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WotLK Bilgileri


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Rikkie said:
O değil de aslında, diğer sınıflarınki nasıl tam bilemiyorum ama naxxramas 10 man'in caster dps epic itemleri/setleri sanki çok zayıf upgradeler gibi. Açıkcası expansionla gelicek yeni set itemleri oldukları göz önüne alındığında tbc'nin rare kalite dungeon setleri gibi kalıyorlar. Üstüne üstlük set bonusları bile yok.


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o yea yarasın :p


Tigole said:

But unfortunately the announcement was made in an interview with the popular Swedish magazine Nöje Nöje Spelen. I did my best to translate the interview using only a rudimentary understanding of the language and several online translators, so it’s far from perfect but the important parts are readable enough. I think all druids will find something exciting no matter what tree they’re in. So, without further adieu...

Nöje Nöje Spelen: So in WoTLK druids will be receiving a new buff? Is this vkorrekt?

Tigole: Yes. Of course nothing has been completely absolut but what we har så far be called “Will of the Wisp” and is an sämskskinn new druid buff. When the druid grants someone “Will of the Wisp” three wisps will circle around the buffed character and absorb some damage and also do damage to the angriper.

Nöje Nöje Spelen: But doesn’t this sound a lot like a shaman’s Lightning Shield? What are the key differenserna?

Tigole: Brunn, it does sound like Lightning Shield and to be emedan något we are just reusing the graphics of Lightning Shield because anytime we can reuse old material, whether it be instances such as Naxxramas and Stratholme or armor which you’ll notice we reuse a great deal, it saves us from actually doing any real work and gives us more time to roll around in the huge piles of money that our subscribers have given us. I mean, why have huge piles of money if you aren’t going to roll around in them, rätt?

Nöje Nöje Spelen: But there must be some differenserna between the two, isn’t there?

Tigole: The wisps of this new druid buff will be moderately bluer than the shaman’s lightning.

Nöje Nöje Spelen: Any other differenserna, borgaborga bork?

Tigole: Well it will scale differently alsooss från egentlig. To keep it in line with the other druid buff, Mark of the Wild, it will be one of the strongest buffs when the player gets it at level 72 but by the time they reach level 80 it will be nearly laughable.

Nöje Nöje Spelen: Many druids, especially those in the restoration tree, have longed for an additional out of combat resurrection spell. We hear that in WoTLK they will finally be seeing their behaglig svarte.

Tigole: Yes, den här er sann. The druid Rebirth spell is one of the key components to the class, but many druids have complained about a lack of utility in 5-man instances when group members have to run back after they omkomma because Rebirth is on cooldown. So we are giving a new talent to the resto tree called “Breath of Life” which will be an out of combat resurrection spell.

Nöje Nöje Spelen: I’m certain that restoration druids will be very spänd about this news. Any more that you can tell us omkring den?

Tigole: Sure, glad you asked. While it’s true that it can be used at any time out of combat with no reagent or cooldown, it is also true that it can only be cast on critters and non-combat pets.

Nöje Nöje Spelen: Umm, I don’t see how that will give restoration druids any more utility in 5-man instances. Can you explain den här till jag?

Tigole: Oh, it won’t. But druids are one of our smallest player bases so we just enjoy toying with them. It’s more for our amusement than for their benefit. Plus, as everyone is pretty much aware by now from past comments I’ve made, I absolutely loathe hybrids.

Nöje Nöje Spelen: Yes, well looking at Soothe Animal I am not överraskat. Err, moving on then. Another druid tree, the balance tree, has also complained about a lack of utility in 5-man instances due to a lack of crowd control. We hear that den här er också being addressed?

Tigole: Yes it is. Balance druids, and more specifically druids in moonkin form, will be seeing the first ever spell that can only be cast while in moonkin form, “Nature’s Fall”. For a long time now we haven’t given moonkin any spells unique to the form because we’ve always felt that their dancing animation was quite enough till ger dem. And sometimes I even question if they deserved that. But we did just reuse the ogre dance så den verkligen var inte any extra work at all. Anyway, “Nature’s Fall” will be a new moonkin crowd control spell in which the trees themselves will rain leaves down upon the enemy forming a pile around them. While it won’t actually prevent them from moving, we imagine that they will feel so compelled to jump in the pile of leaves that they will forget about the moonkin, sorta how we at Blizzard jump in these piles of money and forget about our player base. Beautiful, beautiful piles of money.

Nöje Nöje Spelen: Well I was hoping to beröring ovanför the new feral talents “Unbearable Paw Paw Assault” and “Nine Lives” but uppriktig seeing you rubbing that hundred dollar bill against your cheek like that is creeping me out, even being a liberal Swede.

I think I speak for all druids when I say that I just can't wait for this new expansion.
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Warlock Metamorphosis Feedback
While this is not final and could absolutely change, here is what we're thinking about for the new design:

* You keep your pet.
* You keep your spells.
* It buffs spell damage (for that "blow your cooldowns" feel).
* It buffs mitigation (you could even tank for a bit).
* It provides the current snare reduction for PvP.
* You'll still get a few fun demon abilities, but you can just use your normal spells if you'd rather. (Source)
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FreEmoon said:
Tabi birde naxxtan çok bir beklentide de olmamak lazım. Sonuçta TBC için karazan ne ise WotLK için naxx o.

Valla karazhan cok buyuk bi stepti bence tbc'nin ilk zamanlarinda .. Olmazsa olmaziydi yani .. SSC Gruul Magtheridon icin 3 gear up sekli vardi :

Craft + Heroic(ek olarak Rep. Itemlari) + Karazhan ki bunlar icinde en onemlisi her turlu Karazhandi..
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Eeee naxx'da öyle olacak işte, ben farklı birşey demedim. Ama gearların dizaynıdır, silahların özellikleridir falan gibi kriterler WotLK'un genel konseptini yansıtmayacaktır. Tıplkı karazhannın item tasarım ve stat dağılımının TBC'in geneli ile alakası olmaması gibi.

Yoksa elbette bir basamak olacak ama özellikle hardcorelar için üstlerinde 15-20 günden fazla durmayacak itemler barındıracak naxx, tıpkı karazhann gibi. Belkiş 1-2 sınıf için özel 1-2 item olabilirde genel olarak Naxx=karazhandır.
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Olmayacak şey değil. Ben zaten 1 yıldan daha uzun süredir çıkış tarihini Şubat 2009 olarak düşünüyordum hep.

Betanın çok iyi gittiği söylenemez, hala talentleri dengeleyemediler, sürekli classsların farklı ağaçları ile ilgili başlıklar açıp insanların düşüncelerini alıyorlar ona göre ayar yapıp duruyorlar. Daha yeni patch hazırlanacak, onun test serverı açılacak (hadi diyelim 2 haftaya açıldı test server), en iyi ihtimal 2 hafta sürecek o test, sonra oyuna eklenecek talentler. Ehh bizede bir 2 ay verirler eşşek değiller heralde. Herşey mükemmel gitse bile aralık sonuna zar zor yetişiyor denebilir ki bu mükemmel durum.

Blizzardı tanıyoruz birşeye zaman verdikten sonra bile ertelemeden durmayan bir firma, eee daha tarih yok bu patchler falan için. İşin özeti WotLK zaten 2009'a kaldı kendimizi kandırmayalım.
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