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Ninja Tarihi


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Mesaj tarihi:
Evet isimleri tanimaya devam edelim;

Matsuo Bashou (Code name Oborou sama) (Respectful priest)

And old pond,
A frog jumps in
The sound of water

One rather eccentric theory posits that the great haiku poet of the Edo period, Matsuo Bashou,was also ninja.

Matsuo Bashou was born in Iga Ueno to the Musokunin family. He set out on journeys many times, especially between the ages of 41 and 51, and was said to be a good priest and walker. For these reasons alone, some suspect that he may have worked as a ninja.

However this theory is full of holes.Sora tabiki niki was a travel diary written by Sora sama. The apprentice who accompanied Bashou on many of his journesy. When Sora`s travel diary was reprinted in 1943 and compared with Bashou`s travel diary, Okuno Hosomichi, some eighty points of contention were discovered. As a result, some believe that Sora was a ninja who had been given a mission by the Shogunate and traveled with Bashou`s famous priest comouflage.

(Alintidir Kyoto Library)

Tekrar buraya kadar ozverili bir sekilde okudugunuz icin tesekkur ederim.
Mesaj tarihi:
Evet isimlerimizi tanimaya devam edelim;

Soninjutsu of Yamada Hachiemon

The following story is about Yamada Hachiemon, a manager of Aekuni Shrine.

Once a year a meeting was held at Aekuni Shrine to prepare for the local festival and a small feast was held. While everyone was enjoying the party, one samurai showed off his sword, bragging to everyone present: " If there is any fellow here who can steal this sword from my waist, then I will let him keep it. But if he should fail, he must buy me waist, then I will let him keep it. But if he should fail, he must buy me five to of sake (90 liters.) Will no accept my bet? Hachiemon responded at once, saying: " I accept your challenge!" And so it was decided that the two men would meet before the worship hall of Aekuni SHrine at noon on the day of the festival where they could make their prayers. However, whoever was late to this worship would be considered the loser. And if the sword was still attached to the samurai`s waist when the prayers ended, then the samurai could claim victory; and if the sword were gone , then Hachiemon would win the bet.

The samurai decided to emplow two friends to shadow Hachiemon on the morning of the festival. Hachiemon left home at a quick pace. On his way to the shrine, he stopped in a farmer`s house, crying out loudly: " I will go to pray early today." He then headed toward the shrine at a quick pace again. However, Hachiemon suddenly turned down a road that led to a hill in back of worship hall. The Samurai`s two friends chased after him. Hachiemon sat down on a big rock with his back turned to the two men and began to smoke his pipe.

At the same time as this occured, the impatient samurai ran to the worship hall since noon was fast approaching. At the hall was a decrepit old woman, whose back was bent and hands joined in prayer. The noon bell had just begun to be rung. The samurai gleefully said in his mind: " Hachiemon, you are late! You have lost my challenge! " and he pulled the bell rope with both hands. At just that instant, the old woman pulled out the samurai`s sword, exclaiming: " I win! " Hachiemon was disguised as the old woman, and had earlier changed places with the farmer who had then imitated Hachiemon, and was still smoking his pipe on the hill in back of shrine.

( Alintidir The History of Ninjutsu By Ohse Heishichiro )
Mesaj tarihi:
Evet isimlerimizi tanimaya devam edelim;

Name= Kashin Koji
Cause of death= Unknown

Often portrayed as a white haired, bearded sage in robes- along the lines of European style wizard- Kashin Koji most probably never picked up an actual weapon. But his ninja like ability to decieve opponents with apparitions and illusions let him slip away from any confrontation with the last laugh.

Nothing is known of Kashin Koji`s ancestry or childhood. Given that he spent his youth studying the secrets of Shingon esoteric Buddhism on Mountain Koya, in what is now Wakayama prefecture, it is entirely likely that he was abandoned or orphaned. A growing fascination with magic and the occult, however, led to his excommunication from the only family he had ever known, Kashin Koji wandered from place to place, eventually settling near Lake Sarusawa in Nara, where he began performing as an illusionist. According to an account of one performance, "Kashin Koji made water gush forth between the spectators and made them believe they had go stones in their hands." One of his best-known tricks involved flinging leaves in to the lake, whereupon they transformed in to living fish and swam away.

In his later years, Kashin Koji turned from simple street performance to a far more challenging avocation tricking the rich and powerful out of their money.

In 1574, Kashin Koji attracted warlord Odaa Nobunaga`s attention with a painted scroll depicting the various trials awaiting doomed souls in hell- a fitting sort of artwork for a man who had sent so many people there. It was so exquisitely crafted that it seemed to spring to life, its demons sneering, its tortured souls writhing, and its rivers of blood flowing with such realism that Nobunaga felt compelled to own it.

After a series of lengthy "negotiations" that included at least one attempt on Kashin Koji`s life, the mystic agreed to sell Nobunaga the mysterious painting for a fee of 100ryo- an absolutely astounding sum equivalent to tens of millions of yen in modern currency. Yet no sooner had the money exchanged hands than the scroll abruptly changed. It looked roughly the same, but lacked the animation of its original showing. As he left, Kashin Koji calmly explained that while the original had been priceless, it currently reflected the value that Nobunaga had paid for it. Convinced by the logic if not satisfied by the outcome, Nobunaga grudgingly agreed to let the old man go. Chalk up one for Kashin Koji in a dangerous game of brinksmanship.

Tossed in to a Kyoto dungeon for vagrancy in 1582- so much for the riches he`d taken from Nobunaga!-Kashin Koji found himself temporarily sprung from the clink to entertain at a lavish dinner party held by Nobunaga`s short- lived successor-assassin, Akechi Mitsuhide. Taking full advantage of his host`s hospitality, Koji proceeded to down ten bowls- not cups bowls- of rice wine in rapid succession. In return for the unexpectedly kind treatment the apperantly still completely uninebriated wizard offered to put on a little show for the assembled guests. Wawing his hand aat a beautiful folding screen portraying a man rowing a boat ona a lake, Kashin Koji caused its waters to overflow, filling the room with a deluge and drawing the illustration of the boat out on to its surface in the room. Clambering on board, he directed the coxswain to head back into the screen, receding in to the distance as an illustration once again. When it disappeared from the surface of the screen, the room was dry as though nothing had happened- and Kashin Koji was gone.

You`d think the old magician would have packed his bags and gotten out of town by this point, but he tried his luck at the palace yet again just a few months later. By this point, Toyotomi Hideyoshi had avenged Nobunaga`s death by killing Mitsuhide, taking control of Kyoto for himself. (That his was a busy period in Japanese history is putting it mildly.) Invited to drop by and tell Hideyoshi`s fortune, Kashin Koji managed to divine a tantalizing bit of embrassing information that so enraged the ruler he attempted to kill the old mystic with his own hands. Transforming into a mouse, Kashin Koji beat a hasty four- footed retreat.

Some accounts claim Hideyoshi had the old wizard tracked down and assassinated in 1584, But an intriguing alternate story exists as well. Eighteenth century book by the name of Koro Chawa or Tea- Talk of Old, describes an encounter between Kashin Koji and none other than Tokugawa Ieayasu in 1612. The Shogun asked the old man his age and was answered "eighty-eight." There is no further mention of Kashin Koji, living or dead in the historical record. But given his ties to the supernaturel and his uncanny, as like tiger.

(Alintidir Kyoto Library)

Buraya kadar ozverili sekilde okudugunuz icin tekrar tesekkur ederim.
Mesaj tarihi:
Samurai uzerine bir uzmanligim bulunmamakta fakat iki turlu Ronin var. Fu-Ronin So-Ronin. Fu Ronin istegi uzerine kendi ayrilan yada kacan yada herhangi bir suctan dolayi izini kaybettiren. Fu Ronin ise efendisi oldukten sonra sans eseri seppuku dan kacan kurtulan ve herhangi biryerde yasamini surduren. Ama asla ve asla Efendi oldukten sonra yasamak gibi bir luksleri bulunmamakta eger bahsettiginiz Efendisine cok yakin Samurai ise kesinlikle kendini oldurmesi sart.

Tesekkur ederim ilginizden ve alakanizdan Memphis7 san.
Mesaj tarihi:
peki bu samurayla nasıl bu kadar nesil yasamıs patron ölünce sende ölüon ee noldu soy?
3 kabile var diyelim 3 de patron 3üde öldü tak butun erkekler gg
kadınları nabıo sonra?
Mesaj tarihi:
Memphis7 said:

peki bu samurayla nasıl bu kadar nesil yasamıs patron ölünce sende ölüon ee noldu soy?
3 kabile var diyelim 3 de patron 3üde öldü tak butun erkekler gg
kadınları nabıo sonra?

Simdi soyle birsey var ona bir aciklik getireyim.

Daimyounun kendi soyundan olanlar ve disaridan egitilenler diye iki zumre var. Bu zumrelerden yukari olanlar Daimyou ya bagli olanlar ilk centurylerde yani Bushidou Jidai dedigimiz donemde.
Bagliliklari icin Daimyoulari olduklerinde kendilerini oldururlerdi. Fakat 1580 lara gelindiginde artik daha is toprak beyligi ve herkesin derdi altin ve zenginlik pesine dondugunde; Samurailar daha cok nasil zumreye yakin olurum ve kendimi rahata adarima baktigi donemde kimse Daimyou su oldu diye kendini oldurmez duruma geldiler. Bu duruma gelindiginde de Samurai larin gayri mesru yiginla cocuklari oldu o cocuklarida toprak beyleri yeni samurai lar olarak yetistirmeye devam etti. Ayrica Samurai lar da su anlayis vardir. "Kadin nesil surdurmek icindir. Ask ise iki erkek arasinda yasanabilir." Bu mantikla ilerledikleri icin bisexualite cok fazla idi. Kabile diye bir kavram yok. Aile diye bir kavram var. Ailelerde de cok sayida erkek cocuk vardir. Yada zorla halktan toplarlardi. Yada kacirirlardi.

Iste Samurai lik ilk baslarda tamamen iyi birseyken zamanla curuyen ve yozlasan bir sinif haline gelmistir.

Tekrar ilgili sorulariniz icin tesekkur ederim.
Mesaj tarihi:
bisexualite cok fazla idi dediğine göre, sadece gıpta ile bakmıyorlar duvara yaslıyorlar bence :D

Bu arada ninja, bir japonla latin harfleriyle iletişim kursan anlıyor mu ? daijoubu falan desen mesela ?
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben size bir film onereyim izleyiniz.

[video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NJzr1z0xIw?feature=oembed" width="459">

forum kirliligi olmamasi icin burada her ikinize yanit verecegim.

Bisexual sekilde ask ve seks yapabilirlerdi.

Bir japon ile latin harfleri kullanilip Japonca konusulabilir evet.
Mesaj tarihi:
Film ismini alip nette arastirabilirsiniz.

Memphis san Samurai lar artik yok. Ve Artik Yuksek Holdinglerin patronu olmus durumdalar. Ninjalar ise hala varlar mi bilmiyorum. Biz sadece bir gelenege saygi duyup surdurmekle gorevliyiz o kadar. O da aileden bir miras oldugu icin.
Mesaj tarihi:
iyide ninja kardes, ninjaların olayı görünmeden işi bitirmek deilmi sen bas bas bagrıyosun ben burdayım die
bence seçim yapman lazım ya gelenegi sürdürceksin yada çağdaş biri olarak tanıtıkcaksın eskiden böyle bir kültür vardı diye

bu arada holdin patronu oldular bana dokunmazlar die rahatım sanma ben sana diyim huylu huyundan vazgeçmez
Mesaj tarihi:
Istihbarat ninjutsu almayi biraktigi sene 90 dir. 90 dan sonra Krav Maga sanati ile egitilirler. Global sekilde egitim duzeyleri Krav Maga dir. Cunku Ninjutsu tamamen bir felsefedir ve ajanlik yada casusluk kavramlari gunumuzde farkli liglerin durumlari oldugu icin onlar icin yetersizdir. Bu sebeble Krav Maga sanati ile egitilirler. Ailemde istihbarat sahsi bulunmamaktadir.
Mesaj tarihi:
Memphis7 said:

iyide ninja kardes, ninjaların olayı görünmeden işi bitirmek deilmi sen bas bas bagrıyosun ben burdayım die
bence seçim yapman lazım ya gelenegi sürdürceksin yada çağdaş biri olarak tanıtıkcaksın eskiden böyle bir kültür vardı diye

bu arada holdin patronu oldular bana dokunmazlar die rahatım sanma ben sana diyim huylu huyundan vazgeçmez

Memphis san ben ninjalarin ne oldugunu sayfalarca anlatiyorum bastan bir bakiniz. Ninja nin tek gayesi hayatta kalmaktir. Ben bas bas bagirmiyorum gercek hayatta ben Ninjayim diye. Zaten beni gercek hayatta ninjutsu bildigimde anlasilmaz. Cunku gercek hayatta oturup kimse ile ninjalar hakkinda konusmam. Ama gizleme bir derdimizde bulunmamakta sadece Japon gelenegi geregi ovunmeyi sevmeyiz o kadar.
Mesaj tarihi:
Peki tesekkur ederim. Bir yanlis anlama olusmus sizlerin kafasinda; Su an dunya uzerinde iki Ninja temsilcisi vardir Masaaki Hatsumi sensei ve Kawakami Jinichi sensei. Bu ikisi disinda kimse ninja oldugunu ilan edemez ve aslinda o iki kiside ninja olduklarini iddia etmezler. Sizler beni yanlis degerlendirmissiniz. Bizler ninja ve ninpou taijutsuyu yasatmak amacli bilgilendirme ve kendimizi egitmeye adamis kisileriz. SU anki Ninpou taijutsuda normalde eksiktir cogu denshou yani teknik kitabi yoktur. Bu sebeble hicbir zaman ninja olamayacagizdir. Ninja nickini paticikte secme nedenim ise Ninja Tarihini anlatmak uzerine alinan bir nick olarak kullanmamdir. Bize iki sey denir. Kurako ve Rappa. bunlar Ninjalarin gelenegini surduren kisilerdir. Ayrica Kurakolar tarihtede siyahlar giyinmis Kabuki de calisan kisilerdir. Rappalarda dedektiflere yardim eden gizlenme uzmanlarina denirdi. Ama gunumuzde bu tip isler farkli isledigi icin geleneksel olarak Kurako ve Rappa kullanilir. Asla ve asla kimse ben ninjayim diye dolasmaz dojo da zaten bu tip bir akil sagligi bozuklugu olan kisiye ninpou taijutsu ogretilmez. Bu sebebden dolayi dojo ya baslandiginda cogu amerikali ogrenci 3 cu hafta dojoyu birakmaktadir cunku onlarin bekledigi ninja kiyafetleri maskeleri ile antremandir ama bu yapilmaz yuz acik ve tamamen felsefeye donuk sekilde yavas bir egitim mevcuttur ve sabretmek gerektirir. Bu sebeble kafaniza ne takilirsa takilsin kesinlikle sorun cekinmeyiniz.

Umarim Aciklayici olmusumdur :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Memphis7 said:

kusura bakma ninja kardes ama sen kendi kendine ninja oldugun için A sınıf bir ninja deilsin kanımca, cünkü ninja karda yürür izini belli etmez

kendi kendine ninja olmak nedemek tam olarak?
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