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WotLK Bilgileri

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Ben scourge olmak istiyorum ya. Arthas geri Paladin felan olmasın böyle çoook daha iyi. Gönül ister Arthas'da beni "fallen paladin" yapsın tüm dünya scourge olsun.

Blizz iyi ki salak bir replik vermemiş Arthas'a. Bak Illidan'a maymun oldu herif. Ama Arthas öyhlemi duruşu yeter beaaaa !

Evet, içimdeki Arthas fanboini dinlediniz.
Mesaj tarihi:
Monthius said:
Gangren said:

Biliyorum Malygos'un RaidBoss olduğunu, benim bahsettiğim o değil zaten.

Muru'ya yaptıklarını yapabilirler Malygos'a. Malygos WotLK çıktığında bir RaidBoss olarak oyunda olacak, Lich King patch'i gelene kadar da oyunda kalacak.

Sonra yapacakları bir lore değişikliği ile (kahramanlarımız Malygos'u yenmeyi başardılar ama bu sadece Lich King'e yaradı, örnek olarak) Malygos'u kaldıracaklar (Lord Kazzak değişimi örnek olarak) ve Lich King'in yenilen Malygos'u bir undead olarak diriltmesini izleyeceğiz.

Olmayacak şey değil :)

Videodaki FrostWyrm'in içinde o mavi enerji benim aklımı karıştıran, sonra bir şekilde bütün undeadleri etkiliyor.

Sindragosa olması daha mantıklı geliyor bana o videodakinin. Çünkü hem login ekranında var, hem videodaki tiple Sindragosa'nın skini aynı... Hemde Lore açısından da Arthas için önemliymiş bayağı...

abi sindragosa kim? wowwiki biel bilmiyo sen nereden biliyosun ? :D
Mesaj tarihi:
yok abi artas kesilmeyecek blizz onu farklı bir role taşıcak ahada yazıorum :D o herifin içinde bişiler kıpraşıyor yani sanki kalbindeki veya anılarındaki sesti o geçmişi hatıralarak yapıyordu herşeyi hani aşşağıdaki ordusuna bakıyor birde kendi geçmişine aslına ailesine krallığına bir özlem duyucak gibi geliyor benim kendi fikrim 1-2 ark ile konuştuk onlarda evet ya sanki o laneti birileri kaldırıcak veya kendi bişiler yapıcak tarzında oldu yorumlarımız.
Mesaj tarihi:
ozii_x said:
Bence Sanki artas'ın içinde birşeyler kıpırdanıyor lore ye bakarsak artas ı bu büyüden kurtarmaya çalışabilecek kahramanlar var. Eğer artas onu esir alan bu büyüye karşı savaşır ve bence side değiştirebilirse lore cok farklı bir boyuta çekilebilir. düşünün yani artas bir anda içindeki ışığa veya geçmişine dönmek istedi ? Neler gerçekleşir

Aslında olabilir süper bir süpriz olur derim de öyle olması için ne bilim her oyuncunun oraya kdr gelip görmesi lzm.Güzel olur çünki kötüyü kes öldür mutlu son,sonra yeni düşmanlar çıktı saldır olayını bozar.
Mesaj tarihi:
Aket-Atum said:
Monthius said:
Gangren said:

Biliyorum Malygos'un RaidBoss olduğunu, benim bahsettiğim o değil zaten.

Muru'ya yaptıklarını yapabilirler Malygos'a. Malygos WotLK çıktığında bir RaidBoss olarak oyunda olacak, Lich King patch'i gelene kadar da oyunda kalacak.

Sonra yapacakları bir lore değişikliği ile (kahramanlarımız Malygos'u yenmeyi başardılar ama bu sadece Lich King'e yaradı, örnek olarak) Malygos'u kaldıracaklar (Lord Kazzak değişimi örnek olarak) ve Lich King'in yenilen Malygos'u bir undead olarak diriltmesini izleyeceğiz.

Olmayacak şey değil :)

Videodaki FrostWyrm'in içinde o mavi enerji benim aklımı karıştıran, sonra bir şekilde bütün undeadleri etkiliyor.

Sindragosa olması daha mantıklı geliyor bana o videodakinin. Çünkü hem login ekranında var, hem videodaki tiple Sindragosa'nın skini aynı... Hemde Lore açısından da Arthas için önemliymiş bayağı...

abi sindragosa kim? wowwiki biel bilmiyo sen nereden biliyosun ? :D

The frostwyrm featured in the video is most likely (as in "not officially confirmed") Sindragosa. Little is known about her for the moment but through datamining we already know that she holds the title of in game and is very closely related to Arthas. One of the subzone of Icecrown Glacier is also named Sindragosa's Fall. (Screenshots of the model of Sindragosa were obviously taken on a non-official server as Icecrown isn't available on live servers for the moment)

Mesaj tarihi:
Aaarthas ölmediii
Yüreğimde yaşıyor
Nerzhulla savaşımda
Bayrağı o taşıyor

DKya güç veren büyüler senin

Vazgeçtim. Ama bak bi daha yazıyorum son combatta arthasın yardımıyla kesicez lichkingi. Allianceın bütün ünlüleri ortamda olucak falan. Böyle gelmeli gitmeli redemptionlı dramaları seviyo blizz.
Mesaj tarihi:
thrallvs nerzhulda olabilir,

malum zamanında thrallın babasına arka cıkanda nerzhul, adam duygulanıp "lan cocuk başarmış horde'u toplamış şamanizme dönmüş, herkezi imana getirmiş!" modunada girebilir yanı
Mesaj tarihi:
axedice said:

Vazgeçtim. Ama bak bi daha yazıyorum son combatta arthasın yardımıyla kesicez lichkingi. Allianceın bütün ünlüleri ortamda olucak falan. Böyle gelmeli gitmeli redemptionlı dramaları seviyo blizz.

ÇOOOK büyük spoiler sorumluluk kabul etmem

Trion Fordring , "ashbringer"i alınca frostmourne lu arthasın eline veriyor light's hope chapel eteklerinde...
Arthas'ın lafı : this is a holy land! come and face with me at the end of the world in a frozen realm like death itself...

bence trion fena kanırtacak arthası

bkz. maiev & illidan

Mesaj tarihi:
Yeni ciciler biciler gelmiş :)

Tigole said:
The level cap will be 80. Storm Peaks will be available. Icecrown is still unavailable.

We'll also make the following dungeons available:

* Halls of Lightning
* Halls of Stone
* Caverns of Time: Stratholme
* The Occulus
* Utgarde Pinnacle
* Heroic: The Nexus (No attunement necessary -- just get level 80)

Gundrak and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom almost made this patch but there were a few issues which held them back. Also, we sped up the leveling curve from 70-80. We're still dialing in the leveling speed so feedback is appreciated.
Mesaj tarihi:
ssj4songoku said:
Herkes MT olabilecek olayı ayak bence ya. TBC'de de diyorlardı, yine çoğunluk warriorlarda kaldı(arada bir kaç paladin, druid filan vardı ama azınlık onlar). Diğer classlarda MT'lik yapabilecek tabiki fakat yine Illidian gibi Shield Block gerektiren bosslar filan olacaktır. Ayrıca Warrior'ların belli bir geçmişi, prestiji var.

PVE için yapılan class bufflar PVP'yi de etkilemeseydi, belki dedikleri gibi olurdu.

pala tankla illidan kesmişliğimiz vardır.
Mesaj tarihi:
Aket-Atum said:
Druidken de derdim bear form feral talentı olsun diye..

çok mantıklı aslında

böylece bear form a tanklık için her türlü özelliği "lan bunlar pvp de imba olur" die düşünmeden verebilirler.
Mesaj tarihi:
Many talents which gave pushback resist changed to reduction in casting time lost.

Swipe - Now hits 4 targets, up from 3.
Savage Roar - Now increases attack power by 40%, up from 35%. Duration increased from 9/12/15/18/21 seconds to 14/19/24/29/34 seconds.

Disengage - Cooldown increased from 5 to 30 seconds, range increased from 5 to 10 yards, no longer requires melee weapon.
Track X - Now additionally increases damage dealt to X.
Aspect of the Beast - Melee attack power boost now additionally affects the hunter's pet.
Aspect of the Monkey - Now additionally reduces all damage taken. This is possibly only if you have Aspect Mastery.
Serpent Sting - RAP coefficient doubles, was 0.1 now 0.2.
Survivalist - Now increaes stamina instead of health.
Deterrance - Level changed from 20 to 60.
Improved Feign Death - now called Survival Tactics, reduces CD of disengage instead of reducing damage
Surefooted - Reduces the duration of movement imparing effects by 16/25/50%, up from 10/20/30%.
Deflection - Now additionally reduces the duration of all Disarm effects used against you by 50%. This does not stack with other Disarm duration reducing effects.
Wyvern Sting - Damage is now dealt over 6 seconds, down from 12. Damage unchanged.
Improved Hunter's Mark - Causes 66% of your Hunter's Mark ability's base attack power to apply to melee attack power as well, up from 40%.
Improved Stings - All effects increased from 6/12/18% to 10/20/30%
Trueshot Aura - Now affects raid members.
Pathfinding - Now additionally increases your speed while mounted by 5/10%. The mounted movement speed increase does not stack with other effects.
Spirit Bond - Now additionally increases healing done to you and your pet by 5%.
Distracting Shot - Now a 6 second taunt, instead of simply causing threat.
Recovery - Cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 minutes.
Kill Command - Cooldown reduced from 2 to 1 minute.
Animal Handler - Now increaeses your pet's chance to hit by 2/4%, and reduces the cooldown of your Master's Call ability by 5/10 sec. Also now marked as Not Yet Implemented.
Focused Fire - Now increases the critical strike chance of your pet's special abilities by 10/20% while Kill Command is active instead of increasing the critical strike chance of your Kill Command ability by 10/20%.
Chimera Shot - You deal 125% weapon damage, refreshing the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect: Serpent Sting - Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting. Viper Sting - Instantly restores mana to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your Viper Sting. Scorpid Sting - Attempts to Disarm the target for 10 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once per 1 minute.
Improved Steady Shot - Your Steady Shot hits have a 5/10/100% chance to increase the damage done by your next Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot or Chimera Shot by 15%, and reduce the mana cost of your next Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot or Chimera Shot by 40%. Now marked as not yet implemented.
Rapid Recuperation - Reduces the mana and focus cost of all shots and abilities by you and your pet by 20/40/60% while under the effect of Rapid Fire, and you gain mana equal to 50/100/150% of the damage you do under the effect of Rapid Killing over 6 sec.
Marked for Death - Increases your damage done by your shots and the damage done by your pet's special abilities by 1/2/3/4/5% on marked targets, and increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Aimed Shot, Steady Shot, Kill Shot or Chimera Shot by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Aspect Mastery - Increases the mana returned from your Aspect of the Viper by 10%, reduces the damage done to you while in Aspect of the Monkey by 10% and increases the attack power bonus gained with Aspect of the Hawk by 50%, up from 2%/2%/10%.
Master's Call - Now useable while stunned. Level 75.
Hunting Party - Cooldown removed, but now only affects Arcane Shot, Explosive Shot, and Steady Shot.
Potent Venom - Now named Noxious Stings.
Noxious Stings - If Wyvern Sting is dispelled, the dispeller is also afflicted by Wyvern Sting lasting 15/25/50% of the duration remaining, and increases all damage done by you on targets afflicted by your Serpent Sting by 1/2/3%. Marked as Not Yet Implemented.
Explosive Shot - Now an additional DoT tick when cast.
T.N.T. (New Talent) - Your Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Explosive Shot have a 5/10/15% to stun targets for 2 sec when they deal damage, and increases the critical strike chance of your Explosive Shot and Explosive Trap by 5/10/15%.
Hunter vs. Wild (New talent) - Increases you and your pet's attack power and ranged attack power equal to 30% of your total Stamina
Lock and Load (New talent) - You have a 33/66/100% chance when you trap a target and a 10/20/30% chance when you Sting a target to cause your next 3 Arcane Shot or Explosive Shot spells to trigger no cooldown, cost no mana and consume no ammo.
Separation Anxiety (New talent) - When your pet is greater than 20 yards from you or is out of line of sight of you, its damage is increased by 2/%/6/8/10, and when you and your pet are within 20 yards of each other, you and your pet's movement speed is increased by 2/4/6/8/10%. Marked as not yet implemented.

No changes

Summon Warhorse - Renamed Warhorse
Vengeance - Now stacks up to 2 times, down from 3.
Summon Charger - Renamed Charger
Seal of Vengeance, Seal of Corruption - DoT duration reduced from 18 to 15 seconds.

Improved Holy Concentration - New icon
Mind Sear - Mana cost reduced from 67% to 28% of base.

Gouge - No longer awards a combo point.
Mace Specialization - Now increases the damage dealt by your critical strikes with maces by 2/4/6/8/10%, up from 1/2/3/4/5%. However, no longer gives a chance to stun.

Improved Stormstrike - New icon
Spectral Transformation - New icon
Maelstrom Weapon - New icon
Feral Spirit - New icon
Blessing of the Eternals - New icon

No changes (they just applied the downranking change to a few spells they had missed)

Thunder Clap - Cooldown increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
Bloodsurge - Now makes Slam instant, instead of reducing its swing time by 100%.
Enrage - Melee damage bonus reduced from 5/10/15/20/25% to 3/6/9/12/15%, but now has unlimited charges.
Mace Specialization - Now generates 10 rage, but chance to stun removed.
Deathwish - Tooltip clarified. This is an enrage effect.
Improved Berserker Rage - Effect increased form 5/10 to 10/20 rage.
Blood Frenzy - Effect reduced from 2/4% to 1/2%
Shield Mastery - Now increased you block value instead of increasing the amount blocked by your shield.
Improved Charge - Rage generated increased from 3/6 to 5/10.
Improved Mortal Strike - New effect: Increases the damage caused by your Mortal Strike ability by 2/4/6/8/10% and gives your Enraged Assault ability a 6/12/18/24/30% chance to refresh the cooldown of Mortal Strike.
Rampage - New effect: Your melee critical hits cause you to go on a rampage, increasing melee critical hit chance of all party and raid members within 20 yds by 5%. Lasts 10 sec.
Bladestorm - Duration increased from 4.5 to 6 seconds.
Intensify Rage - New effect: Reduces the cooldown of your Bloodrage, Berserker Rage, Recklessness and Deathwish abilities by 11/22/33%.
Improved Shield Block: Cooldown reduction increased from 5/10 seconds to 10/20 seconds.
Shield Wall - Damage reduction increased from 50% to 60%.
Unrelenting Assault - Cooldown reduction increased from 1/2 seconds to 2/4 seconds.
Strength of Arms - 2 ranks now, down from 3. Effect increases from 1/2/3% to 2/4%.
Furious Resolve - New effect: Your normal melee attacks have a 50/100% chance to reduce all healing done to the target by 25% for 8 sec. This can stack up to 2 times.
Stalwart Protector - Now named Justified Killing. Effect increased from 1/2 rage to 3/6 rage, but no longer triggers on dodging.
Shield Block - Cooldown increased from 30 seconds to 1 minute. New effect: Increases your chance to block and block value by 100% for 5 sec.
Titans Grip - Now only 1 rank, attack speed decrease removed.
Improved Sunder Armor - Now named Puncture.
Heroic Leap - New icon
Trauma - New icon
Enraged Assault - Now has 10 second cooldown.
Wrecking Crew (New talent)- Your melee critical hits have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to Enrage you, increasing all damage caused by 3/6/9/12/15% for 12 sec.
Unending Fury (New talent) - Reduces the rage cost of your Cleave, Whirlwind and Bloodthirst abilities by 1/2/3/4/5 and gives your Enraged Assault ability a 6/12/18/24/30% chance to refresh the cooldown of Bloodthirst.
Taste for Blood (New talent)- Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, you have a 10/20/30% chance of allowing the use of your Overpower ability for 5 secs.

Inscription - New Glyphs (Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Warlock)

Glyph - Aimed Shot 01 (Hunter): Decreases the cooldown of Aimed Shot by (-1) sec.
Glyph - Arcane Shot 01 (Hunter): Your Arcane Shot refunds 20% of its mana cost if the target has one of your Stings active on it.
Glyph - Aspect of the Beast 01 (Hunter): Increases the attack power bonus of Aspect of the Beast for you and your pet by an additional 2%.
Glyph - Aspect of the Monkey 01 (Hunter): While Aspect of the Moneky is active, each time you dodge you gain 30% increased movement speed for 6 sec. This speed does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
Glyph - Aspect of the Viper 01 (Hunter): You regenerate mana from Aspect of the Viper as if you had 15% less mana in your current mana pool.
Glyph - Bestial Wrath 01 (Hunter): Decreases the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by (-20) sec.
Glyph - Deterrence 01 (Hunter): Decreases the cooldown of Deterrence by (-20) sec.
Glyph - Disengage 01 (Hunter): Decreases the cooldown of Disengage by (-5) sec.
Glyph - Freezing Trap 01 (Hunter): When your Freezing Trap breaks, the victim is afflicted with a 40% snare, recovering 10% per sec. for 4 sec.
Glyph - Frost Trap 01 (Hunter): Increases the radius of the effect from your Frost Trap by 2 yards.
Glyph - Hunter's Mark 01 (Hunter): Increases the attack power bonus of your Hunter's Mark by 20%.
Glyph - Immolation Trap 01 (Hunter): Decreases the duration of the effect from your Immolation Trap by 6000 sec., but damage while active is increased by 100%
Glyph - Improved Aspect of the Hawk 01 (Hunter): Increases the effect of Improved Aspect of the Hawk by an additional 6.
Glyph - Multi-Shot 01 (Hunter): Decreases the cooldown of Multi-Shot by (-1) sec.
Glyph - Rapid Fire 01 (Hunter): Increases the haste from Rapid Fire by an additional 8%.
Glyph - Serpent Sting 01 (Hunter): Increases the duration of your Serpent Sting by 3 sec.
Glyph - Snake Trap 01 (Hunter): Your Snake Trap creates 2 additional snakes.
Glyph - Steady Shot 01 (Hunter): Increases the damage dealt by Steady Shot by 10% when your target is afflicted with Serpent Sting.
Glyph - Trueshot Aura 01 (Hunter): Increases the attack power bonus of Trueshot Aura by an additional 2%.
Glyph - Volley 01 (Hunter): Decreases the mana cost of Volley by 20%.
Glyph - Wyvern Sting 01 (Hunter): Decreases the cooldown of your Wyvern Sting by (-15) sec., but decreases the damage it deals by 20%.

Glyph of Arcane Explosion 01 (Mage): Reduces mana cost of Arcane Explosion by 10%.
Glyph of Arcane Missiles 01 (Mage): Increases the range of Arcane Missiles by 5 yards.
Glyph of Arcane Power 01 (Mage): Increases the duration of Arcane Power by 3 sec.
Glyph of Blink 01 (Mage): Increases the distance you travel with the Blink spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Evocation 01 (Mage): Your Evocation ability also causes you to regain 15% of your health over its duration.
Glyph of Fireball 01 (Mage): Increases the initial damage dealt by Fireball by 5%, but removes the damage over time effect.
Glyph of Fireblast 01 (Mage): Increases the critical strike chance of Fireblast by 50% when the target is stunned or incapacitated.
Glyph of Frost Nova 01 (Mage): Your Frost Nova targets can take an additional 20% damage before the Frost Nova effect automatically breaks.
Glyph of Frostbolt 01 (Mage): Increases the damage dealt by Frostbolt by 5%, but removes the slowing effect.
Glyph of Ice Armor 01 (Mage): Your Ice Armor and Frost Armor spells grant an additional 20% armor and resistance.
Glyph of Ice Block 01 (Mage): Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset every time you use Ice Block.
Glyph of Ice Lance 01 (Mage): Increases the range of your Ice Lance by 5 yards.
Glyph of Icy Veins 01 (Mage): Your Icy Veins ability also removes all movement slowing and cast time slowing effects.
Glyph of Improved Scorch 01 (Mage): The Improved Scorch talent now generates 5 applications of the Improved Scorch effect each time Scorch is cast.
Glyph of Invisibility 01 (Mage): Increases the duration of the Invisibility effect by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mage Armor 01 (Mage): Your Mage Armor spell grants an additional 20% mana regeneration while casting.
Glyph of Mana Gem 01 (Mage): Increases the mana recieved from using a mana gem by 10%.
Glyph of Polymorph 01 (Mage): Your Polymorph spell also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
Glyph of Remove Curse 01 (Mage): Your Remove Curse spell also makes the target immune to all Curses for 6 sec.
Glyph of Water Elemental 01 (Mage): Reduces the cooldown of your Summon Water Elemental spell by (-30) sec.

Glyph - Adrenaline Rush 01 (Rogue): Decreases the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush by (-60) sec.
Glyph - Ambush 01 (Rogue): Increases the range on Ambush by 5 yards.
Glyph - Backstab 01 (Rogue): Increases the damage dealt by Backstab to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.
Glyph - Blade Flurry 01 (Rogue): Reduces the energy cost of Blade Flurry by 100%.
Glyph - Crippling Poison 01 (Rogue): Increases the chance to trigger Crippling Poison by 10%.
Glyph - Deadly Throw 01 (Rogue): Increases the range on Deadly Throw by 5 yards.
Glyph - Evasion 01 (Rogue): Increases the duration of Evasion by 5 sec.
Glyph - Eviscerate 01 (Rogue): Increases the critical strike chance of Eviscerate by 10%.
Glyph - Expose Armor 01 (Rogue): Increases the duration of Expose Armor by 10 sec.
Glyph - Feint 01 (Rogue): Reduces the energy cost of Feint by 10.
Glyph - Garrote 01 (Rogue): Increases periodic damage dealt by Garrrote by 45%, but decreases the duration by 3 sec.
Glyph - Ghostly Strike 01 (Rogue): Increases the damage dealt by Ghostly Strike by 50% and the duration of its effect by 4 sec., but increases its cooldown by 10 sec.
Glyph - Gouge 01 (Rogue): Reduces the power cost of Gouge by 10.
Glyph - Hemorrhage 01 (Rogue): Increases the damage bonus against targets afflicted by Hemorrhage by 40%.
Glyph - Preparation 01 (Rogue): Decreases the cooldown of Preparation by (-2) min.
Glyph - Rupture 01 (Rogue): Increases the duration of Rupture by 5 sec.
Glyph - Sap 01 (Rogue): Increases the duration of Sap by 10 sec.
Glyph - Shiv 01 (Rogue): Reduces the energy cost of Shiv by 5.
Glyph - Sinister Strike 01 (Rogue): Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 40% chance to add an additional combo point.
Glyph - Slice and Dice 01 (Rogue): Increases the duration of Slice and Dice by 3 sec.
Glyph - Sprint 01 (Rogue): Decreases the cooldown of Sprint by (-60) sec.

Glyph of Banish (Warlock): Increases the duration of your Banish by 5 sec.
Glyph of Conflagrate (Warlock): Reduces tha mana cost of your Conflagrate by 20%.
Glyph of Corruption (Warlock): You Corruption spell has a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Shadow Trance state after damaging the opponent. The Shadow Trance state reduces the casting time of your next Shadow Bolt spell by 100%.
Glyph of Curse of Agony (Warlock): Increases the duration of your Curse of Agony by 4 sec.
Glyph of Death Coil (Warlock): Increases the duration of your Death Coil by 0.5.1 sec.
Glyph of Fear (Warlock): Increases the damage your Fear target can take before the Fear effect is removed by 20%.
Glyph of Felguard (Warlock): Increases your Felguard's physical damage by 20%.
Glyph of Felhunter (Warlock): Increases your Felhunter's spell damage by 20%.
Glyph of Health Funnel (Warlock): Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when channeling your Health Funnel spell by 100%.
Glyph of Healthstone (Warlock): You receive 30% more healing from using a healthstone.
Glyph of Howl of Terror (Warlock): Reduces the cooldown on your Howl of Terror spell by (-8) sec.
Glyph of Imp (Warlock): Increases your Imp's spell damage by 20%.
Glyph of Searing Pain (Warlock): Increases the critical strike bonus of your Searing Pain by 20%.
Glyph of Shadow Bolt (Warlock): Reduces the mana cost of your Shadow Bolt by 10%.
Glyph of Shadowburn (Warlock): Increases the critical strike chance of Shadowburn by 20% when the target is below 35% health.
Glyph of Siphon Life (Warlock): Increases the effect of your Siphon Life spell by 20%.
Glyph of Soulstone (Warlock): Increases the amount of health a player gains from resurrecting via your Soulstone by 100%.
Glyph of Succubus (Warlock): Increases the duration of your Succubus's Seduction by 3 sec.
Glyph of Unstable Affliction (Warlock): Decreases the casting time of your Unstable Affliction by 0.2.1 sec.
Glyph of Voidwalker (Warlock): Increases your Voidwalker's health by 20%.
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