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amerikada dolar basma yetkisine sahip birkaç aile var bunlardan biri yanılmıyorsam rockefeller. ben inanıyorum. altın ve para gücünü elinde bulunduranlar dünyayı yönetiyorlar. spekülasyonlar ve savaşlar çıkarıp nemalanıyorlar her zaman daha çok kazanıyorlar. rotschild: para imparatorluğu diye bir kitap okumuştum tavsiye ederim.

dünyadaki olayların gelişmesini sağlayan güçler olduğu kanaatindeyim. mesela amerikanın o kadar büyük bir silah endüstrisi var ki belli aralıklarla dünyada savaş çıkarıp silah satmak zorundalar yoksa patlarlar. yoksa obama başkan amerikaya petrol lazım diye çıkarmıyorlar bence bu savaşları. başa gelen başkanlar bile tarikat üyesi bkz.bones&skulls
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Anyhow, here’s what a Mossad agent had to say to Anonymous…

As I sit here writing this up, I can look at the wide screen at no less than 13 different hackers that truly believe they are anonymous and are hacking this computer. I’m watching their programs do it’s thing, It’s sad they don’t know I’m looking right at them, including the one wearing a yellow shirt with Che Guevara on it. He is constantly picking his nose and twice ate the boogers. 0xOmar is not an individual but several people. The concept, however, was created by a homosexual pedophile from Dubai UAE and picked up by others of his group in Mexico, the US, UK, Canada, Romania and various Russian
states. They don’t realize that tons of “Anonymous” have already been captured. The Israeli Mossad quietly watches as each hacker links to each other. Mossad remains silent. Hacktivist are unaware that inside every computer, there is a “built in” that whispers where you are, and who you are. It also allows intelligence community to actually watch you 100% in real time. Hacktivist love to boast, they love the “spot light” and brag. Intelligence agencies will allow them to commit crimes and thus they give up their “fingerprint” or exact MO. Hacktivist who partake in online child porn don’t realize that the digital images have a code embedded that reveal the origin of the image, whether it is film that has been digitized or originally digital. Also within these “embedded” items is the first date the camera was activated after sale and it’s exact GPS location of each use and activation.

It is impossible to be anonymous on the internet due to the design of the components within a computer itself. Multiple backup and redundant hardware including “circuits” and chips” whisper all your information. Also, built in AI will tell if you are “lying” about your registration or IP. You computer ”whispers” you exact real time GPS location no matter how great you think you are, you are holding in your hands a “Judas” that is “whispering” all things about you. There is even a rhythm to your key strokes, sort of like a “signature” which can’t be faked or duplicated. Even in a “paste bin” site, that signature is there. Some of the information it reveals is how hard you “tap” the keys. Intelligence agencies in the US and Israel are the most advanced. You can even turn off your cell phone and it is still possible to listen to your real time conversations even if you remove the battery.

Hacktivist are creatures of habit and share the same psycho-sexual profiles. The same conflicts and rage if you will. As such, they will always do what their “superior intellect” guides them to do. The are all paranoid which works to the advantage of the Intelligence services. Mossad is able to predict with 100% accuracy all the events that an individual “hacker’ will execute during a day, including their “cash” purchases and where. They go into out of the way shops to purchase food and think it’s a safe place. They always use, distinctive disguises like sun glasses, hats and other head coverings, and they all have the same “walk” about them, so they are easy to spot in a crowd. Their posture and demeanor are the same. Let the “hacktivist” watch a video of their fellow hacktivist and they will finally take notice of these “non-verbal” communications. They will also attempt to “alter” them, but, it’s impossible to get their feet to go along with this even though the “upper body” is quite willing.

Jake Davis, a small minded little kid hacktivist who is angry at the world is a prime example. A hero to many, he was tracked from the beginning and his attempts to be anonymous, like others, was a fruitless endeavor. He appeared at his first court appearance in “wrap around” sun glasses, a stoic facial expression, utterly terrified, humilated and disillusioned. Mommy in tow defending him. Intelligence communities are firing a warning shot over the bows of their hacktivist boats and these people, mostly young left wing indoctrinated pawns, still don’t get it. They can’t feel the knife in their backs put their by their best friends. Their computers.

You can however totally destroy your computer and hard drive by melting it down but, there is an exact copy of your hard drive already stored in the US, UK and Israel. You young people need to realize, that it is you that declared war, and if a shot over the bow doesn’t get you to “heave to” then a round into your “screws’ will. Then if you still persist, their is the bottom of the sea. A sad and pathetic case of Eduard Lucian Mandru.

In his daily life, Eduard Lucian Mandru is studying for a masters degree in Banks and Financial Markets at the local Faculty of Economy and Business Management. However, the student is also very passionate about computers and the Linux operating system.

According to the U.S. investigators, Mr. Mandru is the hacker calling himself Wolfenstein, who broke into a secure computer network belonging to the Department of Defense in 2006 and infected several systems with an information-stealing trojan. This is a VERY foolish mistake. Why? Not only did his computer “rat him out” so did his own “trojan”. It’s like a stupid dog that follows you back home to bring you a bone.

“Do you young people get it now?”

For public consumptions, media reports run like this: “The authorities had a very hard time locating him, as the hacker was accessing the network through compromised servers in Japan. In addition, he was covering his tracks by deleting all access logs. One solid lead that the investigators had was a yahoo e-mail address associated with the perpetrator, which eventually led to his identification.”
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