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Game Mechanics explained by the System Designer


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Game Mechanics explained by the System Designer
News | June 23, 2008 (10 hours, 57 minutes ago) | by Zyuu | via forums-eu.ageofconan.com | Filed in Age of Conan

System Designer Jayde recently made a post where he explains the details behind the four biggest stats in terms of comparing attackers to defenders in the game.

He also tells us that they will release a short guide that explain how Funcom have intended stats to work. This is something many have requested for awhile now, understanding stats in a MMO (or any game in general, really) is insanely helpful, especially if you want to min-max your characters and make sure that you actually focus on the correct stats. We will keep you updated as soon we know more about the guide Jayde hints on.

Without further ado, this is what Jayde shared with everyone over at the official boards:

Attack Rating, Defense Rating, Magic Rating (this includes specialized Magic Ratings) and Magical Resist are the "big 4" stats in terms of comparing attackers to defenders in the game.

The opposing stats are, as may be obvious:

* Attack Rating vs. Defense Rating
* Magic Rating (+Specialized Rating) vs. Magical Resist

In normal combat, if the attacker's offensive rating is lower than the defender's defensive rating, the damage will be reduced. Likewise, if the attacker's offensive rating is higher than the defender's defensive rating, the damage will be increased.

When attack and defense ratings are equal, the damage dealt will be the "normal" value of the attack, spell, or ability.

Heroic rating works mostly the same; however it is limited in when it can apply. It only applies if that rating is lower than an opposing rating.

For example:

* Player A has 250 Attack Rating, NPC B has 300 Defense Rating, outcome is -50 for the Player
* Player A has 250 Attack Rating + 100 Heroic Attack Rating, NPC B has 300 Defense Rating, outcome is even
* Player A has 250 Attack Rating + 100 Heroic Attack Rating, NPC B has 400 Defense Rating, outcome is -50 for the Player
* Player A has 250 Attack Rating + 100 Heroic Attack Rating, NPC B has 200 Defense Rating, outcome is +50 for the Player

For specialized magic ratings, as with Demonologists and Necromancers, the specialized rating is added when using a spell of the school that one has specialized rating for. For instance, if one has 100 Magic Rating and 50 Electrical Magic Rating, the effective magic rating is 150 with Electrical spells and 100 with non-Electrical spells. (The Archmage feat in the Mage general tree will make the buffs apply to both schools for the class, so all spells will effectively be cast with 150 Magic Rating.)


The last point is simply, these 4 stats do not apply in PvP. Thus, in PvP positive or negative damage multipliers normally associated with offensive and defensive rating comparisons are completely ignored. This is to allow players of all levels to compete on a fairly level playing-field, and not have them dealing artificially reduced or increased damage due to rating differences.

All other stats work normally in PvP. It is simply that "scaler" functionality which is normally in place to dynamically adjust gameplay based on level differences (for instance, the fact that you will evade more against a lower-level NPC) is removed in PvP to allow for a fairer matchup of player skill and ability.

To answer the questions of "why heavy armor?" or others along that same line: all players of all classes have the ability to reach the "target" ratings for a given level. They are a way to control your "virtual level" when compared against NPCs, not to provide a specific advantage to certain classes. All classes should be able to reach, for instance, 317 in all 4 rating statistics at level 80.

Heavier types of armor have higher innate invulnerability ratings, greater resistance to knockback effects, and dramatically increased health modifications. (Heavy armor, for instance, has over 3 times as much health available compared to medium armor.)
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yani heavy armorla kagit armor arasinda armor miktari bakimindan fark yok, armorun ustunde tasidigi statlar onemli sadece?
Pvp de bu armor (4 stat)statlarinin da onemi yok?
bir mage classi icin +magical damage almanin pvp icin hic manasi yok o zaman. Armor da +mana, +Hit points HP, mana tap,hp tap gibi statlar onemli?
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defans ratingler uzerıne ve atack ratıngler uzerıne olmus evet bunların pvpde bı manası yok armorlarda sadece sus aslında o da dogru dedıgı gıbı armor typelara gore bası resıstler ve health actıon mana gıbı katsayılarda fark var. ılvullar onemlı gerısıde yalan ıste. yanı wowdakı yada daha oncekı oyunlarda oldugu gıbı armorun kendının dırek dmg kırıcı bı ozellıgı yok.ancak cozemedım yanı hocta %7 magıc ilvul varken casterlar onu yakaladımı yararken sadece %10 magclere ılvul olan guardıan neden dmg yemıyor bı turlu cozemedım bu oyunun mekanıklerını anlamak omrumuzu curutecek sanırım.
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Abi inanamıyorum ya, bu adamlar bu kadar öngörüden yoksun olamazlar.

Oyunu sattıran en önemli şeylerden birisi siege savaşları yani PvP; ve PvPde item sıfır mı fark yaratıyor? Sıfır yani kocaman bir sıfır.

Ulan o zaman ben siege savaşları için oynuyorsam niye kasiym ki, guild wars gibi skill mi açacam allah aşkına. Ya da rankler mi tutuluyor, nedir yani...

Skill>Item olsun dedi herkes ama bunlar da abarttılar şimdi.
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jungle said:
To answer the questions of "why heavy armor?" or others along that same line: all players of all classes have the ability to reach the "target" ratings for a given level. They are a way to control your "virtual level" when compared against NPCs, not to provide a specific advantage to certain classes. All classes should be able to reach, for instance, 317 in all 4 rating statistics at level 80.

Heavier types of armor have higher innate invulnerability ratings, greater resistance to knockback effects, and dramatically increased health modifications. (Heavy armor, for instance, has over 3 times as much health available compared to medium armor.)


şüphelenmiştim ama bu kadar gerizekalı olabileceklerini düşünememiştim. ulan salak funcom, tekrar sorayım:


innate resistance'mış, ulan yeşil cloth'ta daha fazla var o dediğinden. bariz anlamı filan yokmuş ağır zırhın yani, şaka gibi. ben söylüyordum zaten millete combatta barbarın nasıl bana benden fazla dmg vurduğunu heavy armor giydiğim halde, inanmıyorlardı. alın buyrun işte. "pvp için soldier açmayın" deseymiş daha iyi olurmuş.

ayrıca raid kasanlar tam tersine pvp'yi domine edecek. mor eşya giyen rogue mavi eşya giyen soldier'a çakacak zira invul rating'leri fırlamış olacak ona kıyasla. innate resistance dediğini biliyoruz plate nasıl %0.02 bonuslar veriyor. çocuk mu kandırıyorlar?

funcom efsane bir şirketmiş cidden. pvp yapacaklara sabır diliyorum.

venator, skill>item değil işte tam tersi. misal, wow'da mavi giyen warrior morlu rogue dövebilirdi sınıfının sağladığı armor farkı nedeniyle. burada raid'den eşyayı giyen direkt dövecek. hp filan dersen gene raid droplarda tonla var.

hayır "soldier'ların dmg düşük çünkü dmg reduction'ları var" diyordu millet ama o da yokmuş. tam komedi.
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Mighty_THoR said:
iyide ben mail giyiyorum üzerim mavi epic karşık 7-9% resistim var slah/crush/piercing buna karşılık mavi guardianda 35-40% slah/crush/piecing resistleri var demekki arada fark varmış

aslında yok gıbı o resıstlerın cogu warıor treeden elıyor ımp defansıve stanceden falan gelıyor, acıklamalarda bı garıp eger stanceler onemlı degılse pekı ımp defansıfe stance yada defansıf stanceın ekledıgı ılvullar calısıyomu, hanı onlar calısmıyo ya. tamam anladık frenzy kullanılamaz. ama defansıfte bı kargasa var beım ıcın.

ılgınc sıstem valla bısı demek zor su an gozukune hp ılvul ve sılahın dmg ı on planda gıdıyor. combolorın klas dagılımına gore dmglerı soru ısaretı tabıkı
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Skill > Item oyunun başından beri funcom'dan istenen şeydi ama şimdiki sistem öyle çalışmıyor. Adamlar pire için yorgan yakmışlar :)

PvP yapacak adamlar dolduracaklar +hp itemlarını öyle yapacaklar pvp'yi. Attack rating'i olmayan +hpye bol veren itemları döşeyecekler ve de kazanacaklar haliyle.

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Attack Rating, Defense Rating, Magic Rating (this includes specialized Magic Ratings) and Magical Resist are the "big 4" stats in terms of comparing attackers to defenders in the game.

The opposing stats are, as may be obvious:

* Attack Rating vs. Defense Rating
* Magic Rating (+Specialized Rating) vs. Magical Resist

if one has 100 Magic Rating and 50 Electrical Magic Rating, the effective magic rating is 150 with Electrical spells and 100 with non-Electrical spells. (The Archmage feat in the Mage general tree will make the buffs apply to both schools for the class, so all spells will effectively be cast with 150 Magic Rating.)

Ustte yazanlar dikkate alinarak su sorularima kesin yanit verebilecek var mi?
1- Tos Lightning tree'de yer alan Ligthning Charge feati'ne 5 feat verdiginizde +60,5 electirical damage aliyorsunuz. yani specialized magic rating. Pvp de bu 4 rating hesaba katilmadigi icin bu feat sirf pve icin mi yani? Featle gelen, armorla gelen ayri demeyin yukarda armordan bahsetmemis kesinlikle. Tos'da bunun gibi 2 feat daha var.

2- +1% piercing damage, +1% piercing invuranilibty gibi ve benzeri speciliazed attack ve defance ratingler var. Bunlar da pvp de gecersiz 4 statin kapsamina giriyor mu? Bunlari arttiran veya azaltan armor ve featler pvp de yine gecersiz mi?
Bunlar dogruysa benim tos'un featlerinin yarisi sirf pve o zaman.
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