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WotLK Bilgileri


Öne çıkan mesajlar

As many of you know we will be featuring a new Battleground, a dedicated world PvP zone and all new PvP items in Wrath of the Lich King. In order to make the transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King flow as smoothly as possible, all accrued honor points will be reset at the launch of the expansion. We do this to ensure select players do not have an unfair advantage at level 80 from stockpiling honor to instantly purchase the newest Wrath of the Lich King PvP rewards. For those with unspent honor points prior to the release of the expansion, we will be offering a few upgrades and special rewards in next content patch solely for purchase via the honor system.


Boşa kasmayın yazık olmasın :p
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geffen said:
adem üstündeki arkadaşlar reputation kasmaktan bahsediyo senin boldladığın honor. veya sen haber vermek için koydun belki ama tam onların rep muhabbettinin altında garip durmuş :D

Yok baya bi geride bu muhabbet dönüyorduda nasıl olsa honor reset gelmio kasarım cape gibisinden ondan koydum üstteki posttan bağımsız ama gerçekten garip olmuş :P
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[quote FreEmoon - Link]Ama ben 80 olunca üzerimde 65-66-67 vs yeşik- mavi setimi yavaşa yavaş değiştirmek için kasarken sen pat diye full mavi level 80 seti çekersen herşeyden önce farm yaparken bile bana büyük haksızlık edilmiş olur.

Demişim zamanında ve adamlarda aynen bunu demiş honorların silinme sebebi olarak. Blizzard sonunda duydumu ne sesimi :D
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We're starting to get a lot of PvP data in, and several classes are having trouble beating rogues, Frost mages, Ret paladins and death knights.

Death knights have a lot of options at the moment, which is cool, but makes it really hard for another player to catch a break and burn a death knight down. So we're going to try some changes. I won't sugar-coat it -- these are nerfs.

-- The ghoul is doing too much damage. He is receiving 100% of death knight strength, which is much higher than most pets.
-- Chains of Ice is going back to be being dispellable. It is probably the best snare in the game at the moment, for a class that already has Death Grip.
-- The same is true of both Strangulate and Mind Freeze. Strangulate's cooldown is going to go up. Mind Freeze remains the quick interrupt.
-- We're increasing the cooldown on Anti-Magic Shell. We don't think this will hurt DKs in PvE much, and it still leaves you with Icebound Fortitude to use often.

As always, if we overdid it, if DKs are now too weak in PvP, we'll adjust. But we were at the point where we weren't getting a lot of good numbers because some fights were just over too quickly
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Today we've got a huge update of the mounts added in the expansion. We'll probably have a nice article on how to get them "soon". (1 day to 1 year, depending on motivation) Some of them might be reposts because I don't keep track of everything, also note that a few mounts like the Twilight Drake (Drop from The Obsidian Sanctum 25 - Hard Mode) had their model updated since the last news.

* Others - Armored Blue Windrider, Armored Snowy Gryphon
* Bears - Black Warbear, Big Blizzard Bear, Armored Brown Bear #1, Armored Brown Bear #2
* Mammoths - Grand Black War Mammoth #1, Grand Black War Mammoth #2, Black War Mammoth #1, Black War Mammoth #2, Grand Ice Mammoth #1, Grand Ice Mammoth #2, Wooly Mammoth, Wooly Mammoth
* Proto Drakes - Green Proto-Drake, Time-Lost Proto-Drake, Plagued Proto-Drake, Violet Proto Drake, Red Proto-Drake, Black Proto-Drake, Blue Proto-Drake
* Drakes - Black Drake, Twilight Drake, Red Drake, Albino Drake, Azure Drake, Blue Drake, Bronze Drake
* Tailoring - Magnificient Flying Carpet #1, Magnificient Flying Carpet #2
* Engineering - Mekgineer's Chopper


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ulan elden cıkaracak o kadar cok sey oldu ki simdi hangi birine baslayacaz ya öff. wotlk oncesi tedirginlik basladı bende resmen :D

bu arada sunu da sorayım. bazı jc recipe'lerinde 40 void crystal gibi mat gormustum. simdi herkes voidleri satma pesinde oldugu icin baya ucuza gidiyo ah'de. acaba alsak mı onları, lazım olur mu wotlk'da?
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Hakkaten rogue kadar dps yapabilecekse rogue almanın mantığını açıklayabilecek varmıdır? En son hatırladığım kadarıyla hemodan başka raid debuffıda yok hani hoş onlada adamı raide almazlarda neyse :P
PS: Dps den başka bir b.k'a yaramaya classa bu şekil raid spot vermezler ki gereksiz olur zaten :D
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satmadan önce kara raid yapıyoruz.. herkez online grup bir... bende guilde yeni girmişim tank gear iyi mt olcam.. bi baktım 6 druid.. dedim dalga (censored ) mı geçion rl dedim ? adamın cevap şu sen mt.. xx ot as.ds resto xy.yd boomkin.. 1 healer 2 dps go go.... ne diim ki adama druid bu.

içide küfür vardı editledim :D ( kuralları geç okudum )
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