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Shiva Test Başlıyor :)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Burda burda!

And so it begins...

The Shiv test server and in-game shiva testing channel are available to everyone with a current subscription to EVE. Click on the link to the new Dev Blog for information on how to connect and other pertinent information.

The Shiva sign-up and status page also has information on what is ready for testing and what is pending deployment. Once your testing account is active, please take the time to test and submit bug reports. Keep in mind that Singularity is a test server and needs to be treated as such.

Community Manager,
EVE Online

Shiva sign-up and status page[signature][hline]God created the earth in six days, on the seventh he rendered.
@ui ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected]
ek$i | DevianArt | Eve-Online
Mesaj tarihi:
hayatımız test be kardeşim, eksik olsun, aslını beklerim.. :)[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
Mesaj tarihi:
benimki active olmuş
var mı başka?


bu adresten shiva için gerekli yama indirilebiliyor, ama ana oyun dizinini yedekleyip ona uygulayın diyolar, yoksa tekrar normal sunucuya bağlanamazsınızmış[signature][hline].:. He who fights with monsters should look to himself does not become a monster...When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you .:.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
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