Dworgian Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 bu aradaaaa * Raids & Dungeons - The Dual-Talent spec feature will let you switch between your two specs without having to go back to town. You can perfectly do it between fights in a raid, however it won't be possible to switch specs in the middle of an Arena Match. Your keybinds and glyphs will be saved and automatically switched as you change your spec. :D # Raids & Dungeons - 10-Man and 25-Man sets will be part of the same set, you can complete your set bonuses with any part of each set. (Updated set stats below) # PvP - They also want players to be able to level up in battlegrounds through XP rewards in addition of honor. Daily quests will also be added. # PvP - They want to bring back competition into Battlegrounds, they're working on a new rating system to help with that and are also working on a way to let guilds compete in battlegrounds. # PvP - In the future, players will be able to queue in Arenas and Battlegrounds from anywhere in the world. # PvP - The first big news is Strand of the Ancients getting changed from 10vs10 to 15vs15. The amount of Vehicles is also being doubled.
FreEmoon Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 gg "inscription ile para kazanma" hayalleri :D Ve gg twing charlar.
tunca Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Dworgian said: bu aradaaaa # PvP - They want to bring back competition into Battlegrounds, they're working on a new rating system to help with that and are also working on a way to let guilds compete in battlegrounds. of sonunda yaptılar ya süper olcak.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Warhammerda milletin beğendiği ne varsa alıp wowa koyuyorlar heh. Aferim aferim böyle devam et blizz.
toggie Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 achievement olayı simdi cıkmadı yalnız :) alpha'dan beri var. he arak mı, evet arak olabilir. ama bugune kadar arak olmus tek sey mi? hayır tabi ki.
The_Delucian Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 betada aldıgım ss ler, bazıları gerekli bazıları gereksiz cogu alakadar arkadasların zaten mmo da falan gordugu seyler, ilgisini cekenler bakabilir,kendi guild forumuma koymustum o yuzden ingilizce ufak acıklamalar var, not : uzzzuuuunnnn uzun demistim hello guyz, Karadine --> Karapaladine @ Coldorra (beta server) reporting, I ll share some Screenshots,most of them can be found @ mmo-champ or Wor or wotlkwiki , whatever :) beta is very very laggy server doesnt met the requirements of total number of players but blizzard simply doesnt care much, if you ask them why ? they say this is "stress test" :( nwm ... I started to beta and started doing quest and such, checking my retri dps and saying zomg zomg zomg, and i noticed some guyz actually LOTS of huyz but rogues are simply different from other classes lets say "more noticible" and when i checked them ... and a warlock ofc ... It was shame standing close to each other, you know assume yourself as a quest giver NPC, 2 guyz comming askng for a quest one is full T6 rogue with 2 warglave and other one is simply meh :) and lvled to 80 different areas mainly cold and snowy, quests dragons instances bla bla bla ... here is some mounts : there is a Perfect Gem ! and there is a cuf cuf(er) item in the game couses everyone cuf cuf (u know u move your right arm up and down like a train guy) their is a new job :) inscription ! you can make scrools and some paper work, is that all ? NO ! you can do some of hand item some shoulder enchants and with help of other proficiencies you can do a lot more , simply Enchanting + İnscription provides : when you complete one of the instances in Zul'drak (dont remember the name) here comes the suprize : btw new unseen item inventory just like that, you can see what u got and u can carry them w/o using inventory space : I found badge vendor, and that was interesting : and an example of Bind on account item : and another T7 token but it reveals new Death Knight Guyz are interested in sharing the same Tier tokens with ... my travels led me to the Crystal Tree ... and the rest of the Story releated with my 1st naxx raid with previously raided it @lvl 60s so they basicly know tactics and we clered it @my 1st day in 7-8 hours (need to replace ppl time to time and some stupid wipes ) imo can be done in 4-5 hours without wipe, there are not too much trashes but there are 14 bosses. you need to kill 4 quarters bosses, each wing has 3 bosses, when you kill m all it opens Sapphrion Chamber and after defeatind it you can pwnzor kel Thuzad ... We pwnd Sapphirion Without using frost resistance, but one of the SS you ll see Drood MoTw + DK (death Knight) frost aura provides some resistance ... Bosses are ... some of them easy ... some of them gear check ... some of them retard check ... trash is not problematic, some time tank and spank some time run away little girl some time gauntlet ... my overall note for naxx 10 men is 9/10 i liked it very very much ! not because of new instance but also exremly cleaver encounter and so much fun ... and finally there are some boss kills item SSs and more ... Part II okay ... new Onyxia/maggy encounter but thing is you see LFG tool naxx and other RAID instances has HEROIC mode ! and sartharion : Big Bad Guy ( Final Boss ) and it drops Unique dragon bag, 1 bag of spoils which includes some badges Some Glyphs and Inscription menu, open Insciption menu double click a glyph and use it on empty Glyph slot near a Inscriptor house/trainer ( actually u need band of Kirin Tor, a bit better than 10 men naxx rings, but with 1 addition teleport but check price ! (cost decreases with kirin tor rep.) ANDDDD !!! JINY !!! as MAGE !!! kinda SALVATION !!! REDEMPTION !!! WHATEVER !!! herbalizm only 2 herbs, since you can only use 1 potion it may help to boost something, being a potion/elixir master gives you passive effect that u get more benefit from elixirs,u can see 1 hour elixir duration increased to 2 hours ( ofc effect is not persist is you die) and effect is increased too new inventory menu for non-space user items, u can select them to seen in inventory and such ( but why ? ) passive mimng effect that increases your Hp a bit, this is for 50 or 75 mining effect increases with lvl with 450 mining it should be around 35-40 stamina new PvP zone winterstrand or something when u get the control of the zone u can access to vault of archavon, after killing 5-6 trashes, the big guy he is ... and drops 1 hatefull gladiator and 1 T7 item (as item but slots random chest/hand etc) gate of archavon passive herbalizm ability, which is another heal spell : last rank heals around 3k (dunno it is effected spell power or not) new BS thing, just like Jewelcrafters can use BoP class spesific gems Blacksmiths can make sockets to their bracer and glove items and everyones Belt items. to be continued (maybe) ...
Buyse Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 bu retri pala ne ayak yaw böyle. böyle kalsın direk main yaparım paladini. badge za geari ile çılgın atıyorum lvl 70 moblara tek atmalar resto shamana tek atmalar. o nasıl bişidir. aoe mob kesiosun bi de kendini healliosun manan bitmiyor çok acayip olmuş.
nameless Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 pala'nın sefası expansion öncesi yine edit:// 2-3 başlık aynı anda açınca bunu patch başlığı sanıp yazmışım ehe
Dynun Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Paladin oynamıyorum ama artık pala'lar çılgın atsın, kessin doğrasın numero uno melee class olsun istiyorum. Çile çektiler çok.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Paladin dediğin zaten bi bakıma inançları doğrulutsunda çile çekmesi gereken bi sınıf. Rp açısından mantıklı ezik paladin
Rotweiler Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Dynun said: Paladin oynamıyorum ama artık pala'lar çılgın atsın, kessin doğrasın numero uno melee class olsun istiyorum. Çile çektiler çok. Bak çok ciddiyim, şöle bize hak veren biri duyunca harbiden duygulandım ya... Ha, işi bildiimden genedps yapmıyomuydum? Evet yapıyodum ama... DPS yapacam diye Paladini rezil eden insanların oluşturduğu önyargıyı bir türlü silemedik milletin torba ağzından...
Rotweiler Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Blizzard Updater %72 kkbbtnx... Yükle laaan!!! Divine storm denicem daha :P
toggie Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 paladin de acı cekiyosa shaman neler cekiyo neler. hybrid class abicim, nerf gelir merak etmeyin. bu arada elemental shaman'a nolmus oyle pvp'de? 7k falan indiriyo abartısız.
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mage'den başka mana sorunu çeken bir class varmı şuan? Hayır neden bu kadar korkuyor blizzard? Hiç infinite mana isteyen magede görmedim garip. Ayrıca çözüm diye spell costları düşürecez demiyorlarmı direk sövme sebebi... Hayır en aptalca öneri topiclerini dahi okurken 3 armordan birini tamamen pveye uyarlayın tarzı mesajları görüyorsunuzki blizzard bunları neden gözardı ediyor hakkaten anlamak zor. Hunter viper değişikliklerini görünce yazayım dedim farkımız nedir?
bartuc Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 ya bu shaman a hex gelcekmiş tam olarak nasıl bilen var mı??
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 sheepin aynısı direk, kurbağa yapio sadece
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 deadwoll said: utility Alaka? Yada şöyle sorayım utility derken kasıt nedir?
deadwoll Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 ad3m said: deadwoll said: utility Alaka? Yada şöyle sorayım utility derken kasıt nedir? Ekmek su
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 O rly diyesim geldi. Her ikinize birden.
Phlox Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 15, 2008 ad3m said: Ayrıca çözüm diye spell costları düşürecez demiyorlarmı direk sövme sebebi... ne güzel çözüm işte? nesi kötü anlayamadım.
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