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Preliminary Update Notes for July 30th patch

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Update Notes - July 30th, 2008 Patch

**These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on Live**

* Several causes of crashes and assert failures have been addressed and fixed.
* The Skewbald Pinto Horse has had its stats adjusted to horses of the same tier and price.
* Important notification sounds now won't be interrupted by other sounds.
* Mounts can no longer be sold.
* A fix was implemented for item descriptions when switching between languages on the client.
* Fixed an issue that would cause some playfields to be empty after logging out for some time, and then back in.
* You can no longer send unlimited mail through the tradepost. If you send several mails and are informed via system message you cannot send any more, you will need for in-game time to pass before being able to send more mail.
* Ignored users will no longer be able to send you mail.
* Raid playfields will now kick players who are not in the raid.

* All Assassin, Barbarian, Bear Shaman, Conqueror, Dark Templar, Guardian, Herald of Xotli, and Ranger combo damage and stamina costs have been rebalanced to match the newly adjusted animations.

* Combos granted by feats should now deal significantly more damage than before.

* Aborting multihit combos before they're finished won't activate their full effects anymore.
* Pet commands should now be more responsive.

* The "Quests" tab in the quest journal should now indicate the current number of accepted quests and the total number of allowed quests.
* An option to add a player to your ignore list was added to the "Add by name" dialog.
* If your trade is rejected, you will receive an onscreen message.
* Tooltips for NPCs on the map should now show up in the localized version of their names, instead of their default English names.
* You can no longer trade while in combat mode.
* You will see an onscreen message stating that a team member has joined your team.
* Onscreen feedback for a failed attempt at a trade due to a full inventory has been tweaked.
* Added a new option that allows the player to make his cloak invisible.

* Toirdealbach's Tomb has had its level range adjusted from 50-53 to 46-48. Loot in Toirdealbach's Tomb has been adjusted to fit the new level range of mobs.
* Pyramid of the Ancients: The Harem Girls have been dressed up properly, and sexily!

* Players will now always see Massive PvP results, and the time left in a battle during battles. This information is displayed in the right top corner, below the minimap.

* Field of the Dead: Changed the level on the quest Entourage from 52 to 47.
* Field of the Dead: Changed the level on the quest Cleansing the Tomb from 53 to 48.
* Khopshef Province: Forbidden Knowledge - The Crumbling Codex will now despawn after it is picked up.
* Khopshef Province: Slave Cages will now show a visual effect when player is on the correct quest to interact with them.
* Pyramid of the Ancients: New Quests have been added to enhance your questing experience. Bosses have been upgraded to present a challenge to solo (or small groups) of players. Pay careful attention to the items they drop - they could be the key to defeating more challenging enemies.
* Pyramid of the Ancients: All quests should now be working.
* Tarantia Sewers: Orphans in the Hovel - Galeria should now talk to you after you kill her captor.

* Cloth Resource droprate in the world has increased somewhat.
* The Resource and Building playfields (Lacheish Plains, Purple Lotus Swamp, Poitain) have new NPC camps that will drop tradeskill items previously only available through the Alchemist's Cache. Some of these encampments will aggro, some will not. This makes these zones more dangerous, but allows lower level players a chance to get the tier 1-3 resources they need.

* Checkerboard textures should no longer appear on the ground throughout the world.
Last edited by Haven : Yesterday at 03:24 AM.
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Unread Yesterday, 09:21 PM Report Post Haven is offline #2
QA Tester

Default July 23rd Patch
* We're now done with the majority of the process to completely equalize Male and Female damage. We've balanced the animation-lengths for all "white damage" attacks as well as all "combo finishers", and furthermore we've matched the animation length of "moving attacks" to the lengths of "stationary attacks". As a result players should now experience no difference in damage dealt or time needed to execute an attack based on what gender their character is.

Herald of Xotli
* Pillar of Internal Flame Rank II is now a three-step combo (including combo starter) instead of an instant cast.

* Many of the spells used by raid bosses will now ignore line of sight-checks, thus making it impossible to avoid them by hiding behind pillars and such.
* Many of the spells used by raid bosses will now be impossible to fully resist.
Mesaj tarihi:
* All Assassin, Barbarian, Bear Shaman, Conqueror, Dark Templar, Guardian, Herald of Xotli, and Ranger combo damage and stamina costs have been rebalanced to match the newly adjusted animations.

onu bunu bılmemde ben bu degısıklıkten cıddı bı sekılde tırstım pvp de kı dmg dengesını saglamaya calısan bu adamların speedle oynaması, salakcaydı oysakı weapon dmg ları degıstırebılırlerdı sımdı gem, uzerınden resıstlerden nerf yaparak yenecek dmg mıktarı ıle oynayaıp yapmıs oldugumuz delı gold mıktarlarını yıyolar oysakı playerların healthlerını dusurebılrıdı. sımdıde yukardakı mevzu stamıne duzenlemesıyle beraber hep bırlıkte melee dmglerı nerflerlerse sasırmayacagım ve artık oturup aglayacagım sanırım.
hadı hayırlısı.
bu arada benım guardıanın dmg 2 gun onceye gore %40 dusuk gıdıyor.sızdede varmı bole seyler
Mesaj tarihi:
@ sadATS2

Ben guardian oynuyorum, ve burda bile agliyorum ya. Bildigin combolar inanilmaz yavas ilerliyor genel atk speed inanilmaz dustu, duz attaklarda. Benim 1h silahlarda bug dedigim o. Ama sanirim farkli bi durumda var. Conq fln parcaliyo diyolar..
Mesaj tarihi:
bingildak said:
@ sadATS2

Ben guardian oynuyorum, ve burda bile agliyorum ya. Bildigin combolar inanilmaz yavas ilerliyor genel atk speed inanilmaz dustu, duz attaklarda. Benim 1h silahlarda bug dedigim o. Ama sanirim farkli bi durumda var. Conq fln parcaliyo diyolar..

Benim guildde de guardianlar var.Valla sen nerde yanlış yapıyosun bilmem ama bugün 3 kişiyle benim arkadaşı 20sn de fln anca kestiler.O da ölmeden birini yatırdı.Ben rangerım 2 kişi target alınca yatmam 3 sn sürmüyo.
Mesaj tarihi:
ozgurtrk said:
bingildak said:
@ sadATS2

Ben guardian oynuyorum, ve burda bile agliyorum ya. Bildigin combolar inanilmaz yavas ilerliyor genel atk speed inanilmaz dustu, duz attaklarda. Benim 1h silahlarda bug dedigim o. Ama sanirim farkli bi durumda var. Conq fln parcaliyo diyolar..

Benim guildde de guardianlar var.Valla sen nerde yanlış yapıyosun bilmem ama bugün 3 kişiyle benim arkadaşı 20sn de fln anca kestiler.O da ölmeden birini yatırdı.Ben rangerım 2 kişi target alınca yatmam 3 sn sürmüyo.

iide zaten cabuk oluyorum dememiski attack speed im dustu demis. guardianın ozelligi zaten uzun sure dayanabilmesi
Mesaj tarihi:
ozgurtrk said:
bingildak said:
@ sadATS2

Ben guardian oynuyorum, ve burda bile agliyorum ya. Bildigin combolar inanilmaz yavas ilerliyor genel atk speed inanilmaz dustu, duz attaklarda. Benim 1h silahlarda bug dedigim o. Ama sanirim farkli bi durumda var. Conq fln parcaliyo diyolar..

Benim guildde de guardianlar var.Valla sen nerde yanlış yapıyosun bilmem ama bugün 3 kişiyle benim arkadaşı 20sn de fln anca kestiler.O da ölmeden birini yatırdı.Ben rangerım 2 kişi target alınca yatmam 3 sn sürmüyo.

cok alakasiz bi sey yazmissin.. soyledigim seyle senin verdigin ornek arasinda yakindan uzaktan hicbir alaka yok. tooltipler duzeldi mi bu arada? hala 1hlarin hepsi 2.00 mi gorunuyor?
Mesaj tarihi:
biraz alakasiz ama soulstorm'da Server police'in lideri sanirim freelapdance diye bir guardian var. Neden yapilmissa artik 2 kisi vuruyoruz healti 70%'in altina inmiyor. En son 4 kisi fare gibi dagin kosesine sikistirdik, bodyblock yaptik cikamadi. Dove dove oldurduk :)o Sikistirmasak kacacak gene.
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