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Since apparently I was one of the first from the WoW scene to jump on the Aion bandwagon, everyone is looking towards me as their definitive source for Aion answers. I won't claim to be an expert on the game, but I have been following it for over a year now, and have been in a sort of "eagerly anticipating it, f-WoW" state for the past few months. I leveled up to level 25 in the Chinese open beta, including doing the first 12 levels before discovering an English language pack. Trying to determine if I had picked the sorcerer or spiritmaster class by attempting to pair up outdated class icons was incredibly hilarious. But only playing to 25 I have not even witnessed first hand the true end game of Aion, so everything I say regarding the matter is based on what I've read and should be taken with a grain of salt.

First and foremost, something you absolutely must understand before deciding if you wish to play Aion: WoW is a BETTER game. That's right, I said WoW is better. So why the hell would I want to play Aion? Because it's something new, different, fresh. I have been playing WoW since I was invited into the closed beta in 2004, over 5 years ago. 5 years is a massive amount of time for ANY game to survive. And that's not to imply that WoW is dying, because I don't think it is, but after that long any game will start to lose its shine, just like Aion some day will. Now I say WoW is better, but that doesn't mean all aspects of WoW are better. In fact, some of the most crucial elements of an MMO I would say Aion is much better in, but that's just for me personally and overall I will still admit WoW to be the better game. No company can compete with the type of polish Blizzard delivers with their products, and despite how much people love to bash them, their innovation and creativity. That said, I am going to explore some of the different areas that I feel will separate the two games, and help people decide if Aion is the right game for them, without just stuffing mindless propaganda down their throat.

Community -
The community aspect is really what the MMO genre was founded on. Way before the days of eSports and arenas, MMOs were created to give players a way to socialize online. If you wanted to show off your 200 APM or twitchy shooter fingers you had other games to turn to, but if you just wanted to relax and have some easy going fun online you wanted an MMO. Now that aspect may still be there in WoW for some players, mostly people who are in a close knit guild or maybe on a roleplaying server, but for the most part WoW has successfully killed any in-game communities that used to exist. The last time I can even remember leaving Ironforge or Dalaran was for a jewelcrafting daily quest about 2 weeks ago, during which I encountered 0 players and was there and back within a few minutes.

If you played before the days of cross-realm battlegrounds, remember what it was like to actually know the players on your realm? To know who you were up against when fighting at Tarren Mill or the Crossroads? It didn't matter if the PvP was actually inferior back then, because there was a community aspect to it that made it so much more exciting. You weren't just killing hunter #2482 in full Naxx gear, you were killing the bastard who ganked you at Blackrock Mountain, the server clown who ninja'd the first Felstriker to drop, that guy who played a ridiculous amount of time to get the first Grand Marshal title, or even a respected rival you had made on the opposing faction. And it felt good, damn good.

Do you miss actually knowing the people on your realm, and having consequences for ruining your reputation? If so, do play Aion. At the moment all of the key ingredients are in place for Aion to develop tight knit server communities, but unfortunately there is always the possibility that they could ruin that in the future with things such as instant name changes and cross-realm competition.

Outdoor bosses -
Do you like camping for hours on end just for the off chance that a random world boss may spawn? Didn't think so, but this is what Aion should have and is a concept that most of the younger WoW audience isn't even familiar with (Everquesters may be feeling a bit of nostalgia when this is mentioned though). When WoW was being designed they viewed this particular issue as a negative aspect of MMOs, and their solution was to instance absolutely everything. Sounded okay in theory, but not until it's in place do you realize how much you may have actually enjoyed the original design. It adds more depth to the game, and again, it helps develop a community. You're camping against rival guilds or players, be it on the same faction as you or not, you're getting involved with the players around you. And whether it's a raid boss that you have to alert your whole guild about when it spawns, or a low level boss that can be killed by whoever is the quickest to target it, it can be a whole lot of fun. If this kind of camping doesn't appeal to you though, don't play Aion.

PvP with real objectives -
I used to play an MMO called Anarchy online, and in it the first real raid boss was one named "Tarasque." The fight itself had absolutely no depth to it, imagine a Hogger that just took 15 minutes to kill. Now what sounds like the worst possible encounter to your every day WoW raider, was actually the most fun I've probably ever had in any MMO, because Tarasque was placed in a non-instanced zone that was open combat for both opposing factions. When that boss spawned all hell broke loose on the server. Anyone who was anyone was there to attack or defend. The boss itself was located in sort of a deep cavernous castle basement, and there was one large room in particular referred to by the players as the "box room" (since it had... boxes), where whichever faction was currently in control of the castle would place the bulk of their players to defend while a smaller group of players worked on bringing the boss down. Now I don't need to explain what kind of fun could follow in that scenario. Countless times the opposing side would run in and wipe out the defenders at the last second, stealing control of the dungeon, while the faction now on offense prepared to launch another counter-assault. That my friends, is objective based PvP. Wintergrasp is not objective based ******* PvP.

I cannot say for certain that Aion will have PvP identical to the kind of fun I had in AO, but it will have something called "Dreadgions." From the description it sounds like a normal PvE instance that has two entrances, one for each faction. There is a main PvE boss that both sides will compete for, but it's not just a time race, you will be actively involved in fighting the other side as you work your way towards it. This is the kind of gameplay I live for. Again, even if the boss is a complete joke in terms of difficulty, this added PvP dimension completely changes everything. The PvP that takes place inside also rewards Aion's equivalent of honor points, which should be a hell of a lot more enjoyable than grinding Arathi Basin. Dreadgions can only be entered at certain times of the day as well, so it won't be something you just endlessly grind. If this kind of objective based PvP sounds right up your alley, then do play Aion.

Death penalty -
When you die in WoW do you like how you can just hit "release" and be back in the fight 15 seconds later? Then don't play Aion. Blizzard ruined many aspects of their game with their casual mentality, but one that they ruined since beta, that most people never realized, is not having a proper death penalty. Their philosophy was simple: people don't like being punished for dying, so don't punish them. If you've ever died in another game and then had to spend 10 minutes recovering your corpse, or maybe even lost a piece of gear, when it was all taking place did you ever say to yourself, "wow, I'm really enjoying this right now!" No, you didn't, it sucked. People don't enjoy death, so make death a non-issue; problem solved in their minds. What they and many people didn't realize was how critical a proper death penalty plays into how you approach the game. Ever bombarded into a pack of 8 horde in WSG, hoping to just try and take one of them down with you? Sure, why not, there's no consequences for that kind of reckless behavior. And after your fourth or fifth time of doing it you realize it's ******* boring, but it's about the only way to spice up the dullness of battlegrounds, because there's just no penalty for dying or losing. I intentionally do not like grouping for battlegrounds. People always get offended when I say I don't want to group, thinking I think I'm too good for them or just may not like them, but it's not that at all. I try to make it a challenge for myself, since it's the only way to keep myself entertained. I like jumping around on my lock with 5 horde chasing me and no one to heal me, if I can kill 3 of the bastards before I go down I at least feel like I accomplished something.

In Aion there is a death penalty, and it's a fairly big one. If you die while leveling you lose something around 5% of your XP. You can pay to recover some of that XP (for a fairly high cost), but some of it is completely irrecoverable, lost for good. After reading my previous paragraph you should understand why that is a good thing though. When grouping it turns the most mundane fights into something exciting, something constantly keeping you alert. You don't WANT to die, and it affects how you play and approach the game. Ever played hardcore mode in Diablo II? It turns one of the easiest games into something that gets your blood pumping as soon as you step out of town. Also in Aion if you die during PvP combat you can even lose abyss points. Abyss points are basically the equivalent of WoW's original honor points, and determine your PvP title as well as your overall server ranking. Being able to actually lose something in PvP will have a drastic effect on how everyone approaches it. Even the original honor system in WoW lacked any penalty outside of killing grey NPCs, it was just whoever could throw themselves against a wall of enemies for the most hours in a day. Now you have a reason not to die in PvP (outside of the corpse run which can suck as well, but again, it sucks in a good way!). I'm unsure of exactly how the calculations work in determining how many abyss points you lose when you die, hopefully it's not something as simple as kills granting +3 and deaths giving -1. Hopefully it's based on your ranking as well as your opponent's, giving you extra pressure to stay alive against people you know you should be beating, and an added incentive to hunt down people you may be competing with on the opposing faction.

Arena -
Love the WoW arena system? Love competing for a spot on the SK-100 and earning a fearsome gladiator title with a rating that you can brag on Arena Junkies about? Then don't play Aion. If you only like the twitch style PvP arena has, with the chance to make fame and fortune for yourself, you will be sorely disappointed with Aion's PvP. While Aion will still have rankings and titles, it will be in a much difference sense. If you want to make a name for yourself it will be done by displaying a continual dominance in PvP on your entire realm. It will have to be by becoming that guy that always wins any skirmish he's involved in, having the name that's feared and frantically clicked on to kill in any mass PvP combat. One day the game could add an expansion to introduce some of the WoW-like arena elements (and honestly I really hope it doesn't), but at the moment it has nothing even close to resembling it, and the chances of them adding it are probably somewhat slim. Blizzard were the pioneers of eSports in many aspects, including being the first to introduce it to an MMO. But it wasn't necessarily because they saw MMOs as a good fit for an eSport, but because of their past success with them in other games. Why not try it in WoW, one of the most popular games ever?

Popularity -
Do you like playing a game so popular that it's showing up on Comedy Central and Mountain Dew bottles? Well, then please, don't play Aion. Truth be told there is a small chance that one day it could turn into something almost as big (it is much bigger in Asia), but when you have orcs wrecking super markets on TV I just want to put my face in my hand and pretend I didn't know what it was about. Aion has already reached a level of popularity exceeding what I would consider ideal. The bigger a game gets the more quickly your accomplishments can be diminished. When you have 10+ million players playing a game like WoW, it's just impossible to do anything on your own... to discover something new about the game or to be able to say you're the only person to have done something. There's a guide or a detailed Elitist Jerks post out there describing everything, and telling you exactly what you can and cannot do. In my own selfish interests I probably shouldn't even be writing this article!

Polish -
I mentioned before that no company can compete with the polish Blizzard brings to each of it games, which is very true, but the one thing you should remember when comparing the two games is that WoW has been out for 5 years and has already seen 2 massive expansions. Now Aion's UI may be a little less polished, but as far as I'm concerned the core of the game far exceeds what WoW originally shipped with. I guess you could say that it should since they've had WoW to sort of mimic off, but the fact that Aion is already almost as good as WoW's 2nd expansion is nothing but impressive in my opinion.

Originally in this article I said I would try to compare some of the positives and negatives of each game, and after reviewing what I've written I seem to have written mostly just positives in favor of Aion. I am giving my best attempt at not being too biased, obviously I will favor Aion to some extent since I will be quitting WoW for it though. The only thing I can think of that I really dislike in Aion compared to WoW is its casting system. You sort of take it for granted when playing, but WoW's casting and combat system is incredibly fluid. You can do 360s while casting a fear in order to avoid a gouge or start kiting, you can jump and vanish a death coil, etc. Aion doesn't really have any of this and the casting system is somewhat clunky.

When casting you automatically face your target, and even if the target runs behind you the cast will go off. You also cannot turn at all while casting, in effort to start kiting like I mentioned above. That alone will drastically reduce the skill cap of the game. However, when dealing with instant cast spells it feels much more similar to WoW. All that said though, considering that is the only real downside I have seen so far in Aion, I think I will be able to tolerate it, and eventually I probably won't even notice it at all.
Mesaj tarihi:
elyos oynamak isteyen arkadaşları guildimize bekleriz. Bu betada ventrilo serverımızda hazır. nerede nasıl kasılır . riftler nerededir. her türlü bilgi destek ventrilo dan sağlanmnaktadır.
ortalama 21-30 yaş arası oyuncular mevcuttur.

- item , para vb. itemler için bağıranlar zaten burada yokturda öyle tipler zaten bize uyum sağlayamaz.
Mesaj tarihi:
güzel bi yazı olmuş gaza getirio insanı

demek ki bu da ilerleyen levellarda zevkli hale gelen oyunlardan. Ben ilk 10 levelı görebilmiştim bana quest yap ver leve latla ynei skill al aa yeni büyü puf o da aynı şey daha çok damage koyuo vs modunda bi oyun gelmişti. Kanat manat da çok etkileyici gelemmeişti

tabi 25. level da o abyss muhabbetindeki pvp nasıl dönüo bilmiom

bi de öle iki taraflı pve ve pvp bir arada olan combatlar aşırı zevkli hale gelebilir, Tabi burda eğer clanların önemi falan varsa, gerçekten insanlaır karşındaki insanları tanıyabliosun a şu herif beni kesmişti bu herif çok ii vs modunda muhabbetler dönüosa güzel community oluşur cidden.

Fakat böle honor point gibi abyss point muhabbeti işte onla puan kasmak sonra işte onla item almak gibi warhammerdada aynı muahbebt wowda da bu tar şeyler sevmiorum işte. Yani reward bana göre böle adamı kesince aldıım bi puan olmaması lazım . Başka ne olabilr bilmim loot olabilir tabi de böle bi oyuna free loot koyulması beklenemez tabi ki.

bakalım görelim, biraz oynayın betada 25 lere gelin şu mauhbetlere deneyimlerinizi anlatın.
Mesaj tarihi:
yazmıyacam diyorum bu aion a dayanamıyorum

abyss puanı sadece asmoa veya elyos keserek kazaılmıyor ;)

dungeon bitirdiğin zaman da abyss puanı kazanıyorsun
aynı zamanda abyss e çıktığında 3. ırk mooblar var onları keserekde abyss puanı alıyorsun veya questlerden ama ömrünü yer 12-14 puan falan alıyorsun 1 moob dan ama pvp de 50-60 sanırım vurduguna göre ve partnin kesme duruma göre

bu dungeonların bazıları ortak dungeon yani şöyle

hem elyos hem asmo girebiliyor ama bu dungeonlar kayıt ile belirli saatlerde giriliyor giren sayısı aynı oluyor dungeonda gidiş yoluan göre zorlaşıyor ve hem pve hemde pvp aktif oluyor hangı ırk önce gidip keserse o alıyor tabii ortalık ana baba günü oluyor hem pve-pvp :) vent veya ts konuşma o yüzden eksik olmuyo o oradan dalıyo bu buradan hatdi millet hücüm :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Ya bu 31'indeki beta event e katılmak için oyunu pre-purchase etmeyi düşünüyorum da, nerden almamı tavsiye edersiniz?

Bana en mantıklısı Steam gibi geldi. Var mı aranızda stem'den oyunu pre-purchase eden?
Mesaj tarihi:
MrMarvelous said:

Ya bu 31'indeki beta event e katılmak için oyunu pre-purchase etmeyi düşünüyorum da, nerden almamı tavsiye edersiniz?

Bana en mantıklısı Steam gibi geldi. Var mı aranızda stem'den oyunu pre-purchase eden?

aion.dlgamer.eu dan alabilirsin biz hep buradan aldık ELYOS mu olacaksın ?
Mesaj tarihi:
Release tarihinden itibaren "patladı mı?" başlıklı konu açılması için maximum 1 ay veriyorum.

Yazık günah onca emeğe uğraşa. Milyonlarca satış potansiyeli olan MMORPG pazarına Blizzardın WoW'una alternatif olabilecek tek bir oyun üretememiş zihniyete ediyim.

Hiç biriniz beklenti içine girmeyin. Beklentilerinizi minumum da tutun. Belki çıktıktan sonra hayal kırıklığına uğramanızı biraz daha uzatmış olursunuz. Bknz. AOC , Warhammer

Yapmamanızı tavsiye ettiğim bahane cümleleri;
"Firmanın açıklamalarını okuyun ezikler oyun çıktığında şöyle süper böyle mükemmel olacak"
"EU ya özel patchle çıkartıcaklar,çin ve kore sürümünden daha cool olacak"
"v1.0 patchiyle deli şeyler ekliyecekler"
"Oyunun end game'ini görmek lazım doğru eleştirebilmek için"
"Her oyunun ilk çıktığında eksikleri olur. Hatta wow çıktığında şöyle bıdı bıdı bugları vardı hatırlayın"
"Oyuna şans vermek lazım şuan ki bıdı bıdı eksikleri giderilemeyecek sorunlar değil küçük bi patchle hallederler"
"Bir kere oyun diğerlerinden farklı kanatlanıp uçuyosun!"
"Ben daha oyunu yapmalarından önce bu oyunu rüyalarımda oynadım 5 sene o yüzden oyun mükemmel. L2P"

Atladığım kaldı mı?
Mesaj tarihi:
nerden boyle bir umutsuzluk abidesi text geldi simdi ?

ne oldu tutancmon ? hayirdir ? oynadin nesini begenmedin ?

hayir bende begenmedim ama en azindan neleri bana batti anlattim.

@mighty : (:D
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