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Mass Effect 2


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evet immunity'de kalkmis, lvl basina daha fazla hp ile olacak herhalde

isin komigi ilk haberlerin aksine heavy weaponlari butun classlar kullanabiliyor ve normandy'de research ile falan oyun sirasinda yeni skill ogrenerek diger classlar Assault Rifle'da kullanabilir hale geliyormus (ilk oyunda achievement ile yapilani oyuna entegre etmisler sanirim) e ne anladim ben bu isten (mesela ben adept'ime ilk oyunda yaptigim gibi sniper rifle alirim, duck hunt'a doner yine oyun :P)

ammo modlarini skill olarak eklerken, ammo upgradeleri ne yaptilar acaba (mevcut incendiary, disrupter falan ME 1 ammo upgradelerinin yaptigi isi yapiyor gibi)

simdi okudum tankingi adrenaline rush'a baglamislar, powerlari maxlayinca 2 secenek veriyor, AR icin bunlardan biri damage reduction sagliyormus
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PC Gamer, inventory/silah modlari/persuasion ile ilgili bir kac bilgi:

"you no longer have an inventory. its been replaced by a more abstract system, similar to a pure action game. Instead of loot drops abd containers full of equipable gear, you find technology pickups that can be researched on your ship to unlock new weapons."

"Also gone are equipment mods, replaced by castable abilities.... The miserably clunky inventory system of ME1 is no longer a problem, although the new weapon load-out and research interfaces aren't great either."

"character development(skills) has also been culled down to six or seven upgradeable skills for shepard and just four for companions. Has ME2 been dumbed down? Yeah abit, but these changes don't make it a worse game than its predecessor; it just has some different priorities this time around,"

" The charm and intimidation skills that unlocked special conversation options in the first game have been melded into the Paragon/Renegade system, which now unlocks options based on how much of a swell guy or jerk you've been. "

" The way Paragon and Renegade points are handed out could have been better, however. Often you're dealing with an issue so ambiguous that either path could be seen as good or bad, and when I'm trying to be a good guy it awards me Renegade points without telling me what it was that I did to earn them. "

" The levels are attractive, but a bit blocky and workman like. Some have inexplicable waist-high barriers that pop out of the ground when combat begins to provide cover. It's so contrived it feels like an in-joke for cover-based shooter players. "

ayrica NPCler hakkinda aslinda spoiler olmayan detay

" But each has two character specific missions : one to recruit them and one optional personal that exposes their backstory and unlocks a special skill and new outfit. "

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ben orda anlatmak istedigini tam olarak anlatamadigini dusunuyorum, zira durup dururken yerden "Buyrun cover lazimmis" diye platform yukselicegini sanmiyorum. O kadar feci sicmis olamazlar level design'da. Dolayisiyla tahminim mesela bir mekanda iki oda var, ilkinin icinde dusman yok diye normal bir oda gibi dekore edilmis, o ilk odadan cikip dusman dolu odaya gidince goruyoruzdur ki ilk odayi toparlayan temizlikcinin eli ikinci odaya degmediginden etraf coverlik kutular ile dolu... ME 1'de de buna benzerdi zaten
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sam ; mass effect 1de de oyun o kadar iyi değildi ki? evreni , hikayeyi , ara konuşmaların seslendirmesini çıkart ; aksiyon kısmı gayet rezil bir oyundu.

bana güzel hikaye olsun , diyaloglar olsun , jane'imi göriyim daha iyi grafiklerle yeter

işte bu EA hedef kitlesi bu arada :D
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Character Customization and planetary exploration

rpglerde Character Customization'in = zirhi siyaha boyamak olarak algilaniyor ya ona yaniyorum

diger bir ozeti de ilk oyunda millet planet grind'i gecip lvl 30da Saren'i kestigi icin, oyunu bu sefer ona gore ayarladik seve seve grind yapmazsaniz suicide mission falan ayagina elinize alacaksiniz karakteri demisler

bunun disinda hikaye hakkinda cok iyi diye yorumlar var, hep negatif seyler c/pliyorum diye belirteyim dedim, zira oyunda elle tutulur bir tek hikayenin islenisi ve Voice Acting kaliyor gibi yavas yavas :P

edit: derken...

Equipping Your Squad
January 15, 2010 by BioWare

by Christina Norman

With up to 10 squad members, equipping your team in Mass Effect 2 could have been a daunting task. To make this task manageable we’ve made two inventory advancements: squad inventory, and auto-upgrades.

Squad Inventory
Whenever Shepard finds an upgraded weapon he scans it with his omni-tool, uploading detailed data to his ship. Using that data, this ship’s armory can replicate the weapon, making it available to any squad member trained to use that weapon type. For example, if you find a superior shotgun, your armory will fabricate copies, making that shotgun model available to any squad member with shotgun training. This gets rid of tedious inventory management tasks, like unequipping and transferring items between squad members.

Squad members will automatically start using upgraded weapons when they become available. Combined with squad based inventory, this makes managing your squad’s loadout very easy.

Let’s say you find an upgraded sniper rifle. You scan it and upload the data to your ship’s armory. The armory immediately starts fabricating copies. Thane, back on your ship, grabs one from the armory and starts using it. All this is accomplished without any manual inventory management.

Customizing Your Team’s Loadout
You can customize your team’s loadout. At the start of every mission you’ll be given a chance to set weapons for your squad. At this point you can override any choices the auto-upgrade system has made. This is also your chance to customize Shepard’s weapons, including his heavy weapon.

Unique Weapons
While most weapons are shared, some are so advanced or so personalized to an individual that they can’t be easily replicated or transferred. These unique weapons will automatically be received by a specific squad member. This approach helps differentiate your squad members, and creates opportunities for individual progression. Since these weapons are tied to a specific squad member, they work with our auto- upgrade system. Your squad member will start using their new weapon immediately once you obtain it.

This is the second in a series of blog posts by Lead Gameplay Designer Christina Norman on the RPG systems of Mass Effect 2.

her sey automated masallah, oyunu da benim yerine oynasinlar... oh wait... auto-aim!
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oyun tasarımcısı denen insanlar oyuncunun uğraşmaktan hoşlandığı olayları otomatiğe bağlayacak kadar oyun oynamamışlar mı cidden bilmiyorum. aklıma pot içme simülatörü dungeon siege fiyaskosu geliyor.

armory her haltı üretebiliyorsa evrensel bir veritabanına bağlanmaktan aciz miymiş bir de onu sormak lazım.

hayret birşey yani, yılın en çok beklediğim oyunuydu ama zorla, ısrarla soğutuyorlar her açıklamayla. ilkinin üstüne yeni hikaye koyup öyle verseler daha iyi olacak gibi. neyi değiştirdilerse herşey kötüye gitmiş mübarek.
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Sam said:

oyun tasarımcısı denen insanlar oyuncunun uğraşmaktan hoşlandığı olayları otomatiğe bağlayacak kadar oyun oynamamışlar mı cidden bilmiyorum.

tabiki oynamamışlar hayır :) aynen şöyle oluyor:

akşam eve gelen tasarımcı 8 yaşındaki konsol bebesi çocuğunun "geçemiyoreeee!1" dediği bölüme bakar ve..

sabah işe gidince " guys, i got a very good idea.."

waist-high barriers that pop out of the ground when combat begins to provide cover.
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