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Broken Age

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Mesaj tarihi:
“Going back to Kickstarter for it seemed wrong. Clearly, any overages were going to have to be paid by Double Fine, with our own money from the sales of our other games. That actually makes a lot of sense and we feel good about it. We have been making more money since we began self-publishing our games, but unfortunately it still would not be enough.”

“Then we had a strange idea. What if we made some modest cuts in order to finish the first half of the game by January instead of July, and then released that finished, polished half of the game on Steam Early Access? Backers would still have the option of not looking at it, of course, but those who were sick of waiting wouldn’t have to wait any more. They could play the first half of the game in January!”

ilk paragraftan sonraki tepkim "ha iyi bari"

ikinci paragraftan sonra kafama sıkmak istedim.
Mesaj tarihi:
doğru yolu bulmuşlar sonunda lolol

Mesaj tarihi:
kendi yazdığımı tekrar okudum da yuh dedim kendime. yahu bunlar zaten bize X lira lazım diyip 10X lira almışlardı. nasıl yetmez o para? ahah ayakta adam fortluyolar.
Mesaj tarihi:
backer'lar beklemesin mazeretenin arkasına sığınarak daha fazla para toplama peşindeler. nasıl yetmiyo para ben de anlamadım, zaten çuval çuval fazla para aldılar.
Mesaj tarihi:
Seru said:

backer'lar beklemesin mazeretenin arkasına sığınarak daha fazla para toplama peşindeler. nasıl yetmiyo para ben de anlamadım, zaten çuval çuval fazla para aldılar.

Çuval çuval para almaları mesele değil. Eldeki parayı iyi idare edemeyip gereğinden büyük işlerin altına girince böyle oluyor. Amaçladıkları hedefin 8 kat üstü para elde edince "o zaman oyunu 8 kat fazla geliştiriz" diyerek hareket ediyorlar. Oyunu 8 kat arttırmak demek bütçenin de 8 katla sınırlı büyümesi anlamına gelmiyor, bir bakıyorsun masraflar 20 kat artmış. Adamlar bunu ayarlamayı becerememiş, bu kadar deneyimli bir ekip için utanç verici bir durum.
Mesaj tarihi:
arcane said:

kendi yazdığımı tekrar okudum da yuh dedim kendime. yahu bunlar zaten bize X lira lazım diyip 10X lira almışlardı. nasıl yetmez o para? ahah ayakta adam fortluyolar.

ben kickstartercıların detaylı bir budget planning ile gelmeleri gerektiğini bir anlamda bu yüzden söylüyordum. cukkalamışlar paraları yani :D
Mesaj tarihi:
prison architect diil bu oyun point and click adventure, early access'in zerre anlami yok. "3.3 milyona yuzde 25ini bitirebildik ama korkmayin steam early access ile gelecek para ile kalan yuzde 75i tamamlariz" nasil buyuk yalan belli degil ehue. hayir bizim almanlar senede 2 tane cikarip full oyunu catir catir satiyorlar steam'de gog'da, yuh lan...
Mesaj tarihi:
Warhero said:

Seru said:

backer'lar beklemesin mazeretenin arkasına sığınarak daha fazla para toplama peşindeler. nasıl yetmiyo para ben de anlamadım, zaten çuval çuval fazla para aldılar.

Çuval çuval para almaları mesele değil. Eldeki parayı iyi idare edemeyip gereğinden büyük işlerin altına girince böyle oluyor. Amaçladıkları hedefin 8 kat üstü para elde edince "o zaman oyunu 8 kat fazla geliştiriz" diyerek hareket ediyorlar. Oyunu 8 kat arttırmak demek bütçenin de 8 katla sınırlı büyümesi anlamına gelmiyor, bir bakıyorsun masraflar 20 kat artmış. Adamlar bunu ayarlamayı becerememiş, bu kadar deneyimli bir ekip için utanç verici bir durum.

Ekip deki CFO lari ve product manager larinin sicmasidir bu. Yoksa Artist/Developer ne butceden anlar ne duzgun PR dan.

Tecrubeleri cok yuksek de, finance uzerine tecrubeleri yok :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Konuyla ilgili Banner Saga'dan şöyle bir açıklama gelmiş:


It's interesting to think of it from someone else's point of view. For many people, letting a dev shoot for the moon is NOT the point. For a lot of people the point is I BOUGHT A GAME, WHERE IS IT? They want the biggest, best game ever made, on time, for their $10 contribution. I can see that, too. I don't really agree... but I suppose it's a matter of perspective.

If nothing else, I think the gaming community is finally getting a good picture about real game development. What would really shock people is that there is nothing unusual about any of this, except that you are finally seeing it. This is every game development story that has ever existed, except instead of the publisher dealing with it, YOU are.

Budgets of 1 to 4 million are small-to-medium sized. Our budget of $650k (in actual funding) is relatively small, half a year of production for a small team. Budgets of kickstarter projects asking for $20k... that's not enough to make a game, that's just some content. Surprise! Games you've come to expect as "standard" like Call of Duty: maybe 150 million to make, rough guess. You know how much Old Republic cost? I'm not legally allowed to tell you, actually. It's that much. Now you know.

Games take 1 year to make... if it's a casual iOS game, or an annual sequel. Medium sized games take 2-3 years. Large games take 4-5 years. Believe it or not, lots of games fall in a nebulous space between AAA and "indie", whatever that means. The Old Republic took over 6 years. Yeah, you started hearing about it 1 year before it released. It started production five years before that. For five years hundreds of people toiled on it 12 hours a day and you had no idea! Now you know! Isn't knowing about production right from the start wonderful? No, it's not. It's annoying. It takes FOREVER. That's why you usually don't hear anything until it's almost ready to ship.

Delays, content cuts, pushed back dates, plans to make revenue sooner- this is how games are developed. Bioshock Infinite, the biggest game of 2013, got delayed for half a year, AFTER pre-orders were sold. Journey took 3 years to make a 3 hour game and had to go back for more funding from Sony TWICE. That's how game development goes. They didn't know they'd need to do it. Humans are not good at estimating creative endeavors, no matter how "professional" they are.

We released a truly free demo hoping to make some extra cash for development, and got brutalized for it. But without that income and development time our single-player game wouldn't be as good. Some people will never understand this.

I've worked in games for about a decade. Some companies I worked for had their stuff together better than others. Some were a huge, hundred-million dollar, extremely delayed nightmares. Every company had delays and went over-budget. You know what a release date is? A guess. We're just guessing.

Essentially, I hope people don't freak out too much about what's happening with Kickstarter right now. It's not deceitful or underhanded. It's not a conspiracy. It's normal stuff, whether you like it or not. If Broken Age wasn't a Kickstarter game the first time you would have heard about it would be a couple months from ship, and that it was a two-part adventure game. And you would have been fine with that.
Mesaj tarihi:

It's interesting to think of it from someone else's point of view. For many people, letting a dev shoot for the moon is NOT the point. For a lot of people the point is I BOUGHT A GAME, WHERE IS IT? They want the biggest, best game ever made, on time, for their $10 contribution. I can see that, too. I don't really agree... but I suppose it's a matter of perspective.

tabii canim point and click adventure'i kickstartlayan triple A production bekliyordu zaten, swtor karsilastirmalari tamamiyla uygun... mismanagement'in suclusu da oyuncu oldu ehue
Mesaj tarihi:
abi okuyunca sanıyorsun ki adamlar yeni call of duty yapıyor, öyle anlatmış.

benim bunlara karnım tok arkadaş. beşiktaşlıyım ben. yıldırım demirören gördük biz. Tim Schafer feda diyecek! sdfdsf.
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