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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
arabayı yapıyorum arabayı bulamadan fotokopi makinası dedi, car wash dedi araba gelcek uehue[signature][hline]You run, never stop, got to win, got to run till you drop
Eno, 30 Ocak 2005 00:29 tarihinde demiş ki:
sanal "sokuşmaya" devam edin bakalım varmı faydası...
Mesaj tarihi:
ultima online i bildi ( daha dogrusu ad vermedide online oyun dedi dumur oldum) ahahahhaha sufeirm bilgisayari bilemedi [signature][hline]Ardeth 10 Şubat 2005 00:38' da demişki:
''herşeyin ölçüsü insandır''(sofistlerden alinti)
Ve gene Ardeth Bence en tehlike olan Raistin, zeki olmak değil, zeki olduğunu düşünmektir.
Ve son olarak sevdigim laflar:Nietzsche "Hayat bir savaş okuludur. Öldürmeyen yaragüçlendirir" Nietzsche Edmund Husserl "şeylere dönelim!"
ve son olarak Stuart Mill " Kendinden hoşnut bir domuz olmaktansa, hoşnutsuz bir insan olmak yeğdir, memnun bir aptal olmaktansa hoşnutsuz bir Sokrates olmak yeğdir."

[Bu mesaj Raistin tarafından 13 Şubat 2005 19:30 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Koalayı bildi hem de 18 soruda

18. Is it originally from Canada? No.
17. Can it climb? Yes.
16. Does it live in the forest? Yes.
15. Does it have a long tail? No.
14. I guess that it is a piglet? No.
13. Does it have four legs? Yes.
Does it squirm? Unknown.
12. Is it heavier than a pound of butter? Yes.
11. Is it soft? Yes.
10. Does it have a pointed snout? Maybe.
9. Is it a small mammal? Yes.
8. Is it small? Yes.
7. Is it furry? No.
6. Is it a mammal? Yes.
5. Does it like to run? No.
4. Is it dangerous? No.
3. Does it have claws? Maybe.
2. Is it heavy? Maybe.
1. It is classified as Animal.

İnsaf be kardeşim cidden çok sağlam yapmışlar[signature][hline]With each kill I grow wiser
With added wisdom I grow stronger / A.E.
Mesaj tarihi:
ilk denemede okaliptüs yazdım, bilemedi. en sonunda "you won. give up, I do not know what you were thinking" hoş mesajıyla karşılaştım. sevindirik olmalı mıyım :P[signature][hline]How to overcome destructive criticism?
Just love a little more, that's all.
Mesaj tarihi:
Get your mind out of the gutter! I am not allowed to talk about stuff like this, but, I am guessing that it has something to do with sex?
Yes , No , Close
25. Does it squirm? No.
24. Is it shaped like a hot dog? Yes.
23. Is it a mammal? No.
Can it discharge waste? Unknown.
Is it fuzzy? Unknown.
22. Does it come in specific sizes? Yes.
21. Does it have a hole in it? Yes.
20. I guess that it is sewage? No.
19. Would you find it on a farm? Yes.
18. Do you use it in your home? Usually.
17. Is it manufactured? No.
16. Does it contain a liquid? Sometimes.
15. Do you use it in public? No.
14. Does it get wet? Yes.
13. I guess that it is toast? No.
12. Do most people use this daily? Usually.
11. Can it fit in an envelope? No.
10. Do you carry it in your pocket? No.
9. Can you play with it? No.
8. Does it have writing on it? No.
7. Would you pay to use it? No.
6. Is it straight? Yes.
5. Is it pleasurable? Yes.
4. Can it be worn by a person? No.
3. Is it hard? No.
2. Is it smaller than a loaf of bread? Yes.
1. It is classified as Other.

bildi[signature][hline]~o O
Mesaj tarihi:
kız arkadaşımı düşündüm ass çıktı töbe töbe[signature][hline]So many times its hopeless dark and gray
And other times its hope that saves the day!!!

- Airplane out of the fart, say hi to that sweetheart:
(Osuruktan tayyare, Selam söyle o yare)
Mesaj tarihi:
You won!
Play Again
What you were thinking of is not in my knowledgebase.

yendim ahha[signature][hline]So many times its hopeless dark and gray
And other times its hope that saves the day!!!

- Airplane out of the fart, say hi to that sweetheart:
(Osuruktan tayyare, Selam söyle o yare)
Mesaj tarihi:
Ehehe sevgili istediğimi bilemedi. oynamıyorum işteeee :D[signature][hline]Sylverton Ailesi
[KOC]RobiN Sylverton=o=[MoD]Denias Sylverton
Eros Sylverton : Gm of Animal Tamers Guild
Ayrıca Kadıköy Anadolu gençliğindeniz !!!
Mesaj tarihi:
işte buna gülerim;

I am guessing that it is something?
Yes , No , Close
28. Can it bend without breaking? Yes.
27. Do you use it in your home? Yes.
26. Is it heavy? Yes.
25. Does it get wet? Yes.
24. Can it be used more than once? Yes.
23. Is it a type of fruit? Usually.
Does it require specific knowledge to use it? Unknown.
22. Is it bigger than sofa? Yes.
21. Does it have hooves? Yes.
20. I guess that it is a mutt (dog)? Close.
19. Does it squirm? Yes.
18. Is it fuzzy? Yes.
17. Does it travel on roads? Yes.
16. Do you know any songs about it? Yes.
15. Is it gray? Sometimes.
14. I guess that it is an ass (donkey)? No.
13. Can you use it with your friends? No.
12. Does it make something move? Yes.
11. Does it come in specific sizes? Yes.
10. Is it white? Sometimes.
9. Does it help accomplish tasks? Yes.
8. Can you hold it? Yes.
7. Does it eat grass? Probably.
6. Does it have a pointed snout? No.
5. Can it swim? Yes.
4. Would you find it on a farm? Yes.
3. Does it have fur? Yes.
2. Can it climb? No.
1. It is classified as Animal.
Exit[signature][hline]You run, never stop, got to win, got to run till you drop
Eno, 30 Ocak 2005 00:29 tarihinde demiş ki:
sanal "sokuşmaya" devam edin bakalım varmı faydası...
Mesaj tarihi:
25 defada bildi :)

I am guessing that it is love?
Yes , No , Close
24. Do you use it at night? Yes.
23. Is it an emotion? Yes.
22. Can it be used for recreation? Yes.
21. Can you get information by using it? No.
20. I guess that it is an angel? No.
19. Can it help you find your way? Yes.
18. Does it involve contact with other humans? Yes.
17. Is it usually visible? No.
16. Does it get wet? No.
15. Does it live near water? No.
14. Is it worth a lot of money? No.
13. Is it pleasurable? Yes.
12. Can you play games with it? No.
11. Is it usually colorful? No.
10. Is it located in the sky? No.
9. Is it manufactured? No.
8. Can you smell it? No.
7. Is it very, very expensive? Maybe.
6. Can you use it 24 hours a day? Yes.
5. Can it be stolen? No.
4. Is it outside? Yes.
3. Does it bring joy to people? Yes.
Do you use it in your home? Unknown.
2. Could it be found in a classroom? No.
1. It is classified as Other.

[signature][hline]Her sabah yolunu gözlerim ,
Buğdayların arasındaki yeşil okyanusları görebilmek ,
Kır çiçeklerinin kokusunu duyabilmek ,
Beni sevdiğini hayal edebilmek için...
Grandmaster zgrw
Çankaya Üniversitesi Go-Kart Topluluğu Kurucusu

[Bu imza zgrw tarafından 12 November 2004 23:12 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

[Bu mesaj zgrw tarafından 14 Şubat 2005 00:15 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
2. sefer 17 defada bildi :)

I am guessing that it is a parakeet?
Yes , No , Close
16. Can it be hunted? Yes.
15. Can you use it with your friends? Yes.
14. Is it gray? Maybe.
13. Is it green? Maybe.
12. Do you hold it when you use it? Yes.
11. Do you use it in your home? Yes.
Is it originally from Africa? Unknown.
10. Does it jump? Yes.
9. Can you see it in a zoo? Yes.
8. Does it eat seeds? Yes.
7. Does it like to clean itself? Yes.
6. Can you find it in a house? Yes.
5. Does it swim? No.
4. Does it have a spine? Yes.
3. Does it have fur? No.
2. Is it small? Yes.
1. It is classified as Animal.[signature][hline]Her sabah yolunu gözlerim ,
Buğdayların arasındaki yeşil okyanusları görebilmek ,
Kır çiçeklerinin kokusunu duyabilmek ,
Beni sevdiğini hayal edebilmek için...
Grandmaster zgrw
Çankaya Üniversitesi Go-Kart Topluluğu Kurucusu

[Bu imza zgrw tarafından 12 November 2004 23:12 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
evet hayirla gittigine gore binary olarak ilerliyo. 20 soru var. 2^20 desen, yaklasik 1,000,000 nesne alabilir. simdi dunyada dusunulebilecek seylerin sayisiyla bu rakami karsilastirinca devede kulak kaliyo. peki nedir bu programin olayi?[signature][hline]Tulahr
Mesaj tarihi:
You won!
Is it one of these ...
turquoise (gem stone)
a baby
an opal
a fairy (elf)
a garnet (gemstone)
a coral
an apple
an amethyst
a goldfish
caviar (fish roe)
a muscle (body part)
a lobster
a crystal
a geode[signature][hline]
Mesaj tarihi:
25 soruda şırıngayı bildi eheh :) hayran kaldım[signature][hline]if you don't fall all the way, you cant be saved..it's only after you've lost everything that you are free to do anything...
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