SeaGle Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2012 bb bikaç özelliği dışında tercih edilmez bence ki, standart kullanım için ihtiyaç duyulan özellikler değil zaten onlar da. Şu durumda en kötü tercih cidden bb olur.
Genel Yönetici GERGE Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2012 Genel Yönetici Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2012 Sony al, Motorola al, iPhone al, BB alma.
Leader Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2012 Tüm fanboylar toplanmış bende dahil olayım ortama sdf. said: The Latest and Greatest and Doomed to 3rd Place Another day, another pocket-altering mobile platform that’s more likely to wither on the vine than ever see its true potential. No, Meg Whitman, I’m not talking to you (cf, Carly Simon to James Taylor). webOS‘ time has come and gone; Windows Phone 7 is the new underdog darling in town. What’s even more weird to me than calling a Microsoft product an underdog is heaping praise upon anything born in Redmond. I’ve long been a Mac owner and MSFT disliker. From Windows 3.1 and WM 6 to that stupid animated paper clip, for more than a decade I basically disliked everything Microsoft did. Blindly, even. Then came Zune, which I kinda liked but didn’t see enough value in to even consider casting off my iPod for. Then came Kin, which I thought held a ton of potential but was D.O.A thanks to pricing and marketing-related atrocities, amongst other things. Then I tried Xbox Live, which I dug, but frankly I’m not nearly enough of a gamer to have formed anything approaching an informed opinion on – I just don’t use my 360 enough. But then came Windows Phone 7 and, more importantly, the Mango update and the newest batch of high-end phones to support it. I’ve spent some time with Nokia’s Lumia 800, Samsung’s Focus S, and HTC’s Titan, all three of which run WP 7.5. I’ve perused the Marketplace, installed my apps, and carried them all around in my jeans pockets. And I really, really like ‘em – Titan in particular. Why I Ditched My iPhone for Windows Phone 7
Absolut Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2012 4S veya Iphone5 al seneye android veya windowsphone tam oturunca ona geçersin.
MrLevie Mesaj tarihi: Mart 21, 2012 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 21, 2012 valla az önce aşağıdaki videodaki web browsingi görünce şafak attı bende.
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