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Heroes of the Storm [/join paticik]


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iste hepsi kordinasyon istiyor, cookie cutter build olmiyor tyrande ile. takima gore gitmek lazim her mac.

bu arada bir adet refund hakkimiz varmis aklinizda olsun, gak guk ederlerse sunu gosterin:


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benim purchase odeme sistemindeki problemden dolayi sirada gozukuyormus hala, GM cok yardimci oldu, tek refund hakkini kullanmaya gerek yok cunki teknik olarak odeme gerceklesmemis dedi. ben mudehale ettim sira geldiginde sistem reddedicek dedi :D

iyi insanlar cikiyor hep karsima :D

30 u gelsin brightwing ile beraber alirim mis gibi ohhh, ustune birde thrall aldimi demeyin keyfime :D gold ilede bi anub alirsam gayet sahane oluyor elimdeki roster. master skinler hero fiyatina olmasa keske :P tyrande icin 10k saklamaya calisiyorum ahahaha
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bu arada d3 den datamine ile biakc sey bulmuslar, yeni sezonda johanna ve valla nin silahlari varmis ve "bu kahraman cesedi bulunmadan kayboldu" vs yaziyormus, ayni sekil female monk gondermeside var

P1_flail1H_norm_unique_01 - One of the more mysterious tales in the annals of the Crusaders is that of Johanna. A powerful warrior, she disappeared suddenly. The fact that she did not take this, her favorite flail, seems to indicate that her journey was unplanned. She has not been seen since.

P3_Unique_HandXBow_005 - Valla was one of the most lethal Demon Hunters ever known, until her abrupt disappearance. Some claim that she still lives, fighting in another land. Her body was never found, but she did leave behind her prized possession.

Unique_Boots_Set_01_p3 - “Uliana’s passion to defeat the gods of chaos drew the ire of the Patriarchs, for a monk was to seek balance in all things. She disappeared shortly after her excommunication, never to be seen again, swearing to eradicate all agents of chaos for the good of all mankind.” -Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani

P3_Unique_Belt_03 - All that was ever found of Uliana after her disappearance.

trailerda male monk gosterdiler, skin filan olarak koyucaklar galiba. fena fikri degilde hani ayni d3 herosunun fakrli buildleri farkli genderlarla koyma ihtimali gitmis oluyor boyle olursa heh

nazeebo dan esinlenip vic doktorun zombie skilli degistirmisler, HotS versiyondaki gibi artik cember yapiomus zombiler :D birbirini besliyor oyunlar resmen
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