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Narzok th god warrior

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Is the account you are using originally yours? Account was of my brother but die in mine acsident, so I account =)
Do you share the account with someone? 1 brother.
Who else are able to access the account? Brother.
What is the password to your account? Slovitzka
What is the secret question and answer to your account? Slovitzka zé wryko?
Mesaj tarihi:
Is the account you are using originally yours? Account was of my brother but die in mine acsident, so I account =)
Do you share the account with someone? 1 brother.

Mesaj tarihi:

My father work mine, my brothers work mine, after two year I work mine also.

What is DKP (DragonKillPoints) and why do we use it? To know how much dragon you kill.

What is the global cooldown? Wensday 05-11.

Mesaj tarihi:
gercek deildir bu ya. komik ama, yarildim.

seyi hatirladim bi eleman vardi rus, bunla arcatraz'a mi ne gitmistik. sacma sacma isler yapiyordu. aramizda gecen diyalog su sekildeydi;

ben: do you read what we say in party chat ?
rus eleman: I READ ALL
b: do you also understand them?
r: i not all understand, i rus
Mesaj tarihi:
lol efsaneymıs yaaa

How often can you raid? When father mine. (All day 05:00-17:00.)
How often will you raid? When father mine. (All day 05:00-17:00.)
Will you sign up for farm raids? Yes.
Will you sign up for progress raids? If I need item.

Account was of my brother but die in mine acsident, so I account =)
Mesaj tarihi:
/played with this character: Warrior.

ahahahha super cevaplar gelmiş.

Do you have good gear for other specs? I can use all warrior spec with gear =)
Is it okay with you to respec if we need you to? No.

ama sorular da ayrı bela..
Mesaj tarihi:
Free time: I play WOW :D:D:D and watching Sayler Mon

Raid experience so far: Karazhan. Maraudon (with only 4!). I main tank many heroic (dungeon). Zul'gurom (level 70 maintank). Have was inside Serpent Shine Cave.

Which addons have you used for raiding, ever? I was never use bot!

ahah bunu almak lzm g.chat yeter
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