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Undocumented changes from June 9th patch


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http://www.aocsource.com/showthread.php?t=1282 said:
Some of these being undocumented is rather confusing. Hopefully it's just that Funcom is very busy and patching fixes faster than you'd normally expect, so some things get looked over or forgotten when it comes time to write up the patch notes. Here's a list of all of the undocumented notes from today's patch -- some of them are actually pretty cool additions/changes.


* Horses move faster
* You no longer fall through the Guild City gates
* Party members now show on zone maps
* Summon to Instance is now enabled.
* Trade skill resource stacking has been improved
* Experience to level has been slightly reduced for lower and mid levels, and Increased at the higher levels. Still working on the specifics. Exp curve has definantly been altered.(See exp change confirmation below)
* Some of the Hyborian Foliage has taken a vacation.
* 'Crouch' ability added, allowing you to slowly move through others. crouch is 200% slower then not-rogue hide and after using crouch you get -100% PvP defence rating.
* 'Ambience' sound slider in Audio Options removed.
* Some Bugged resources have been sorted
* Hair still sticks through your helmet but is now the right color rather then blonde.
* Guard AI greatly improved.
* dance ability now tells you of combos
* Regional chat is now in so you can chat with players multiple zones away.
* Attributes (Str, dex, wis, con, int) now have different describtions aparantly. No other changes regarding attributes at this time. Adding to STR still does not increase attack rating. Same for INT and Magic Attack.
* The Info box for items should no longer display off of your screen when you mouse over items in your inventory.
* Swimming underwater is much clearer now.


* Necro spell Mark of the Devourer bugged. Persists on target even after your death, causing you to res with aggro and be ganked by mobs at the spawn point.


* Rangers now have to stand up after certain combos before being able to move again, basicly it means we're imobile while the final shot is being charged.
* Leg hold trap symbol when placed is now red.


* Overreach reduced in power. Apprently reduced by 40-60% damage. Strikes that were hitting for 1200-1500 overreach III now hitting for 600-700

Herald of Xotli

* Fire Lance reduced in stamina cost, damage and is now a 2-step Combo. Reduction seems to be ~25-40%

Confirmed Bugs Introduced

* There is a bug with group members showing up on zone map. After they leave the group, the blue icon still displays on the zone map and the blue arrow still displays on the minimap.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

abartmanın manası yok koşarak geçilmiyor :) eskidende geçilmiyordu sadece yanlış kullanılıyorlardı combat mode un normal modedan daha hızlı olduğu söyleniyordu ki aslında normal modeda shift e basarsanız combat mode dakinden çok daha hızlı gidiyordunuz şimdi onları ayarladılar artık normal hızda gidiyoruz

bu oyunda atlar bir transportasyon aracı değil en azından asıl amaçları değil daha çok pvp ye hitap ediyorlar ki özellikleri efektif kullanmak grup pvpsinde çok şey değiştiriyor
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

mount ların amacı transportasyon olmayacaksa ozaman acilen bu is için bisiler ekleseler iyi olacak. yada insanların ordan oraya kosturmasını engelleyecek başka yontemler. mesela resource zone lardan calısan trader lar gibi yada en azından banka. cidden bi yerden bi yere gitmek cok zaman alıyor ve ilk baslarda eh eglenceliydi ama gittikce baymaya basladı.
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