had settled we hadn't lost a single guy that I know of and SBA had +1 Brigantine. It was either Vamp or SD getting that boat and I guess seing that there was alot more Vamp guys in the fight they decided to give it to Vamp, we'll prob get the next one ;).

If you want pvp nowadays you just leave town and find some, it's awesome.

I got 36 kills today.

Clandan birisinin yazısı 2 cümle kesip copy/pasteledim.
Mesaj tarihi:
senin alliance benim bildiğim NA o yüzden EU sürelerinde online olmayabilirler :) Bundan sonra clan şehirlerinde çok insan olmayabilir ama , malum random chaos chest spawnalrından çıkıyor ev sahibi olmak için gereken deedler veya high end moblardan bir şansla düşüyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben kiz arkadasimi 4 saat macroya biraktim chest aramasi icin lol, baya bulmus ama deed yok... Arkadas ne bahtsiz adamlariz ya. Bulan var mi hic daha? Bizim clandan 2 kisi 12 saat araliksiz aradilar, 30 kusur tane acmislar pot'dan fazlasini bulan yok :S
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