Metakuso Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 böyle aklınıza gelenler varsa yazın buraya
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 I am not going there to die. I am going there to see if I'm truly alive.
Zopik Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Kaede said: I am not going there to die. I am going there to see if I'm truly alive. hangi anime bu acep ?
fenris Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 said: Alıntı: Kaede I am not going there to die. I am going there to see if I'm truly alive. hangi anime bu acep ? yanılmıyosam cowboy bebop ın son bölümünden
Admin Virus Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Admin Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 "these days no matter what i drink i only taste blood" Kenshin "Bang" Spike "When I become Fuhrer, every female of the military will be required to wear tiny miniskirts!" Mustang Ichigo vs Zaraki kavgasında Zangetsu ichigo diyoloğu iidir
Zopik Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Virus said: Ichigo vs Zaraki kavgasında Zangetsu ichigo diyoloğu iidir evet oldukça hoştu o. özellikle dövüşmek için bir sebep arama muhabbeti.
Dynun Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Bir de şey mantığına hasyayım ichigonun. -Senden güçlüyüm. İstersen şimdi kaçmaya başlayabilirsin mi neydi bizimki de -Benden güçlüysen zaten beni yakalarsın neden kaçayım felan diyodu
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 fenris said: said: Alıntı: Kaede I am not going there to die. I am going there to see if I'm truly alive. hangi anime bu acep ? yanılmıyosam cowboy bebop ın son bölümünden Evet. 26. bölümde Spike tek başına Syndicatein binasına gidicektir, Faye bunu duyar ve dellenir. Spike efsane repliğini yapar, Faye havaya bir kaç el ateş eder ama nafile. Arka fonda The Real Folk Blues çalmaya başlar ve eski hatıralar eşliğinde Spike yola çıkar
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Seijiro Hiko said: Murder is the only art a swordsman may practice. No ornamental words can change that. You want to protect people with murder? You'll slaughter legions so that a few may live. Many years, long before you were born, my sword was tearing asunder the lives of men. Yes, all of those men were evil, but they were human beings first and foremost, Kenshin. The world you ardently desire to enter will not know what to do with you. It will deceive you into believing that you are saving lives even as you destroy them. You will accept these lies all the while, your hands will be stained with the worst of offenses.
zlorwf Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 "GURREN LAGANN! SPIN ON!" "WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!" "WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE KICK!" "Believe in the you, who believes in you" Hepsi Kamina, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Bide, "This is the last goodbye"
Kojiroh Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 "If you keep saving butterflies, the spiders will die! But...wanting to save both is a contradiction. What would you rather do? Keep deliberating? The butterfly will be eaten in the meantime." C/P'dir. Google'da arama yaparken şu kelimeleri kullandım: butterfly, trigun, knives, quote
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 ha bir de çok beğendiğim bu var: Fate/Stay Night'tan Gılgamış said: The most beautiful thing is something you can never obtain.
BeIlow Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen. Hellsing.
SenariouS Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2007 zlorwf said: "GURREN LAGANN! SPIN ON!" "WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!" "WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE KICK!" "Believe in the you, who believes in you" Hepsi Kamina, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Bide, "This is the last goodbye" çok var çoook Kamina: Who the hell do you think I am? Simon: Who do you think I am? Nia: Who do you suppose I am? "When i feel weak or lack confidence, i'm reminded of seeing the back of Simon, who steadily dug his way out." "Don't forget. Believe in yourself! Not you, who i believe in. Not me, who believes in you. Believe in you.. who believes in himself!" "I can't even rest in peace, can I?" Evangeliondan The Beast that Shouted `I` at the Heart of the World en güzel insan tanımı... Cowboy beboptan her söz nerdeyse çok var çok
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 yeryuzunun en efsane ve en danlaglakca repligini unutmusuz yok bole bisi Saske: said: You think you are special? Im more special than you!
ghost_boo Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 spoiler Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Kamina'nın sözü You grow taller than me...Kamina
Nosfe Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 Spike (Cowboy Bebop) said: "There are three things I hate the most: Kids, pets, and women with attitude. So tell me, why do we have all of them packed into our ship?"
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 9, 2007 Of Spike offf Spike: There once was a tiger striped cat. This cat died a million times and was reborn a million times... and was owned by various people who he didn't care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die... One day the cat became a stray cat, a free cat. He met a white female cat, and they spent their days happily together. Years passed by, and the white cat died of old age. The tiger striped cat cried a million times, and then died. But this time, it didn't come back to life. Jet: Yeah. That's a good story. Spike: I hate that story. Jet: Huh? Spike: I never liked cats, Jet. You know that.
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