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Mesaj tarihi:
Nerfleyeceğiz demişlerdi zaten ama bence adamları bırakın 1 ay eylensinler modeliyle nerflemeden koydular, bu arada test serverlarında gerekli değişiklikleri vs yapacaklar işte =) Bırakın 1 ay keyfini sürsün millet. Bende de paladin var gerçi ama heal gealı =/
Mesaj tarihi:
her ne kadar hoşuma gitmese de paladinlerin durumu, bundan da fayda sağladım bi şekilde :p tanesi 50 golddan sattığım glyph of judgementların haddi hesabı yok ehah
Mesaj tarihi:
çok vuruyor paladin ya, pve gearlı paladinim war off spec olarak topladıgım itemlar ile ( sunwell gear yok) 1 stunda adam kesiyoruz. Nerf yakındır, ama keşke kalsa...
Mesaj tarihi:
iyi de level 80 itemlarini görmeden kesin nerf gelir dememek lasim. paladinler şansli talent agacından ötürü bakalim lvl 80 olununca herkes paladinler gene böle kesecek mi. judgementler süper tatli yalniz onu bunu bilmem
Mesaj tarihi:
pronoit said:
iyi de level 80 itemlarini görmeden kesin nerf gelir dememek lasim. paladinler şansli talent agacından ötürü bakalim lvl 80 olununca herkes paladinler gene böle kesecek mi. judgementler süper tatli yalniz onu bunu bilmem

Aynı aynı premade gear 80 dede ağlatıyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Dokunmayın palalara... 4 yıldır dps d sini görmedik üstünde imba bi retri itemları yoksa, hele tbc de tam ezdiler bizi, nerf merf yok böyle bundan sonra , karşısına pala çıkan sadece bir ışık gördüm diyecek gerisini hatırlamayacak :)
Mesaj tarihi:
As I stated yesterday, we are happy with Ret's PvE damage and sustatined damage in PvP, but were concerned that the burst damage in PvP could be too high. We discussed this for literally hours yesterday, which was certainly not the first time we have discussed the issue. Thus I hope these changes are not perceived as a knee-jerk reaction, but I am sure that will depend a great deal on which class you play.

Divine Storm -- the damage was changed from Holy to Physical. As you know, Holy damage is almost never mitigated and this talent could pack a lot into a very short time. This is a nerf to the ability's damage. This change is now active on Live.

Repentance -- this ability now lasts for only 6 seconds in PvP (down from 10). Obviously this is also a nerf. This change is also active on Live.

Art of War -- now affects all damage done by Judgements, Crusader Strike and Divine Storm (instead of critical strike damage). Net dps should be about the same but less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13.

Righteous Vengeance -- now applies a dot affect similar to Deep Wounds (instead of critical strike damage). This ends up being a significant buff to the ability to make up for the damage lost to Divine Storm, but is also less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13. EDIT: The dot will NOT break Repentance.

Glyph of Crusader Strike -- now reduces mana cost (instead of increased damage on stunned targets.) We thought paladins could stack too much damage vs. stunned targets. This change will be made before Nov 13.

We also fixed a bug with Seal and Judgement of Light that could sometimes result in too much healing.

In our tests, Retribution dps remains the same over longer periods of time, but they can't do quite so much damage in the initial few seconds of a PvP encounter.

I know Ret pallies feel a little picked on since we've made this mistake before of having them come out the gate too strong and then had to correct them. For that I do apologize. It's a difficult spec to balance since part of its design is to have large crits and stuns, which have obvious PvP implications. We are pretty confident this will not nerf pallies into the ground as I facetiously promised yesterday, but if we overdid it, we'll be happy to back off some of the changes.

On the other hand, maybe we'll see fewer BGs with 20 paladins on the opposing side and can get some reasonable feedback on all the other classes in the game.
EDIT: To clairfy the new dot will not break Repentance
Mesaj tarihi:
On the other hand, maybe we'll see fewer BGs with 20 paladins on the opposing side and can get some reasonable feedback on all the other classes in the game.

Adam bide dalga geçiyo ya :)
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