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The Long Dark

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Mesaj tarihi:
kitapları okuyamıyoruz abi? field dressing ile medicinal plants of great bear kitaplarımız var. sadece examine tuşu var. research veya read yok. help

eskisi gibi backpackte göremiyoruz kitapları bi de, journalda varlar sadece ama examine edebiliyoz sikko notlar gibi
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Mesaj tarihi:

oklarin kaybolmasi falan onu halledeceklermis diye duymustum.

aiming konusunda millet bu sefer saglam aglamissa ondan degisiklik oluyordur.  sahsen o konuda guvenmiyorum cunku oyle bir gameplay/cila kaygisina sahip olduklarini sanmiyorum.  hep artificial difficulty ile kolayca kotarma pesindeler. neyin aimi yani en basta durust bir sekilde bunu tartisalim sdfg. zamanlama disinda bir shot/combat cesidi yok. herkes ayni cheese'i kovaliyor. uzerine kosarken garanti shot'i vurdun vurdun. vuramadin en iyi ihtimalle kiymetli arrow/ammo bosa gitti, en kotu ihtimalle save'in gitti. twitch'de falan o kadar ezberlemisler ki adamin gozunu kapatsan yine uc kurt ust uste vuracak. organik, reaktif bir aim/combat yontemi yok oyunda. denersen bin pisman oluyorsun.


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ubdate gelmis:


New! Revolver — A close-quarters defensive tool against hostile wildlife.

New! Birch Bark Tea — A slow-gain condition restoration item brewed from a renewable natural resource.

New! Energy Drink — Quick-shot Stamina and Fatigue boost, useful for getting yourself out of a variety of bad situations.

New! Improvised Cloth Wraps — Stave off Frostbite on your Head and Hands with these basic wraps.

Overhaul! Rifle & Shooting Gameplay — Completely overhauled shooting and aiming mechanics for the Rifle and other ranged tools.




Mesaj tarihi: (düzenlendi)

base dagin basi Trapper's Homestead oldugu icin revolver falan bakamadim simdilik anca 3-4 mermi buldum, farkli mermiler ufak.

buna kesin birsey yaparlar diyip topladigim birikmis birch barklarim vardi kac senedir bir kosede bak iyi ioldu sdf.

onun disinda gocuyor falan demisler ama ben girdim cat diye.


birde boyle yeni item vs geldiginde onceden buldugunuz gizli bunkerlara da spawn oluyor bunlar genelde.

Norak tarafından düzenlendi
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NEW REGION: Bleak Inlet

A wind-swept coastline reveals an abandoned industrial facility -- an aging Cannery that holds some useful secrets. But finding your way to it is a two-stage affair, involving accessing the region from both the Raven Falls ravine, and Forlorn Muskeg. But watch out! Vicious Timberwolf packs have moved into this region, and will defend their territory to the death.

NEW CHALLENGE: As the Dead Sleep

You’re a tortured soul on the edge of death. Find five grave markers in the distant corners of the world, and maybe you can feel some peace before you fade into The Long Dark. Inspired by the community-conceived “Deadman” challenge, this is our harshest Challenge yet.

NEW GAMEPLAY: Ammunition Workbench

Look for the Ammo Crafting Workbench. With the right supplies, you can assemble your own ammunition for the Rifle or Revolver. But assembling the gear you need, and finding the bench, won’t be easy.

NEW ITEMS: Gunpowder & Ammunition Components

We’ve added all the raw materials you need to craft ammunition. If you manage to gather them all, and find an Ammunition Bench, you’ll be significantly enhancing your life expectancy on Great Bear.

1) Lead from batteries to make bullets
2) Collect sulfur from plant fertilizer + Charcoal from burned out fires + potassium nitrate from Stump Remover = Gunpowder
3) Shell casing
4) Bullet + Gunpowder + Shell Casing + Ammo Bench = Ammunition

NEW GAMEPLAY: Gunsmithing & The Milling Machine

With the help of the active Aurora, the Milling Machine comes to life, giving you the capability to restore ruined firearms, and repair damaged ones, along with future capabilities. Just keep in mind you’ll need the Gunsmithing skill to make any headway with this tool.

NEW FEATS: Blizzard Walker, Expert Trapper, Straight to the Heart

New in-game achievements that lend gameplay benefits to Survival Mode games.

QUALITY OF LIFE: Campfire, Emergency Shelter Breakdown

By popular demand, we’ve added the ability to break down Campfire rings and Emergency Shelters, for those players who like to pack out what they pack in.



Mesaj tarihi:

guzel eklentiler. yeni mekani cok sevdigim desolation point'e benzettim.

zombi kurtlari degistirmek ne kadar zor ismis de struggle yetmedi, revolver yetmedi ve silah tamir etmece, mermi yapmaca getirmek zorunda kaldilar. eskiden zorluk ayari olmasina ragmen bunlardan cok daha az avantaj saglayan featurelar onerildiginde tersliyorlardi. hayat...


Mesaj tarihi:

repair makinesi op biraz herseyi tamir edebildigi icin 3-5 kumas metal harcayip craft etmeyi gereksiz kiliyor bi noktada ama aurora yakalamak gerek kullanmak icin birde gece halde parkour dolanmak gerek ulasmak icin, oyle dengelemisler.

bir kutu gunpowder 50 mermi yapabiliyor, dusuk skillde mermilerde dandik oluyor.

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Mesaj tarihi:

sprey guzel olmus. evlerden epey cikiyor. kapilarin ustune cogu zaman isaret koyamiyorsun, buglaniyor. obur alanlarda bir sorun yasamadim. charcoal ile acmadigin yerde de isaretledigin haritanda cikiyor. ama charcoal gibi alan seklinde degil, sadece o nokta. isaretler haritanda cikiyor. fakat harita dandik cizildiginden birbirine yakin iki evi isaretlediginde isaretler stack oluyor.

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