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WotLK Bilgileri


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Improved Scorch - More damage types added, now your Scorch spells have a 33/66/100% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Fire, Frost and Arcane damage, increasing damage taken by 2/4/6/6/10% and lasts 30 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

all school olması iyi olmus.

Fiery Payback - Changed to, When below 35% health all Physical and Fire damage taken is reduced by 10/20% and your Pyroblast spell's cast time is reduced by 1.75/3.5 secs.

gecen bırılerı ıstıordu pyro cast tıme dusurulsun dıe.. iste burda

Firestarter - New talent added, Your Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath spells have a 15/30/45% chance to make your next Flamestrike spell instant cast. Lasts 10 seconds.

Winter's Grasp - Renamed to Fingers of Frost, which gives your Frost damage spells a 5/10% chance to apply the Fingers of Frost effect, which treats your next Frost spell cast on the target as if the target were Frozen. Lasts 10 seconds.

# Brain Freeze - Changed to give your Frost damage spells have a 5/10/15% chance to cause your next Fireball spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.

# Improved Water Elemental - Changed to increase the duration of your Summon Water Elemental spell by 5/10/1515 sec and your Water Elemental heals all party or raid members 1/2/3% of their total health every 5 secs.

bu oldukça değişik birşey, magede direct heal veren birşeyler.. güzel;)

full list:

* Arcane Subtley - Lower your target's resistances by 5/10 changed to 15/30% dispel resist
* Wand Specialization - Removed
* Arcane Fortitude - Moved to Wand Specialization's spot, changed to 3 ranks, now provides 50/100/150% of your Intellect into armor.
* Magic Absorption - Changed to 2 ranks, increases resistances by .5/1 per level, now only restores 1/2% of mana on full resist.
* Arcane Impact - Renamed Spell Impact. Now increases the damage of your Arcane Explosion, Arcane Blast, Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Ice Lance, and Cone of Cold by 2/4/6%.
* Student of the Mind - Moved to Tier 3
* Focus Magic - New Tier 3 talent, increases magic damage taken by the target by 150, lasts 1 min or 50 charges.
* Improved Mana Shield - Renamed Arcane Shielding, now increases the armor and resistances gained by the mage by 25/50%.
* Improved Blink - Now reduces the mana cost of Blink by 25/50%, and chance to be hit for 4 sec after Blink by 15/30%.
* Prismatic Cloak - Now reduces damage taken by 2/4/6% and Invisibility fade time by 1/2/3 sec
* Arcane Potency - Reduced to 2 ranks, connected to Presence of Mind instead of Clearcasting, Increases critical strike chance of any spell by 30% when
* Empowered Arcane Missiles - Renamed Arcane Empowerment, now Increases the damage of your Arcane Missiles spell by an amount equal to 15/30/45% of your spell power and the damage of your Arcane Blast by 3/6/9% of your spell power.
* Potent Spirit - Removed, replaced by Arcane Flows. Reduces the cooldown of your Presence of Mind, Arcane Power and Invisibility spells by 30/60 secs.
* Netherwind Presence - Reduced to 3 ranks and moved up a tier, now increases your spell haste by 2/4/6%.
* Missile Barrage - Added in place of Netherwind Presence. Gives your Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt and Frostfire Bolt spells a 15% chance to reduce the channeled duration of the next Arcane Missiles spell by 2.5 secs and fire missiles every .5 secs.


* Improved Fire Blast - Moved to Tier 1, now 2 ranks, Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Blast spell by 1/2 sec.
* Incineration - Moved to tier 1, now 3 ranks, Increases the critical strike chance of your Fire Blast, Scorch, Arcane Blast and Cone of Cold spells by 2/4/6%.
* Burning Determination - New Tier 2 talent, When Interrupted or Silenced you have a 50/100% chance to become immune to both mechanics for 10 seconds.
* World in Flames - Moved to Tier 2, Increases the critical strike chance of your Flamestrike, Blast Wave, Dragon's Breath, Living Bomb, Blizzard and Arcane Explosion spells by 2/4/6%.
* Flame Throwing - Moved to Tier 3
* Impact - Moved to Tier 3
* Pyroblast - Cast time reduced to 5 seconds
* Improved Scorch - More damage types added, now your Scorch spells have a 33/66/100% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Fire, Frost and Arcane damage, increasing damage taken by 2/4/6/6/10% and lasts 30 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
* Master of Elements - Fire and frost wording removed, now your spell criticals will refund 10% of their base mana cost.
* Blast Wave - Knockback added, now a wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for 154 to 186 Fire damage, knocking them back and Dazing them for 6 seconds.
* Fiery Payback - Changed to, When below 35% health all Physical and Fire damage taken is reduced by 10/20% and your Pyroblast spell's cast time is reduced by 1.75/3.5 secs.
* Empowered Fireball - Changed to 3 ranks, Increases the damage of your Fireball spell by an amount equal to 5/10/15% of your spell power.
* Firestarter - New talent added, Your Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath spells have a 15/30/45% chance to make your next Flamestrike spell instant cast. Lasts 10 seconds.
* Dragon's Breath - Disorient changed from 3 sec to 5 sec
* Burnout - Talent changed to read, Increases your spell critical damage bonus with all Fire spells by 5/10/15/20/25% but your spell criticals cost an additional 1/2/3/4/5% of the spell's cost.
* Living Bomb - Mana drain added, The caster becomes a living bomb, causing 51 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards every 2 sec. After 6 seconds, a fiery explosion occurs causing 212 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards and burning 106 mana, dealing damage equal to the amount drained.


* Shattered Barrier - New Tier 6 talent that gives your Ice Barrier spell a 50/100% chance to trigger a Frost Nova when it is destroyed.
* Winter's Grasp - Renamed to Fingers of Frost, which gives your Frost damage spells a 5/10% chance to apply the Fingers of Frost effect, which treats your next Frost spell cast on the target as if the target were Frozen. Lasts 10 seconds.
* Brain Freeze - Changed to give your Frost damage spells have a 5/10/15% chance to cause your next Fireball spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.
* Improved Water Elemental - Changed to increase the duration of your Summon Water Elemental spell by 5/10/1515 sec and your Water Elemental heals all party or raid members 1/2/3% of their total health every 5 secs.
* Chilled to the Bone - Changed to increase the damage caused by your Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt and Ice Lance spells by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the movement speed of all chilled targets by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.
* Deep Freeze - Damage added, causes 694 to 806 Frost damage and stuns the target for 5 seconds. Only usable on Frozen targets.
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Dworgian said:
raistlinthewiz said:
Dworgian said:
xunn said:
Hay yemişim feralinizi ya, her class'ın imba spec'i olur, o gidilir. Üç farklı talentla oynama isteği bir druid, bir paladin saçmalığı zaten.

bu da ne komik bi yorumdur

madem her class ın imba spec i var ve sadece onunla gidilio blizz her class a 1 tree koysaydı madem nie 3 seçenek koyulmuş.

zaten bu yuzden arenada frost pvede fire oynamak zorundayız... arcane yok.

valla çok arcane mage gördüm oynayan ve zevk alan. genel kalıplara uymak yerine varolan seçeneği oynamaya çalışmak da mümkün.

ha mesela arcane şuanki haliyle oynanamaz halde ise, mantıklı olan blizz in bunu düzeltmesini sağlamaya çalışmaktır bence.

kalkıp "euheuhea mage sin arcane mi oynıcan" die kafa bulmak saçma bi durum olur die düşünüorum. blizz onu oraya koymuş kardeşim dengesini sağlasın isteyen oynasın işte...


demek istedigim bu yani. arkadaşın "druidsin resto oyna" mantıgı yanlış.

eu beta cıktıgı gunden berı mage oynuorum hıcbır zaman blızzard bır treeyı broken hale getırmeden digerini viable yapmadı. blizzard ıcın konusuyorum. tbc oncesı frost pve talenttken tbcde olay tamamen degıstı.. arcane kımı zamanlar viable hale geldı ama yıne degısıklerle bununda ıcıne ettı. blizzardın mantıgı bu
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Glyph of the White Bear - Changes the appearance of your bear and dire bear forms to that of a polar bear.

Glyph of Mangle - Increases the duration of Mangle by 6 sec.

Glyph of Innervate - Your innervate ability now has an additional 20% strength mana regeneration effect on you in addition to the effect on your primary target.

Glyph of Rebirth - Increases the amount of health on a character brought back to life via Rebirth by 100%.

Glyph of Regrowth - Increases the amount of your initial Regrowth heal by 50% if your Regrowth effect is still active on the target.

Glyph of Rejuvenation - While your rejuvenation targets are below 50% health you will heal them for an additional 50% health.

:D ehe
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The_Delucian said:
da ... haste ?

5 sn olan Pyro yu 4 sn ye indirdin diyelim %25 haste ile -3.5 secs casting time yani 0.5 saniye ...

yani aslında %35 Hp nin altındaysan Pyro aslında GCD ile atılacak O.o ...

pve de düşünemiorum melee moblara gidip 1 shot dmg alıp blink atmak gibi manyaklıklara girişicekler mageler kesin :D

ayrıca pvp de %35 e inmeyi bekleyip blink atıp kafamıza pyro sallarlar mı die düşünmek istemiorum :D
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Dworgian said:
xunn said:
Hay yemişim feralinizi ya, her class'ın imba spec'i olur, o gidilir. Üç farklı talentla oynama isteği bir druid, bir paladin saçmalığı zaten.

bu da ne komik bi yorumdur

madem her class ın imba spec i var ve sadece onunla gidilio blizz her class a 1 tree koysaydı madem nie 3 seçenek koyulmuş.

ayrıca bilmiorum hybrid terimi sana bişey ifade edio mu?

biz asla moonkin olarak mage ve lockdan fazla dps yapalım, tank olarak warriorları ezelim, cat olarak rogueları aglatalım demioruz.

yemişim böyle işi ben.

dipnot: feral oynadın mı bilmiorum ama ferallerin yaptıgı qq "we wanna own all buff us ffs" diil. sadece bug ı kaldırsınlar, setlerimize mantıklı bonuslar koysunlar, nerflemesinler yeter.

benim görüşüm tabii.
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axedice said:

edit : Onun magei var asıl. O da frost.

Bide paladine tabi ki nerf gelicek tbc öncesi olduğu gibi. Dengesiz çünkü. Aslında tam samlik olmuş paladinler, kesinlikle şikayet edemez :P
Mutilate build,mace build falan falan hiç imba değildi yani.Hatta combat spec de kullanılmıyor?Rogueun her buildinin kullanıldığı bir yer var,ama feral dps oynamak isteyen bir druidin hiç bir yeri yok.

Edit:Tabi burning crusade için konuşuyorum
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deadwoll said:
Mage'in yeni hali çok iyi, druid de artık feral pvp yapar heralde infected wounds ve berserk direk pvp talentleri ama bence berserk trainable olur onun yerine yeni bir 51 point talent gelir. Bkz. Clos

amin amin amin amin amin :D

infected wounds da trainable olsun bi tane daha stun gelsin onun yerine :P
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