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Sudden Death of a Football Player


Öne çıkan mesajlar

abi bu ne ya gülmekten gözlerimden yaş geldi.
ne biçim hareketler öyle ya, uğraşsan beceremessin.

yazık adama ya. eğer ölmemişse sadece kas spazmı geçirmişse, onun yerinde olmak istemezdim. kötü bir duygu öyle sahadan ordan oraya savrulmak.

yorumlar da ayrı kopardı beni:

This video seems to be posted a lot and no one knows this guys name, and if he really died or not. I'm guessing he didn't die because it would have been much much more publisised. I'm guessing he just threw some sort of temper tantrum in response to the tackle made, or he is maybe just a bit wierd like that.

The reason why the player did things like this before he died, was a form of muscle spams which is started when he gets hit and he loses his controll of his nerves and his body, very similiar to the spasm that people get when they get hit seriously and starts shaking, it is also proven that newly dead people also may move just after their death as the body sets off its last electric impulses...
So what you see i just his body going into spasm mode, a rarely strong one, but he is not possessed

yazık adama ha.
merak ettim neymiş kimmiş bu.
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al bu da ayrı tuhaflıkmış.
pat diye yığılıp ölmüş.

ne kadar tuhaf şu insanoğlu. iki dakka sonra ne olacağını kestiremiyorsun

bu adamın haberi bi kaç sene önce tvde çıkınca baya üzülmüştüm. gülerek ölmek gayet unutulmaz bişey bence.

[ Mesaj 29 Nisan 2007, Pazar - 15:26 tarihinde, elesso tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
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